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Chapter 414

Evelyn dismissively waved her hand and said, “You’re a big girl. Studying isn’t important.”

Lizbeth asked, “Then what is?”

Evelyn replied, “Finding yourself a good man, of course.”

Lizbeth fell quiet. The man she liked was Abel Ryker, and so did her sister.

Moreover, Evelyn told her that Abel already had a wife and kids.

It was true. Abel’s wife was none other than Emmeline Louise.

She was her comrade back when they were trapped in the Imperial Palace.

Pouting with her dainty lips, Lizbeth said, “There is no man that I like right now. Abel already has a wife.Not to mention, his children are already 4 years old. I’m not interested in anybody else.”

Taking out her phone and showing Lizbeth the search ad, Evelyn said, “Well, how about this man then?I think you’ll quite like him.”

Lizbeth looked at Adrien and asked, “Him? Who is he? He looks a bit like Abel.”

Evelyn replied, “He’s Abel’s older cousin, Adrien, and he’s looking for a marriage partner. Not tomention, he’s looking for someone who bears a resemblance to Emmeline. Aren’t you the perfect fitthen?”

Lizbeth asked, “Me? How?”

Evelyn said, “Yeah, you totally look alike with Emmeline. Besides, isn’t this the perfect opportunity foryou to marry into the Ryker family and be the mistress of a prestigious family?”

Lizbeth shook her head, “But I don’t like Abel’s cousin. I like Abel.”

Evelyn responded, “Just forget about Abel. At most, once you get to know Adrien, you’ll get to see Abelmore often.”

Lizbeth smiled coldly, “Evelyn, you’re not just using me to try and get close to Abel, are you?”

Evelyn was a little distressed, and said, “Who, me? Abel already has Emmeline. Why would I want toget close to him?”

Lizbeth scoffed, “They’re not married, so you still have a chance. Those were your own words.”

“…” Evelyn fell silent.

Twirling her hair, Lizbeth continued, “Don’t be mad that I hit the nail on the spot. Tell you what. I’ll goand get to know this Adrien for myself. Who knows? Something good might come out of it.”

Evelyn was ecstatic, “So you’re agreeing to it then? Adrien’s marriage candidate exhibition is in threedays. You sign up now, and I’ll go with you to the exhibition, okay?”

Lizbeth was very outgoing, “Yeah sure. You can sign up for me then.”

Evelyn said, “Alright. I’m sure that Adrien will like you the minute he sees you.”

“As for you, I’m assuming you’ll just be watching Abel helplessly from the sidelines then?”


Evelyn’s expression darkened as she said grimly, “That’s alright. I’m satisfied just getting a fewglimpses of him from the crowd.”

Back over at Fifteen Avery Park.

Both Benjamin and Abel had finished their meal, and over the course of it, drank a lot of alcohol.

As a result, the two of them were a little tipsy.

Benjamin narrowed his eyes in a drunken stupor and said, “Emma, after this, I’ll get your dowry readyand send you off with a bang.”

Abel joked in an inebriated manner, “I’m the one who’s marrying her with a bang. Aren’t you envious ofme, Benjamin?”

Putting his hands over Abel’s shoulder, Benjamin replied, “Of course I am! That’s why you absolutelyhave to protect Emma and keep her safe from any sort of harm.”

Abel said, “Of course. Emma is my wife. I’ll guard her with my life!”

Benjamin responded, “Then that puts me at ease. Otherwise, I’ll take her back from you before youknow it.”

“You wouldn’t!”novelbin

“You want to test me on that?”

Emmeline separated the two of them and said, “Okay break it up! You two have drunk too much. It’sgiving me goosebumps to watch two grown men hugging it out so publicly!”

Benjamin laughed, “Abel and I are two feathers of a flock.”

Abel giggled, “No, it’s two flocks of a feather.”

Emmeline was feeling a headache coming as she wondered why she had let them drink so much in thefirst place.

Grabbing on to Benjamin’s arm, Janie said, “Mr. Benjamin, let me take you home. Just look at you. Youcan barely walk straight.”

Benjamin responded, “I can still drink with Abel. We can go three more rounds, no problem!”

With his face flushed red and his eyes barely open, Abel asked, “Should we continue then?”

Clearly displeased, Emmeline chimed in, “Oh no you don’t. Any more and the two of you will besleeping on the table.”

Abel said, “Alright, guess that plan’s a bust. I don’t want to upset my sweet Emma.”

Benjamin agreed, “Me neither.”

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