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Chapter 21

“Son,” Julianna said to Adrien in a hushed whisper. “I think… we should maintain a distance fromEmmeline Louise.”

“She’s the mother of my children,” Adrien shrugged himself free of his mother’s grip. “How could I standby and do nothing when she’s in trouble?”

“She’s too feral, son. She’ll never listen to you if you marry her,” Julianna explained to Adrien, who juststared dumbly at his mother.

Emmeline was still taking in the fact that Abel had offered to pay the Lanes for all the damage she hadcaused. “Mr. Ryker, I…” she began.

“Don’t worry about it,” Abel said without a hint of emotion in his voice. “Treat it as a personal loan. Youcan pay me back slowly.”

Before Emmeline could continue speaking, Ethan had already rushed to grab Abel’s hands, shakingthem vigorously. “Mr. Ryker, thank you so much! I will work hard to help my sister pay off the loan, don’tyou worry!” Ethan said gratefully.

“Mm,” Abel nodded expressionless as he retracted his hand back from Ethan’s warm grip.

“Mr. Ryker! How could you…” Alana whined petulantly, but Abel had already turned around to leave.She turned to Rosaline for support instead. “Auntie Rosaline, how could Abel side with an outsider likeEmmeline! I’m the one who gave you a grandchild!”

“I know, child,” Rosaline had a tight expression. “You went overboard tonight, Alana. I’m only letting youoff this time because of Timothy.”

“Rosaline,” Alondra wormed her way over. “My niece is a woman of good character and upbringing.She will surely bear you more grandchildren in the future!”

“That would be best,” Rosaline nodded. “I’m not losing to that old hag!”

“Mr. Ryker,” Alondra said as she approached Adrien next. “I’m Emmeline’s stepmother, Alondra. I knowthe girl inside out. She probably can’t give birth to another child after having triplets. You should reallythink this through!” Alondra urged.novelbin

“Is that the case?” Rosaline’s eyes widened. “That will not do. I would still like to have twogranddaughters. If Emmeline cannot bear any more children, what do we need her for?”

“You can’t take in her three children either!” Rosaline continued. “They’re rude and ill-mannered andwould only bring shame to the Ryker family.”

“That won’t do,” Adrien insisted. “They are my children no matter what. I can’t just abandon them.”

“That’s right,” Rosaline agreed with her son. “They’re young, it’s not too late to teach them manners.”

“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Alondra turned around and left. Emmeline, it’s about time you felt thepain of having your children taken away from you!


Emmeline gave Benjamin a call once she left the Lane family villa. “Benjamin, organize a networkingsession hosted by Adelmar Group. I need to find a way to help my brother and Grace out,” sheinstructed.

Benjamin got to work as soon as he received Emmeline’s call, doing the necessary preparation in thenext two days. Three days later, various businessmen showed up at the networking session organizedat one of Adelmar Group’s hotels, including representatives from the Rykers, the Lanes and theLouises.

Ethan had also received an invitation, but he did not have the courage to turn up. He knew thatAdelmar Group had invited him assuming he was still the deputy CEO of Louise Corporation, but hehad since been dismissed by his own father, no thanks to his stepmother, Alondra.

“You should still go anyway!” Emmeline persuaded her brother as she poured him a cup of coffee.“Perhaps an opportunity will come up!”

“Who would give me an opportunity knowing that I’m no longer affiliated with Louise Corporation?”Ethan muttered bitterly. “No matter how many smart ideas I have, there’s nowhere for me to go.”

“Didn’t a company approach you the last time?” Emmeline recalled. “It could happen again, but youneed to buck up!”

“Yeah, they thought I was still in Louise Corporation, and I couldn’t lie to them,” Ethan sighed.

“You’re overthinking it, Ethan! Why don’t I go with you?” Emmeline offered.

“Hmm, alright then! I’ll feel a lot better with you around!” Ethan finally relented.

“Alright then, let me go upstairs and get ready,” Emmeline stood up to head upstairs, reminding thenanny on the way to prepare food for the children.

Things were already in full swing when Ethan and Emmeline arrived at the Adelmar Hotel. Abel Rykerhad already arrived, looking sharp and intimidatingly handsome in a cool gray suit, together with AlanaLane who stood beside him. Alana had tagged along with her father, who was the CEO of LaneCorporation.

Alondra was also present, together with her husband, Maxwell Louise. Maxwell wanted to greet hisdaughter as soon as he spotted her walking in, but Alondra stopped him.

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