Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1427 Scaling Commitments and Hearts
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Chapter 1427 Scaling Commitments and Hearts

Tony announced, “Our friend Abel will handle the distribution of the cash envelopes. Each of theseenvelopes contains your share from the insurance company.

Emmeline chuckled, “Oh, I almost forgot about that!”

He added, “It’s a sum of 35,000 in cash. You can pick it up later. Also, talk to Janie about being herbridesmaid.”

“Sure, congratulations in advance!” After ending the call, Emmeline coughed before regaining hercomposure.

Abel raised his concerns, saying. If you keep pushing yourself like this, we might need to return to thehospital”

She replied, “I just want to wrap things up quickly.” Then, she proceeded to call Vernon to discussemployee training.

Angrily, Abel grabbed her phone ‘Fine. Let’s wrap up everything here so you can return and marryAlbus!

Emmeline fell into a thoughtful silence. She furrowed her brow and gazed out the car window, her eyesbrimming with tears.

“Damn it!” He clenched his fist and slammed it against the steering wheel. He couldn’t believe he hadlet those hurtful words slip. I’m sorry, babe,” he whispered in a low, husky voice.

She noticed tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

The following morning, Emmeline arrived at the World Trade Building. She meticulously explored thefirst floor and acquainted herself with the advertising decorations. According to the current status, it

would be ready in approximately ten days, allowing them to initiate stocking and test businessoperations once the employees were in place.

She promptly called Sam, informing Emmeline that her unpaid leave had concluded, and she wasawaiting Emmeline’s instructions.novelbin

After ending the call, Vernon and his wife coincidentally descended from upstairs.

Emmeline hastened to greet them. “Mr. Chester, Aunt Audrey, hello!”

“Emma, have you lost weight?” Audrey held Emmeline’s hand, a look of concern on her face.

Emmeline smiled. I haven’t been eating well lately; it’s nothing.”

Audrey advised, “You need to take care of your health. You may look delicate, but you possess anentrepreneurial spirit!”

Emmeline replied, “Where? I just happened to stumble upon a guod opportunity!”

Vernon added, “Emma, my wife, used to accompany me to the market, and she worked hard, too!”

Audrey chimed in, “No one has had an easy life. I went through hardships with him back then.Emmeline gazed at Audrey, whose elegance and grace were the fruits of her hard work. Although shewas beautiful, she was far from being a mere decoration in Vernon’s life.

During this time, Emmeline and Vernon engaged in a discussion about employee training matters.Given the current recruitment situation, they considered the possibility of arranging the trainingsessions by the end of the month.

It was already noon, and Audrey invited Emmeline to stay for lunch. Emmeline, aware that Abel wouldbe calling soon, politely declined, saying. “Not today. Next time. I’ll treat Mr. Chester and Aunt Audrey.”

Vernon added, “Oh, by the way, Emma, when Ryker Group launched at that time, a friend who dealswith antiques came over. I told him you have some valuable items, and he was interested in taking alook.”

“That’s great,” Emmeline replied. “I was thinking of finding someone to help me authenticate them.When will your friend come over?”

“He will come when the World Trade Building is launched,” Vernon explained. You can bring the itemsthen.”

Emmeline nodded quickly and said, “Thank you, Mr. Chester.”

Meanwhile, at Abel’s office, Alana entered and placed the financial report on his desk. She inquired.“Where’s Emmeline? I haven’t seen her lately

Absorbed in his work, Abel responded, “Do you require something? If not, please leave.”

Undeterred, she settled onto the couch and remarked, “I couldn’t help but notice, are you and her livingtogether?”

He looked up, his eyes narrowing. “Is that any of your concern?”

“I was merely curious,” Alana replied casually. It seems rather scandalous, doesn’t it?”

Abel took two steps closer to her and leaned toward her. “Alana Lane, do you believe I won’t dare tostrangle you?”

“Go ahead!” Alana provocatively raised her fair neck, adjusting her collar. “Why don’t you do it righthere, then?”

With her smooth neck tantalizingly close and her alluring gaze, Alana’s breath brushed Abel’s face. Hestruggled to maintain his composure and muttered, “How shameless!” He then retreated to his desk.

Alana, undeterred edged closer, perching on the corner of the desk, and asked, “You still haven’tanswered. my question. Are you and Emmeline sharing a bed? Just a man and a woman livingtogether?”

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