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Chapter 740

Chapter 740 Going In Circles

Abel grabbed the man and pushed him out of the elevator. The working girl who had just beenabandoned by the man looked at Abel, who was disguised as a blonde now, wide–eyed.

She was shocked to see the blonde’s hairy legs. Abel paused and glared at her, “What are you lookingat?” She pointed at his legs and said, “Girl, you need to shave your legs.”

Abel glanced at his legs and shrugged. “I don’t think so. You have no idea how liberating it is to let yourhair grow as nature intends.”

He turned on his heel and walked toward the lounge. Men and women gathered here for drinks andentertainment. If they felt like it, guests could bring the working girls out to get a room.

The lounge was dimly–lit, and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol filled the air. Abel frowned. Hewondered why men would waste their time at this place. There had to be better things to do thanwasting time here.

He usually visited Section A in the Imperial Palace for a drink or two only. It was the first time heentered this exclusive lounge area.

Turning around, he saw someone familiar. Evelyn was sitting by a table with a bunch of men and aworking girl. She was scantily clad, and the men were touching her all over, but she did not seem tomind.

Let’s take it slow, alright?” She was smiling sweetly. One of the men laughed. “How could you ask meto take it slow when I am with you? Why don’t we get out of here and get a room?”

Abel could not believe Evelyn had stooped so low after the Murphy family kicked her out. He walkedaway and sat down by one of the tables. He needed someone to get him into Section G.

A few minutes later, a man approached Abel, seemingly tipsy. The man looked at Abel excitedly. “Whata gorgeous blonde! Today’s my lucky day.”

“What is your name? Let’s get a few drinks, shall we?” The man tried to touch Abel’s face, but Abelpushed his hand away. He smiled drily, “My name is Teresa. Please, sit with me.”

The man sat down beside Abel and tried to pull Abel into his arms. Abel avoided him, “Let’s take itslow, okay? This is my first time.”

“First time?” The man chuckled. “Well, I am honored.” Abel took a deep breath and tried to soundfeminine, “Why don’t we start with getting some drinks? After that, we could get a room.”

“Sure!” The man beamed at Abel. “I will make sure you enjoy every minute of being with me.”

Abel frowned. He would have punched this man if he was not disguised as a working girl here. Hedecided he would teach the man a lesson when this was over.

The man ordered drinks, and the two began to drink. It did not take long for the man to pass out drunk.Abel said to him, “It’s getting uncomfortable here. Let’s get out of here, shall we?”

The man staggered to his feet, and Abel helped him to get to Section G. Two bouncers at the entranceof Section G stopped them. “Hey, where are you going?”

“We need to get a room for some private business,” Abel said, “Please let us through.”

“You are heading in the wrong direction,” the bouncer refused, “The private rooms are not here.”

Abel pretended to be surprised. “Oh, I am so sorry. I am new, and this place is so huge! Would youbring me to the right place please?”

“I could direct you,” the bouncer replied impatiently, “Turn around, go straight and turn left twice. Gostraight and take another turn, and you will be there.”

Abel tried to look as innocent as he could. “Oh dear, that sounds so confusing! I am afraid I will begoing in circles on my own.”novelbin

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