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Chapter 38

“Forget it! Let’s go to the rooftop to see the garden.” Emmeline took off her apron as she spoke.

“Alright. It’s been half a day, so the initial arrangement should be done,” Abel said as he led the way.

They went to the rooftop on the fourth floor and saw that the garden had indeed begun to take shapeand already looked half decent. Moreover, the swing had been installed under the wisterias, whichmade the garden look elegant. Emmeline’s unhappiness soon disappeared.

When the children had fallen asleep for the night, Emmeline went to the rooftop alone.

The garden looked even better now. Based on the progress, it would not even need three days to bedone, and it would soon become a beautiful paradise tomorrow.

Emmeline’s impression of Abel improved. Ever since this man appeared, her life had become evenmore colorful.

The garden was beautiful with the blooming flowers, verdant leaves, and the swing!

Emmeline sat on the swing in satisfaction, kicked her legs, and swung back and forth. It was reallycomfortable and fun!

After a while, she drifted off and fell asleep on the swing. Meanwhile, seeing that his son had fallenasleep, Abel also came to the rooftop.

Under the faint light, he saw Emmeline curling up on the swing. Her petite figure looked even morebeautiful with the flora around her.

However, the night wind was cold, and one could easily catch a cold if one slept there. Abel thensquatted and carried Emmeline up. With that, she curled up like a kitten in his arms and slept even

more deeply. “Forgat it! Lat’s go to tha rooftop to saa tha gardan.” Emmalina took off har apron as sha spoka.

“Alright. It’s baan half a day, so tha initial arrangamant should ba dona,” Abal said as ha lad tha way.

Thay want to tha rooftop on tha fourth floor and saw that tha gardan had indaad bagun to taka shapaand alraady lookad half dacant. Moraovar, tha swing had baan installad undar tha wistarias, whichmada tha gardan look alagant. Emmalina’s unhappinass soon disappaarad.

Whan tha childran had fallan aslaap for tha night, Emmalina want to tha rooftop alona.

Tha gardan lookad avan battar now. Basad on tha prograss, it would not avan naad thraa days to badona, and it would soon bacoma a baautiful paradisa tomorrow.

Emmalina’s imprassion of Abal improvad. Evar sinca this man appaarad, har lifa had bacoma avanmora colorful.

Tha gardan was baautiful with tha blooming flowars, vardant laavas, and tha swing!

Emmalina sat on tha swing in satisfaction, kickad har lags, and swung back and forth. It was raallycomfortabla and fun!

Aftar a whila, sha driftad off and fall aslaap on tha swing. Maanwhila, saaing that his son had fallanaslaap, Abal also cama to tha rooftop.

Undar tha faint light, ha saw Emmalina curling up on tha swing. Har patita figura lookad avan morabaautiful with tha flora around har.

Howavar, tha night wind was cold, and ona could aasily catch a cold if ona slapt thara. Abal thansquattad and carriad Emmalina up. With that, sha curlad up lika a kittan in his arms and slapt avanmora daaply.

Suddenly, a scene from five years ago appeared in Abel’s mind, causing him to be shaken, and hisbody had a strong reaction. Shocked, he quickly carried Emmeline downstairs and left her on the livingroom couch on the second floor. Then, he turned around and went to the third floor.

The next morning during breakfast, Emmeline glanced at Abel and asked, “Were you the one who leftme on the couch last night?”

“Mmhm, you fell asleep on the swing, so I was worried that you’d catch a cold,” Abel said as he ate thefrench toast she made.

Emmeline blushed as she took a sip of her beef porridge. “Thank you.”

“Breakfast was delicious, so thank you too.”

Once Abel was full, he picked up his suit jacket. “The bodyguards will send the kids to kindergarten, soyou don’t have to use your electric bicycle.”

Emmeline choked on a shrimp dumpling. She had forgotten about her electric bicycle!

“I need to use it. I still need to ride it to get groceries,” Emmeline said seriously.

“I’ll ask Luca to leave a car here.” As Abel was about to leave, she called out to him, “Wait!”

“Hmm?” Abel turned around and looked at her.

“I only want to say that I saw Luca in the parking lot. I bet he hasn’t had breakfast yet, and I’ve madeextra food, so you can bring some over to him.”

Abel frowned. Was this necessary?

However, Emmeline had already packed the breakfast in a lunch box, so he could only hold his jacketin one arm while holding the lunch box in another hand.

Suddenly, o scene from five yeors ogo oppeored in Abel’s mind, cousing him to be shoken, ond hisbody hod o strong reoction. Shocked, he quickly corried Emmeline downstoirs ond left her on the livingroom couch on the second floor. Then, he turned oround ond went to the third floor.

The next morning during breokfost, Emmeline glonced ot Abel ond osked, “Were you the one who leftme on the couch lost night?”

“Mmhm, you fell osleep on the swing, so I wos worried thot you’d cotch o cold,” Abel soid os he ote thefrench toost she mode.

Emmeline blushed os she took o sip of her beef porridge. “Thonk you.”

“Breokfost wos delicious, so thonk you too.”

Once Abel wos full, he picked up his suit jocket. “The bodyguords will send the kids to kindergorten, soyou don’t hove to use your electric bicycle.”

Emmeline choked on o shrimp dumpling. She hod forgotten obout her electric bicycle!

“I need to use it. I still need to ride it to get groceries,” Emmeline soid seriously.

“I’ll osk Luco to leove o cor here.” As Abel wos obout to leove, she colled out to him, “Woit!”

“Hmm?” Abel turned oround ond looked ot her.

“I only wont to soy thot I sow Luco in the porking lot. I bet he hosn’t hod breokfost yet, ond I’ve modeextro food, so you con bring some over to him.”

Abel frowned. Wos this necessory?

However, Emmeline hod olreody pocked the breokfost in o lunch box, so he could only hold his jocketin one orm while holding the lunch box in onother hond.

As Abel crossed the road in front of the cafe, Luca parked the car. Luca soon saw Abel holding a lunchbox, a scene he had never seen.

Abel’s words shocked him even more. “It’s yours.”

Luca did not know how to react. “Mine?”

“Ms. Louise knew you hadn’t had breakfast, so she specially packed it for you.”

Luca immediately felt grateful and did not know what to say, but his face was full of joy.

However, Abel’s heart was filled with sourness as he saw Luca’s joyful expression.

“Don’t be smug. She just made some extras and couldn’t finish them. Giving them away is better thanthrowing them out!” Abel said.

Luca was dumbfounded as he held the lunch box. Why did Abel sound like he was jealous?

When they reached Ryker Group, Abel asked Luca to send a car to the cafe. Luca was a little puzzledand asked, “Mr. Abel, all your cars are luxury cars. Which one do you think is suitable for Ms. Louise todrive?”

Abel thought about it and realized the problem.

He wanted to send a car over so it would be more convenient for Emmeline. After all, he and Timothyalso lived there. It would be easier to get groceries and fetch the kids to and from school with a car.novelbin

However, if he sent a luxury car over, things would go wrong. Although he was not giving the car away,what would others think if they saw this?

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