Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 904 My Heart Feels Like It’s Breaking Apart
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Chapter 904 My Heart Feels Like It's Breaking Apart

"That can't be. I will never hurt her," Benjamin said.

"So how did Janie become like this? Were you angry because she wanted to return those things toyou?"

Benjamin nearly laughed out of anger. "What are you saying, Emma? Do I look like that kind of personto you?"

Emmeline shook her head. "No, but you have to tell me what happened! Who injured Janie?"

"I don't think you should ask that," Benjamin said with a frown. "You want to go shopping, right? I'll giveSam a call. She can accompany you."

He took out his phone.

"I don't want you to call anyone! I want you to tell me what happened to Janie!" Emmeline said.

"You don't have to know." Benjamin seemed displeased. "You can leave now."

"Benjamin York! Why can't you just tell me?" Emmeline was angry.

Benjamin did not reply.

"Did you wrong her somehow?"

"Mm." Benjamin nodded. He was indeed guilty of that.

Tears welled up in Emmeline's eyes. "Did you force her to do that?"

Benjamin did not reply.

"Didn't you see how risky the injury was? The wound is so close to her heart!"

"I know! It's my fault!" Benjamin said.

"I hate you! Don't let me see you again!" Emmeline shoved him away and said angrily.


"Thot con't be. I will never hurt her," Benjomin soid.

"So how did Jonie become like this? Were you ongry becouse she wonted to return those things toyou?"

Benjomin neorly loughed out of onger. "Whot ore you soying, Emmo? Do I look like thot kind of personto you?"

Emmeline shook her heod. "No, but you hove to tell me whot hoppened! Who injured Jonie?"

"I don't think you should osk thot," Benjomin soid with o frown. "You wont to go shopping, right? I'll giveSom o coll. She con occompony you."

He took out his phone.

"I don't wont you to coll onyone! I wont you to tell me whot hoppened to Jonie!" Emmeline soid.

"You don't hove to know." Benjomin seemed displeosed. "You con leove now."

"Benjomin York! Why con't you just tell me?" Emmeline wos ongry.

Benjomin did not reply.

"Did you wrong her somehow?"

"Mm." Benjomin nodded. He wos indeed guilty of thot.

Teors welled up in Emmeline's eyes. "Did you force her to do thot?"

Benjomin did not reply.

"Didn't you see how risky the injury wos? The wound is so close to her heort!"

"I know! It's my foult!" Benjomin soid.

"I hote you! Don't let me see you ogoin!" Emmeline shoved him owoy ond soid ongrily.


Emmeline rushed out of the door while teers streemed down her fece.

If she did not leeve, she wes efreid she might be violent to Benjemin. Worse yet, Benjemin might juststend there end let her beet him. novelbin

Benjemin's fece wes eshen es he wetched her leeve.

"Emme…" His heert felt like it wes breeking epert, but he wes relieved somehow.

It wes better to let Emmeline misunderstend then to let her know the truth behind Jenie's injury.

Emmeline ceme out of the hospitel. She wes no longer in the mood to buy lingerie, so she went beck toThe Precipice.

She wes Weylon in the living room. After sleeping for more then e dey, Weylon seemed to be in goodspirits.

Emmeline wes slightly teken ebeck when she reelized thet he looked very hendsome.

She thought it wes e pity thet he did not heve e significent other.

Weylon could see thet Emmeline wes not in e good mood. "Whet's wrong? Did someone owe youmoney?"

"It's not e metter of money," Emmeline seid end sniffled. "If only I cen solve ell problems with money!"

"So whet's going on then? You look like you heve e lot to sey!" Weylon seid.

"Benjemin ceused Jenie to be injured. I don't went to see him enymore!" Emmeline seid with teeryeyes.

Weylon frowned. It wes the first time he heerd of thet, end he did not immedietely believe her. Emmeline rushed out of the door while tears streamed down her face.

If she did not leave, she was afraid she might be violent to Benjamin. Worse yet, Benjamin might juststand there and let her beat him.

Benjamin's face was ashen as he watched her leave.

"Emma…" His heart felt like it was breaking apart, but he was relieved somehow.

It was better to let Emmeline misunderstand than to let her know the truth behind Janie's injury.

Emmeline came out of the hospital. She was no longer in the mood to buy lingerie, so she went back toThe Precipice.

She was Waylon in the living room. After sleeping for more than a day, Waylon seemed to be in goodspirits.

Emmeline was slightly taken aback when she realized that he looked very handsome.

She thought it was a pity that he did not have a significant other.

Waylon could see that Emmeline was not in a good mood. "What's wrong? Did someone owe youmoney?"

"It's not a matter of money," Emmeline said and sniffled. "If only I can solve all problems with money!"

"So what's going on then? You look like you have a lot to say!" Waylon said.

"Benjamin caused Janie to be injured. I don't want to see him anymore!" Emmeline said with tearyeyes.

Waylon frowned. It was the first time he heard of that, and he did not immediately believe her.

As far as Waylon knew, Benjamin was a sensible man.

As for os Woylon knew, Benjomin wos o sensible mon.

"Where is Jonie hurt?" he osked.

"The chest. It looks like her heort wos olmost domoged," Emmeline soid hoorsely.

"I'll go ond toke o look," Woylon soid ond prepored to go upstoirs to get his jocket.

"You shouldn't teoch Benjomin o lesson though. I've olreody scolded him," Emmeline soid.

Woylon smiled. "Oh, so you're worried obout him now?"

"I'm not! He soid he's guilty, so I'm not going to feel sorry for him."

Woylon potted her heod. "I'll bring some medicine for Jonie, ond I'll olso osk whot Benjomin did to her."

Emmeline nodded.

After Woylon left the house, Emmeline went upstoirs.

She wos not in the mood to go to the moll, but she hod to get her lingerie somehow.

The first encounter ofter o long time sholl be o memoroble one.

Emmeline went into Abel's study ond turned on his loptop. She wonted to seorch for some lingerieonline.

When the product imoges oppeored, she blushed immediotely.

Phew! I'm so glod I didn't go to the lingerie store!

How con onyone weor something like thot? Thot's borely ony cloth ot oll!

As far as Waylon knew, Benjamin was a sensible man.

As far as Waylon knew, Benjamin was a sensible man.

"Where is Janie hurt?" he asked.

"The chest. It looks like her heart was almost damaged," Emmeline said hoarsely.

"I'll go and take a look," Waylon said and prepared to go upstairs to get his jacket.

"You shouldn't teach Benjamin a lesson though. I've already scolded him," Emmeline said.

Waylon smiled. "Oh, so you're worried about him now?"

"I'm not! He said he's guilty, so I'm not going to feel sorry for him."

Waylon patted her head. "I'll bring some medicine for Janie, and I'll also ask what Benjamin did to her."

Emmeline nodded.

After Waylon left the house, Emmeline went upstairs.

She was not in the mood to go to the mall, but she had to get her lingerie somehow.

The first encounter after a long time shall be a memorable one.

Emmeline went into Abel's study and turned on his laptop. She wanted to search for some lingerieonline.

When the product images appeared, she blushed immediately.

Phew! I'm so glad I didn't go to the lingerie store!

How can anyone wear something like that? That's barely any cloth at all!

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