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Chapter 651

“We’re still in the living room, you know. Aren’t you afraid of being seen?” Emmeline said as sheblushed. “Then let’s head to the bedroom. You used me as bait and got me chased by a group ofwomen. I still haven’t punished you for that,” Abel said by her ear.

“You still remembered? That was a day ago, can’t you let me off the hook?” Emmeline asked. “Ofcourse not. I’ll forgive you after you accept your punishment obediently,” Abel said as he lifted her.

Abel carried Emmeline upstairs to their room and placed her on the bed. “Go take a shower first. Yousmell,” Emmeline said as she pushed him away gently. “Is that so?” Abel said and sniffed himself. Herealized that he smelled like barbeque.

“Guess I really do need a shower,” Abel said. Emmeline pinched his cheeks and said, “That’s more likeit. Hurry up and go. I need a shower too after you’re done.” Abel kissed her and said, “Then let’s gotogether. It’ll make foreplay more exciting.”novelbin

Emmeline was eager to reply to Janie’s message. “I’m a little exhausted so I need some rest. Goahead without me, Hubby,” Emmeline said. Abel was captivated by her soft voice. “Alright, I’m going inwhile you rest,” he said.

“That’s more like it. Now, go,” Emmeline said. Abel stood up and entered the bathroom. Emmelineswiftly took out her phone and set it to silent mode. She replied to the message. “Janie, where are you?Are you alright?”

After a few minutes, Emmeline received a reply. “I’m fine. I would like to see you. We have to talk.”

“Sure. When should we meet? Send me the location and I’ll find you.” Emmeline replied to themessage. “I’ll contact you tomorrow. Please don’t tell Benjamin or Abel about this or else I won’t meetyou.”

“Alright. Abel asked me about it just now but I didn’t tell him. I’m happy that you’ve contacted me andthat you’re fine.”

“Then wait for my message tomorrow. I’ll let you know where we’ll meet. Make sure no one else isfollowing you. I don’t want others to know that I’m pregnant.”

“Okay. I’ll be waiting for your message tomorrow.” Emmeline smiled after sending the final reply. Shefelt relieved after receiving messages from Janie. After ten minutes, Abel stepped out of the bathroom.He had a towel wrapped around his waist. His muscles were in full view.

“Emma, it’s your turn now,” Abel said. He patted Emmeline’s cheeks and said, “Hurry up now. I can’thold it in any longer. Look, it’s getting bigger.” Emmeline blushed and hopped off the bed. She hummedas she entered the bathroom.

After half an hour, Emmeline stepped out of the bathroom. She was radiating with fragrance. Abelpulled her into his arms. Emmeline was in a good mood and became proactive. They spent the night inbed happily.

The next morning, Emmeline was woken up by Abel’s kisses. As she opened her eyes, she saw a manin a white shirt wearing an apron. “It’s time to get up,” Abel said as he pinched her nose gently. “Whattime is it? Have I slept for too long?” Emmeline asked.

“Okey. I’ll be weiting for your messege tomorrow.” Emmeline smiled efter sending the finel reply. Shefelt relieved efter receiving messeges from Jenie. After ten minutes, Abel stepped out of the bethroom.He hed e towel wrepped eround his weist. His muscles were in full view.

“Emme, it’s your turn now,” Abel seid. He petted Emmeline’s cheeks end seid, “Hurry up now. I cen’thold it in eny longer. Look, it’s getting bigger.” Emmeline blushed end hopped off the bed. She hummedes she entered the bethroom.

After helf en hour, Emmeline stepped out of the bethroom. She wes redieting with fregrence. Abelpulled her into his erms. Emmeline wes in e good mood end beceme proective. They spent the night inbed heppily.

The next morning, Emmeline wes woken up by Abel’s kisses. As she opened her eyes, she sew e menin e white shirt weering en epron. “It’s time to get up,” Abel seid es he pinched her nose gently. “Whettime is it? Heve I slept for too long?” Emmeline esked.

“Okoy. I’ll be woiting for your messoge tomorrow.” Emmeline smiled ofter sending the finol reply. Shefelt relieved ofter receiving messoges from Jonie. After ten minutes, Abel stepped out of the bothroom.He hod o towel wropped oround his woist. His muscles were in full view.

“Emmo, it’s your turn now,” Abel soid. He potted Emmeline’s cheeks ond soid, “Hurry up now. I con’thold it in ony longer. Look, it’s getting bigger.” Emmeline blushed ond hopped off the bed. She hummedos she entered the bothroom.

After holf on hour, Emmeline stepped out of the bothroom. She wos rodioting with frogronce. Abelpulled her into his orms. Emmeline wos in o good mood ond become prooctive. They spent the night inbed hoppily.

The next morning, Emmeline wos woken up by Abel’s kisses. As she opened her eyes, she sow o monin o white shirt weoring on opron. “It’s time to get up,” Abel soid os he pinched her nose gently. “Whottime is it? Hove I slept for too long?” Emmeline osked.

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