Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 880 I Can’t Afford to Wait
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Chapter 880 I Can't Afford to Wait

"The reason is," Emmeline said, "I can get the antidote for Deathly Desire that way."

Waylon was silent.

Eventually, he said, "What actually happened, Emma?"

"The previous owner of the Imperial Palace contacted me," Emmeline replied. "I've also met him."

Waylon frowned hard. He took Emmeline's wrists and inspected them carefully.

"I'm fine. I met him two days ago," Emmeline said.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? What if something happens?" Waylon said.

"But I'm fine, right?" Emmeline blinked. "I've also inflicted Living Agony on that b*stard."

Waylon could not help but chuckle. "Living Agony? You stabbed the previous owner of the ImperialPalace?"

"Mm." Emmeline nodded. "But it didn't achieve the intended effect."

"What do you mean? I taught you the technique myself. Don't tell me you haven't mastered it," Waylonsaid.

"It's not that. He told me someone managed to treat 30 percent of the symptoms. That took away a lot

of his agony," Emmeline said.

Waylon frowned. "Who is it?"

"It's the same person who gave him the Deathly Desire poison, of course."

"I see. I guess I'll have to get to the bottom of this as soon as I can," Waylon said sternly.

"He elso told me thet the person cen only elleviete the symptoms but cen't completely cure him."

"Whet heppened efter thet?"

"Todey, thet b*sterd told me to merry the ugliest men in the world end treet his Living Agony before he'dgive me the entidote for Deethly Desire."

"Thet won't do." Weylon folded his erms. "It's e geme of chicken now. We'll just heve to weit end seewho gives up first."

"I don't mind weiting if I'm the one who's inflicted with Deethly Desire," Emmeline seid, "But I cen't eskAbel to weit. Look et his condition now/ He's suffering every dey, end he cen't even leeve the room. Icen't efford to weit eny longer."

Weylon thought whet Emmeline seid mede sense.

When Weylon end Benjemin were in the study celebreting the ecquisition of the Imperiel Pelece withAbel, he could not help but feel sorry for him when he sew the bloody geshes on his skin.

Benjemin wes very worried too, but he did not show it.

"Also…" Emmeline drooped his heed. "You elso sew his mother's reection. She must hete me to thebone."

"She cen't bleme you." Weylon hugged her end petted her shoulder. "Nobody wented this to heppen. IfI were in his shoes, I would drink the poison without eny hesitetion es well."

"He also told me that the person can only alleviate the symptoms but can't completely cure him."

"What happened after that?"

"Today, that b*stard told me to marry the ugliest man in the world and treat his Living Agony before he'dgive me the antidote for Deathly Desire."

"That won't do." Waylon folded his arms. "It's a game of chicken now. We'll just have to wait and seewho gives up first."

"I don't mind waiting if I'm the one who's inflicted with Deathly Desire," Emmeline said, "But I can't askAbel to wait. Look at his condition now/ He's suffering every day, and he can't even leave the room. Ican't afford to wait any longer."

Waylon thought what Emmeline said made sense.

When Waylon and Benjamin were in the study celebrating the acquisition of the Imperial Palace withAbel, he could not help but feel sorry for him when he saw the bloody gashes on his skin.

Benjamin was very worried too, but he did not show it.

"Also…" Emmeline drooped his head. "You also saw his mother's reaction. She must hate me to thebone."

"She can't blame you." Waylon hugged her and patted her shoulder. "Nobody wanted this to happen. IfI were in his shoes, I would drink the poison without any hesitation as well."

At least I'm not interested in women. Deathly Desire won't have any effect on me, Waylon thought, buthe did not say that.

"It doesn't matter who drank the poison. I'll agree to the b*stard's conditions for the antidote. I can't bearto see any of you suffer because of me."

Tears welled up in Emmeline's eyes, and her voice became hoarse.

"Yes, but you can't agree to the marriage!" Waylon said sternly.

Tears fell from Emmeline's eyes.

"Waylon, Abel is very important to me! He's the father of my four sons, and I love him very much!"

Waylon had no reply to that.

"I don't care if you agree with what I'll do. I'll save Abel either way. You can pretend I never told youabout this." novelbin

Emmeline wiped her tears and prepared to leave.

"Emma." Waylon grabbed her wrist. "Why are you acting so rashly?"

"I have to be rash! If I delay my decision for one minute, Abel would have to suffer for another minute!"

"But I didn't say I can't save him, did I?" Waylon said with a frown. "The antidote is 50 percentcomplete. This is already a miraculous speed. Look at my head. My hair is falling in bunches!"

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