Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1431 The Unwelcome Family
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Chapter 1431 The Unwelcome Family

Emmeline stepped into the house, but Jorge was not there. Her mind raced as she pondered thesituation. This is Albus‘ home. What part does Mr. Jarge, who is closely connected to Mrs. Zeller, playin all this? And Albus” younger brother, Hank, seems to be Mr. Jorge’s sout

“Mr. Jorge…” she asked with a smile as she looked at Michelle. “Is his foot better now?”

Michelle blushed and tugged Albus, saying. Let’s head upstairs.”

Unbeknownst to Emmeline, Jorge was upstairs in a room. Michelle turned to him and shared, Guesswhat? The girl Albus is interested in is the same one who accidentally hit you with her car yesterday!”

“What a coincidence. Jorge’s voice could be heard from downstairs.

Curious about the ongoing conversation, Albus asked. “What are you two talking about? Have you metEmmeline?

“Let’s set aside Emmeline for now. Michelle redirected the discussion, and concern was etched on herface. “She saw jurge and me. How will she perceive me when she marries into our family later?”

Albus, his temper flaring, retorted. That’s none of Emma’s concern. She has finally accepted me!”

“She may have accepted you, but I haven’t, Michelle stated angrily. “Let’s put this matter aside fornow?

“I don’t need your approval, Albus retorted. “You can return to wherever you came from with Jorge. Myaffairs are none of your concern!”

With that, Allnus slammed the door and headed downstairs.

Emmeline seized Hannah’s arm and hurriedly left the house.

Puzzled, Hannah asked, “What’s going on with their family?”

Emmeline whispered. “Something is going on in this family.”

“I can sense that, Hannah agreed. “Who is the old man talking upstairs earlier?”

“Mrs. Zeller’s having an affair, Emmeline stated plainly.

“Ah?” Hannah exclaimed in surprise.

Albus rushed out and called after them. Emma!”

“I’m leaving now, Emmeline declared, ending the conversation. “Let’s leave it at that for the time being”

He looked distressed as he tried to explain, “There must be a misunderstanding here.”

She firmly responded, “It’s not my place to interfere. After all, it’s your family’s matter.”

“I’ll address it later, Albus conceded reluctantly. “My mom; she-”

Emmeline interrupted, repeating, “It’s your family’s matter. Let me repeat–it’s not my place to interfere.”She couldn’t bear to stay a moment longer, so she led her sister out of the yard.

On the way, Hannah asked with a furrowed brow, “How will you explain this to Mom when we gethome?”novelbin

Emmeline sighed. “I don’t know. Mom won’t believe me. Deep in thought, she frowned as shecontemplated the impending confrontation with her mother. A wave of apprehension washed over heras she pondered, Albus family seemed so chaotic. Can I embrace that kind of family life? But if I rejectit. Mom will be devastated.

Meanwhile, Hannah crafted a web of excuses to deceive Kimberly at home.

Back in her room, Emmeline, feeling the need to talk, dialed Abel’s number and anxiously mentioned,“If you don’t arrive soon, I might just drive home again!”

Abel could sense the unease in her voice and promptly reassured her. I’m in a cab and will be thereshortly, Emma. Please, listen to me, and don’t drive anymore!”

She also realized she could not drive, especially since she didn’t have a driver’s license.

Maxwell sensed something was amiss and approached Emmeline, inquiring. “Emma, is somethingbothering you?”

She was still frowning and whispered, “Albus family is quite chaotic. We must steer clear of them.”

Perplexed, Maxwell probed, “What do you mean? What sort of issues are we talking about?”

Tll let Hannah explain it to you later, Emmeline replied, her head hanging low. “I understand that youand Mom won’t believe me; you’ll think I’m just making excuses.”

Maxwell was left speechless.

Even though it was well past lunchtime, Abel escorted Emmeline back to their shared company.dormitory.

She surprised him by embracing him from behind as he went to the kitchen.

Concerned, he turned to hold her and noticed her body trembling slightly. He inquired, “What’s troublingyou?”

She clung tightly to him, hiding her face in his chest.

He gently lifted her chin, looked into her searching eyes, and asked, “What’s going on?”

“Albus‘ mother, Emmeline revealed, her voice strained. “She rejected me.”

Abel was momentarily puzzled over this revelation but quickly realized and responded, “Isn’t that atpositive outcome?”

However, her eyes–dimmed, and she replied, “But it feels like she rejected Mom too.”

He furrowed his brows, recognizing that he had overlooked this crucial aspect. He thought, Of course,Mrs. Zeller rejecting Emma meant rejecting Aunt Kimberly. Can she handle that?

“Originally Emmeline said, her head bowed. “I wanted to support Mom, but I’ve inadvertently hurt her. Ifshe learns of my rejection by the Zeller family, it will be a source of immense embarrassment for her.”

Curious and empathetic, Abel inquired, “What would you like to do, then? Can you tell me what exactlyhappened?”

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