Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1331 The Brothers Bury the Hatchet
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Chapter 1331 The Brothers Bury the Hatchet

Adrien and Adam approached Abel and joined hands with him.

Emmeline always remembered the “Living Agony” she left in Adam, and now reassured, she discreetly.patted Adam a few times to release the pressure points she had set on him.

Adam suddenly felt much more refreshed than before. He thought it was due to the united efforts of thebrothers, and it greatly lifted his spirits.novelbin

A few days later, Abel, using the power of Ryker Inc. overseas, invested heavily. This caused RykerGroup in Struyria to increase its holdings by twenty percent. Subsequently, stock manipulators causedthe stock. price to plummet, leading to a mass sell-off by investors. Ryker Group took advantage of thesituation and repurchased its controlling stake.

Ryker Group was once again in Abel’s hands. His decisive actions and ruthless tactics further solidifiedhis reputation as a formidable figure.

A few days later, Lewis and Rosaline returned to Struyria with their four children. Robert also came, buthe refused to meet with Oscar.

Oscar felt frustrated and asked Emmeline, “Where is your father staying? He won’t come to see me,

Emmeline chuckled. “He’s staying at the Grand Struyria Hotel under the Adelmar Group. He’s waitingsee your attitude!”

“That old man!” Oscar grumbled. “He’s ten years younger than me and still puts on airs in front of hissenior. So what if I have to go invite him? So be it!”

An hour later, Oscar arrived in a commanding black suit at the Grand Struyria Hotel, and the elegantand distinguished Robert received him.

As they met, both men’s eyes welled up with tears.

Oscar grasped Robert’s hand and said, “It’s been decades since we last met. Now that I see you again,I realize how much I’ve missed you!”

Robert stroked his gray beard and smiled. “You may not have seen me, but I’ve seen you severaltimes.”

“You have?” Oscar exclaimed, “When?”

“I saw you five years ago in the Ryker’s residence.” Robert chuckled. “I was in Struyria founding theAdelmar Group, and I missed you a bit. So, I went to your place to see you. At the time, you were in thestudy drinking tea, and I sat on a tree outside the window. I watched as you finished an entire pot oftea, hahaha!”

Oscar’s countenance shifted multitudes within that minute. He felt deeply embarrassed. If Robert heldonto his grudges like he had, he would’ve died by his hands several times!

“I’m truly ashamed!” Oscar held Robert’s hand and lowered his head. “I was narrow-minded before,dear brother. Please forgive me!”

“We should thank Abel and Emma,” Robert said. “If it weren’t for their happy union, resolving ourenmity would have been challenging.”

“That’s right!” Oscar looked at Abel and Emmeline with moist eyes. “Abel, Emma, thank you both fromthe bottom of my heart!”

Emmeline blushed and waved her hand. “Don’t mention it, Grandad. We are destined to be one family!”

“Yes, destined to be one family!” Oscar held Robert’s hand. “Let’s go over to mine!”

When they returned to the Ryker’s residence, they received a couple of unexpected guests-Maxwelland Alondra, who bowed deeply upon seeing Robert.

Maxwell choked up. “I was foolish back then for driving Emma out of our family. If you hadn’t taken herin, my daughter and grandsons would have perished!”

Slap! Slap! Alondra slapped herself on both cheeks and cried, “It was mainly my fault. You can hit andscold me; I will take it all. It was because of that d*mned Alana that I repeatedly hurt Emmeline. I’velearned my lesson now. Please forgive me, and Emma, please forgive me!”

At that, she begged, but Emmeline stopped her in time. “It’s alright. It’s all in the past now. Alana isalready. dead, and I don’t want to hold grudges anymore. As long as you treat my father well, I won’tmistreat you in the future.”

“That’s right,” Robert nodded. “Emma has the right mindset!”

“Thank you, Emma!” Alondra was deeply moved, tears streaming down her face, her nose runny,crying with genuine sincerity.

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