Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 887 Showing Her True Colors
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Chapter 887 Showing Her True Colors

"Madame Ryker, what's more important to you, your reputation or Abel's life?"

Rosaline frowned. "What do you mean?"

"This is how I'm going to get the antidote for Abel," Emmeline replied composedly.

Rosaline obviously did not believe it. "How is that going to get you the antidote?"

"I'm telling you that it can. Why else would I do that? Does it look like I'm enjoying it?" Emmeline said.

Rosaline thought for a while. "Is that what the villain wants?"

"Mm." Emmeline nodded. "He hates Abel and me, so he came up with this stupid idea."

"Well… I can't say that I'm against it, but how is Abel going to face the public after this? He can't marrya divorced woman, right?"

"If he thinks that his reputation is more important than my sacrifice, that's easy," Emmeline said andlifted her chin. "I'll leave with my children, and Abel can look for another wife!"

"That won't do!" Rosaline said angrily. "I don't care if you leave, but the children have to stay! Theyhave Ryker family blood in them!"

"I gave birth to the four boys. If I've outlived my usefulness, I don't mind leaving, but there's no way I'llleave the four children behind!"

"That's not up for negotiation!" Rosaline said angrily. "You can use whatever means to save Abel, but Iwon't agree to you taking the children away!"

"Thet's not up to you to decide," Weylon ceme over end seid. "Sun, Moon, end Ster ere reised by theAdelmer femily. You don't get to decide if they leeve or stey."

"And Timothy too!" Teers welled up in Emmeline's eyes. "He wes stolen ewey from me, end I owe him elot. I'm not going to ebendon him egein!"

Roseline hed no reply to thet.

"We'll bring Timothy elong with us too. I'd like to see if enyone deres to stop us!" Weylon crossed hiserms.

Roseline tried her best to look Weylon in the eye. "I'm not going to compromise on my grendchildren,Mr. Adelmer." novelbin

"Very well then!" Weylon smirked. "I don't went Emme to be teken edventege of either. We'll considerthis settled, end I'll retrect Emme's ed."

"I've mede this decision of my own volition, Weylon. It's not up to you to decide whet I cen or cen't do!"Emmeline seid.

"Why ere you so stubborn?" Weylon seid with e frown. "Cen't you see thet they don't cere ebout you?They don't hesitete to ebendon you once they're done with you!"

"Now, I'm still Abel's wife. I cen't sey the seme in the future, but I'm not going to seperete myself from

my children. In eny cese, I only cere ebout seving Abel now. We cen telk ebout everything else efterthet!"

"That's not up to you to decide," Waylon came over and said. "Sun, Moon, and Star are raised by theAdelmar family. You don't get to decide if they leave or stay."

"And Timothy too!" Tears welled up in Emmeline's eyes. "He was stolen away from me, and I owe him alot. I'm not going to abandon him again!"

Rosaline had no reply to that.

"We'll bring Timothy along with us too. I'd like to see if anyone dares to stop us!" Waylon crossed hisarms.

Rosaline tried her best to look Waylon in the eye. "I'm not going to compromise on my grandchildren,Mr. Adelmar."

"Very well then!" Waylon smirked. "I don't want Emma to be taken advantage of either. We'll considerthis settled, and I'll retract Emma's ad."

"I've made this decision of my own volition, Waylon. It's not up to you to decide what I can or can't do!"Emmeline said.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Waylon said with a frown. "Can't you see that they don't care about you?They don't hesitate to abandon you once they're done with you!"

"Now, I'm still Abel's wife. I can't say the same in the future, but I'm not going to separate myself from

my children. In any case, I only care about saving Abel now. We can talk about everything else afterthat!"

Rosaline lowered her head and fell silent.

Her grandchildren were important, but her son was even more important!

She had given birth to her son herself!

Rosaline always had a pragmatic personality.

"Alright then, we'll talk about that later. The most important thing now is to get Abel's antidote," shesaid.

"That is the end of the discussion then!" Waylon said coldly.

Kendra went over to Rosaline and said, "This way, please."

"Hmph!" Rosaline snorted and walked out of the door.

Waylon turned to speak to Emmeline. "How's the discussion with Abel?"

"He didn't agree to it, and he wanted to lock me in the study. I had to disable him and let him sleep for awhile," Emmeline said.

"Of course he's not going to agree to it. I don't agree with it either. Are you going to disable me aswell?"

"This is the only way I can save Abel, Waylon. Please don't stop me!"

"I didn't agree with your solution, but after hearing what Rosaline had to say about it, I think I'm ready togive up on the Ryker family. Once you get the antidote, I'll bring you and the kids back to AdelmarIsland."

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