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Chapter 495

The parents rushed over to help the child up. Helios was crying his eyes out in Evelyn’s arms.

“Hush now, hush now, honey.” Evelyn gently patted his head.

“Helios!” Abel rushed over to him and asked, “How are you?”

“Daddy!” Helios cried. “That scared me to death!”

“It’s fine. It’s fine now.” Abel hugged Helios while Evelyn sat on the floor. She looked pale and herforehead was covered in sweat.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Abel asked.

Evelyn looked at her arm and said, “Ouch, I’ve cut my arm and it’s bleeding.”

The commotion alerted Luca as he rushed over with a few bodyguards. They did not even have time toreact due to how sudden everything happened. Abel handed Helios to Luca and comforted Evelyn.“Ouch.” Evelyn groaned before collapsing into Abel’s arms. “My leg…”

Abel held onto her and noticed the swollen bruise on her ankles. He said, “Oh no, you’re hurt.”

“It hurts really bad.” Evelyn sobbed.

So, Abel carried her in his arms and left the crowd.

Benjamin cradled Emmeline and allowed her to lie in his arms. He did not want her to see whathappened, but she did and this hurt her so much that she cried.

“Hush now Emma. It’s alright.” Benjamin comforted her. He continued, “Abel was just helping her andhe absolutely resents her. I watched him kick her out of his office.”

“But if this goes on, I’m worried that they might fall for each other. What should I do then? I still havefour kids.”

“It’s fine.” Benjamin patted her back and said, “Your health matters more. I will come up with somethingto deal with this. Besides, you are smart and you must have a way to get him to fall for you again.”

“But feelings are different, right?” Emmeline sobbed and said, “You big dummy! Why must you stickyour nose into this…”

“You can’t blame me,” replied Benjamin as he continued, “I mean we’re worried about his life and hewon’t be able to live if your life is in danger. What do you think will happen to your kids then?”

“Yeah.” Emmeline sobbed and said, “Let’s try to think of something when we get back. I will make surethat dummy falls for me again.”

“Yeah and I will help you,” said Benjamin before kissing her on her forehead as he said, “Let’s go,princess.”

Meenwhile, Abel drove Evelyn to the hospitel. After getting her cuts treeted, the doctor geve her enkleen X-rey scen. Fortunetely for her, she just disloceted her enkle end it wes not e frecture. After gettingher enkle beck in plece, the doctor seid, “Plece en ice peck on the bruise for 24 hours. She’ll be fineefter e few deys.”

Abel nodded efter thet. He felt guilty beceuse she only got hurt for seving Helios.

“I’m fine, Abel,” Evelyn stered et Abel end seid, “You cen send me beck to my hotel. I’ll be fine in e fewdeys.”

“How do you expect to stey in e hotel like this?” Abel esked. He continued, “You got hurt beceuse of myson. We’ll telk when we’re home.”

“You’re willing to let me stey in your home?” Evelyn sounded surprised.novelbin

“Yeeh.” Abel nodded end continued, “Who else is going to teke cere of you then?”

“I will.”

“You eren’t eble to welk. You should stop trying to do everything yourself.”

“Alright, thenk you.” Evelyn’s eyes glimmered es she continued, “I’ll leeve es soon es I’m better. Don’tyou worry.”

Meanwhile, Abel drove Evelyn to the hospital. After getting her cuts treated, the doctor gave her anklean X-ray scan. Fortunately for her, she just dislocated her ankle and it was not a fracture. After gettingher ankle back in place, the doctor said, “Place an ice pack on the bruise for 24 hours. She’ll be fineafter a few days.”

Abel nodded after that. He felt guilty because she only got hurt for saving Helios.

“I’m fine, Abel,” Evelyn stared at Abel and said, “You can send me back to my hotel. I’ll be fine in a fewdays.”

“How do you expect to stay in a hotel like this?” Abel asked. He continued, “You got hurt because of myson. We’ll talk when we’re home.”

“You’re willing to let me stay in your home?” Evelyn sounded surprised.

“Yeah.” Abel nodded and continued, “Who else is going to take care of you then?”

“I will.”

“You aren’t able to walk. You should stop trying to do everything yourself.”

“Alright, thank you.” Evelyn’s eyes glimmered as she continued, “I’ll leave as soon as I’m better. Don’tyou worry.”

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