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Chapter 153

Chapter 153 Our Emma

“How dare you hit me!” Janie shrieked in outrage, clasping a hand to her stinging cheek. “I’m going tohave Mr. Faughn fire you right now!”novelbin

“You can try, missy…” Emmeline retorted, smiling grimly.

“Oh, I’m certainly going to try. Do you think I’m afraid of you?” Janie turned, about to flounce off insearch of Simon. Abruptly, she froze in her tracks as a voice came from outside the costume tent.

“Who’s spewing all that arrogant crap?”

Emmeline turned as Adrien came in, smartly dressed in an impeccably tailored business suit andpolished leather shoes.

Janie recognized Adrien immediately. There were very few people indeed who would not recognize thesuave, flirtatious playboy; he was part of the wealthy Ryker family after all, and a very eligible catch.

“Mr. Adrien Ryker?” Janie had never expected to encounter Adrien here, of all places. Putting on hermost charming smile, she hurried over to welcome him. “What a pleasure! Why are you here, though?”

“Why can’t I show up if I like?” Adrien shot back, eyeing Janie coldly. “I seem to recall someone wasspouting some really outrageous nonsense just now too.”

“Exactly!” Janie whirled around and pointed straight at Emmeline. “This insignificant stunt girl here hadthe nerve to challenge me! She doesn’t know her place!”

“I’m talking about you, woman!” Adrien strode over to Emmeline and slipped his arm protectivelyaround her shoulders, glaring at Janie. “Who the hell do you think you are, taking that tone with ourEmma?”

“Mr. Ryker…” Janie was startled. “What do you mean, our Emma?”

“Emma’s part of our family. But I distinctly seem to remember hearing someone having the gall to saythat they’re going to get her fired!”

“But…but Mr. Ryker,” Janie stammered, her brow creasing in confusion. “Why would a member of yourfamily be reduced to working as a stunt double here to earn money?”

“Because she’s bored!” Adrien lifted his chin slightly and stared down at Janie with contempt. “She’sbored out of her skull and needs something to occupy her time!”

Bored? Janie did not quite believe this. Who in the world would be so bored that they’d come to workas a stunt double?

“Emma…” Adrien turned to Emmeline. “Ignore this ignorant floozy; she’s just jealous, that’s all. I have apresent for you; see if you like it?”

Emmeline blinked, completely taken aback. Adrien had a present for her? What scheme was hehatching now?

“I know I’ve neglected you and the kids,” Adrien continued with utmost sincerity. “I swear to God I’ll turnover a new leaf from today on and work really hard. I won’t go back to my playboy ways, I promise.”

Emmeline was so startled that she stared at Adrien fixedly, weighing him up from head to toe.

Her scrutiny made Adrien extremely uncomfortable. He hemmed and hawed for a little, then pleaded,“What’s wrong, Emma? You’ve got to believe me.”

Janie stood there in utter shock, listening to the entire exchange.

What? Adrien and Emmeline already had children? Did this mean that they were…a couple?

In that case, she had absolutely nothing to worry about! Since Emmeline was Adrien’s wife, of courseshe wouldn’t get together with Benjamin! Not only that, it looked like Emmeline and Benjamin got alongquite well. Perhaps…

Perhaps she might even consent to help Janie get closer to Benjamin if Janie could play her cardsright!

At the thought of this, Janie plastered on her biggest smile and took hold of Emmeline’s arm. “Mygoodness, look at how attentive Mr. Ryker is, Emma! You’re such a lucky girl! You even have a familytogether, my goodness!”

Emmeline stared at her, speechless. Who the hell asked you to butt in, bitch?

However, she did not wish to cause a scene with Adrien in front of Janie, so she merely nodded.“Alright, Adrien. I know you’ll do your best!”

Adrien brought out the velvet jewelry case and carefully opened it, revealing the dazzling diamondnecklace. “Let me put it on for you, Emma.”

Emmeline swallowed her instinctive revulsion and nodded instead.

Adrien grinned in delight and clasped the glittering diamonds around Emmeline’s elegant, slender neck,then stepped back to admire the effect. “Just look at our Emma! Doesn’t she look gorgeous?”

“Oh, yes, absolutely!” Janie chimed in sycophantically. “She looks gorgeous!”

“Alright, alright, that’s enough.” Emmeline felt uncomfortable and slightly impatient with all the attention.“Adrien, it’s almost time for me to get to work. I’ve got a busy day ahead.”

“Okay, Emma.” Adrien took her hand and clasped it for a moment. “Go off to your work then. I’ll comeand pick you up for dinner when you’re done.”

Before Emmeline could even reply, Janie piped up, clapping her hands in delight, “Oh, you absolutelymust go, Emma!”

“Sure, whatever,” Emmeline agreed. She just wanted to get Adrien out of there as soon as possible.

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