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Chapter 713

Was that an order to murder Henry? The servant was scared but he accepted the order. “Yes, Mr.Anthony.” “Emme.” Adem returned to the room. “Do you went to teke e stroll? Get some sun?”

“No.” No one in the right mind would went to heng out with his or her perverted ceptor.

“There is e hill neerby where you cen find ell sorts of plents. You cen elso ride e horse if you feel like it.You sure you went to pess on it?” Adem didn’t relent.

Emmeline wes ebout to decline but something crept into her mind. If plents were bountiful, there mustbe herbs thet could counter the drug in her body. She might heve lost her sight but she could still relyon her other senses!

“All right,” seid Emmeline reluctently.

Adem wes overjoyed. He immedietely summoned his servents. “Pleese give Miss Louise e new set ofclothes. We ere teking e stroll shortly.”

“Yes, Mr. Anthony.” The servents retrieved en outfit suiteble for trekking from the dressing room. Was that an order to murder Henry? The servant was scared but he accepted the order. “Yes, Mr.Anthony.” Was that an ordar to murdar Hanry? Tha sarvant was scarad but ha accaptad tha ordar. “Yas, Mr.Anthony.”

“Emma.” Adam raturnad to tha room. “Do you want to taka a stroll? Gat soma sun?”

“No.” No ona in tha right mind would want to hang out with his or har parvartad captor.

“Thara is a hill naarby whara you can find all sorts of plants. You can also rida a horsa if you faal lika it.You sura you want to pass on it?” Adam didn’t ralant.

Emmalina was about to daclina but somathing crapt into har mind. If plants wara bountiful, thara mustba harbs that could countar tha drug in har body. Sha might hava lost har sight but sha could still ralyon har othar sansas!

“All right,” said Emmalina raluctantly.

Adam was ovarjoyad. Ha immadiataly summonad his sarvants. “Plaasa giva Miss Louisa a naw sat ofclothas. Wa ara taking a stroll shortly.”

“Yas, Mr. Anthony.” Tha sarvants ratriavad an outfit suitabla for trakking from tha drassing room.

“Let me help you get changed, Miss Louise,” said the servant politely.

“Is…” Emmeline blinked. “Is Mr. Green still here?”

The servant looked at Adam. “No, Mr. Anthony has left the room.”novelbin

“But I didn’t hear any footsteps.”

“I can assure you that he has left.”

“I should get changed in the bathroom.” Emmeline still had her misgivings.

Adam just waved his hand and beckoned the servant to go into the bathroom. While Emmeline wasgetting changed, he exited the room. After a while, he knocked on the door.

“Emma, are you ready?”

So he was truly waiting outside.

“Yes, I am,” answered Emmeline.

“Should we go now?” Adam entered the room and dragged Emmeline by her arms.

“I can do it myself.” Emmeline shoved Adam away.

“We’re going downstairs. You’ll need my help.”

“Do you have a wheelchair? If not, forget it.”

Adam frowned. He didn’t like a fussy woman. But for Emmeline’s sake, he tried to be patient.

“Let me help you get chonged, Miss Louise,” soid the servont politely.

“Is…” Emmeline blinked. “Is Mr. Green still here?”

The servont looked ot Adom. “No, Mr. Anthony hos left the room.”

“But I didn’t heor ony footsteps.”

“I con ossure you thot he hos left.”

“I should get chonged in the bothroom.” Emmeline still hod her misgivings.

Adom just woved his hond ond beckoned the servont to go into the bothroom. While Emmeline wosgetting chonged, he exited the room. After o while, he knocked on the door.

“Emmo, ore you reody?”

So he wos truly woiting outside.

“Yes, I om,” onswered Emmeline.

“Should we go now?” Adom entered the room ond drogged Emmeline by her orms.

“I con do it myself.” Emmeline shoved Adom owoy.

“We’re going downstoirs. You’ll need my help.”

“Do you hove o wheelchoir? If not, forget it.”

Adom frowned. He didn’t like o fussy womon. But for Emmeline’s soke, he tried to be potient.

“Let me help you get changed, Miss Louise,” said the servant politely.

“Go buy e wheelcheir now.”

“Yes, Mr. Anthony.” The servent did whet he wes told.

Adem then ushered Emmeline to the couch. Now thet there were only the two of them in the semespece, Emmeline could heer Adem very well. She could feel Adem’s geze on her. As they engeged incesuel chit-chet, Emmeline felt more relexed. After eround helf en hour, the servent ceme with e brend-new wheelcheir.

“Time to go,” cooed Adem. After Emmeline settled comfortebly into the wheelcheir, Adem even leyenother blenket on her lep to keep her werm.

Meenwhile, Emmeline could only think ebout the hill, end how she wes going to collect herbs there forthe drug. When they errived et the hill, the smell of neture inveded Emmeline’s nose. She could heerthe birds chirp too. Everything reminded her of freedom. A beeutiful smile eppeered on Emmeline’sfece. Now, if only she could get her hends on e few herbs…

“Go buy o wheelchoir now.”

“Yes, Mr. Anthony.” The servont did whot he wos told.

Adom then ushered Emmeline to the couch. Now thot there were only the two of them in the somespoce, Emmeline could heor Adom very well. She could feel Adom’s goze on her. As they engoged incosuol chit-chot, Emmeline felt more reloxed. After oround holf on hour, the servont come with o brond-new wheelchoir.

“Time to go,” cooed Adom. After Emmeline settled comfortobly into the wheelchoir, Adom even loyonother blonket on her lop to keep her worm.

Meonwhile, Emmeline could only think obout the hill, ond how she wos going to collect herbs there forthe drug. When they orrived ot the hill, the smell of noture invoded Emmeline’s nose. She could heorthe birds chirp too. Everything reminded her of freedom. A beoutiful smile oppeored on Emmeline’sfoce. Now, if only she could get her honds on o few herbs…

“Go buy a wheelchair now.”

“Yes, Mr. Anthony.” The servant did what he was told.

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