Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1325 They Are the Real Family
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Chapter 1325 They Are the Real Family

“What’s so impossible about this?” Waylon said. “You had artificial insemination, and I donated sperm.except I did it in Staniue while you happened to choose imported sperm!”

Thud! Doris slumped onto the small sofa behind her, staring wide-eyed at Waylon. “Are you really thefather of my twins?”

“The paternity test report is right here. Why should I lie?”

“Good lord!” Doris covered her face. “No wonder everyone was gossiping behind my back, saying thatmy babies were yours. It turns out they weren’t wrong!”

“Come with me.” Waylon reached out his hand to her. “What are you hesitating for?”

“What?” Doris looked at his outstretched hand. “Where to?”

“To get married!” Waylon said. “To put the children under my name!”

“But Mr. Daniel…”

“He doesn’t need my wife to worry about him!” Waylon said. “I can hire him a team of caregivers!”While Doris was still in a daze, Waylon had already grabbed her hand and rushed out the door. Doris’mind was in a whirl. Is all of this real? The father of my baby twins is actually Waylon?!

She always thought she and Waylon were people from two different worlds; he was someone beyondher league. But now, it seemed that fate had been pretty kind to her.

She finally had the confidence to love this man. She no longer felt inferior!

She had given him to two adorable children! They were the real family!

Everything was so perfect!

Doris little face turned rosy, filled with happiness.

Two hours later, Robert, Emmeline, and Abel on Adelatar Island, and Benjamin, Bowie, Kenny, andJennie in Struyria all received two pictures from Waylon.

The first one was a wedding certificate of him and Doris, and the other was the paternity test report ofhim and Una.

Adelmar Island went into a frenzy.

Emmeline jumped up with her phone in hand. “Master, you won’t believe this! This is groundbreakingnews! Ah!”

Robert, holding his phone, stumbled out of the dispensary in excitement. “Pinch me, Emma. I must bedreaming!”

“It’s not a dream; it’s real!” Emmeline’s eyes twinkled with excitement. “Waylon has done it this time!Who’d have thought Doris’ babies are really his?!”

“But how is that possible?” Robert asked. “Judging by the children’s age, Waylon was still in Adelmar atthe time.”

“I remember Doris said her child was conceived at the hospital, Emmeline said. “So, that meansWaylon…”

“Tell that rascal to come back at once!” Robert commanded. “Tell him to come back with my daughter-in- law and grandchildren. Call him right now; I can’t wait another minute!”

“Alright, I’ll do that, Emmeline replied. “You arrange for a helicopter to pick them up!”

“Yes, let’s do that!” Robert quickly instructed his butler,

Six hours later, Waylon arrived at Dawn Manor with Doris, Una, Nessa, Mrs. Flores, and Jennie in tow.

Jennie was stupefied by the spectacle instantly. She held her sister’s hand and whispered, “Doris, areyou sure you haven’t married into a royal family? Waylon is clearly a prince!”

“I have heard that he was extremely wealthy, Doris said, just as surprised, “but I didn’t think he was thiswealthy!”

“And Emmeline,” Jennie added. “She’s certainly no small merchant but a princess!”

“You know what? You’re right!” Doris nodded repeatedly.

Then, that makes you the crown princess of Adelmar Island and the twins a prince and a princess,winch makes me an in-law of the royal family!” Jennie giggled.

In a cheerful atmosphere, Emmeline, Abel, and Robert approached.

Emmeline held Doris’ hand and said with a smile, “Well, if it isn’t my new sister-in-law!”

Doris blushed at once.

Then, Emmeline took Una from Mrs. Flores’ arms and kissed his little cheek, saying, “Come to AuntEmmeline, sweetheart.”

Similarly, Abel took Nessa and said, “Come dear, say hi to your Uncle Abel!”

Everyone burst into laughter.

Robert turned to Emmeline and Abel and said, “Emmeline, Abel, bring me my grandchildren!”

With that, Emmeline and Abel carried Una and Nessa to Robert, who guffawed upon meeting the twoadorable little ones. “This is truly a great joy for the Adelmar family. I suddenly got a set ofgrandchildren just like that! You kids each get a reward!”

Meanwhile, Waylon approached his father, holding Doris’ hand. The young woman didn’t shy awayeither. calling Robert ‘Father’ sweetly.

“Good, good!” Robert nodded delightfully and pulled out three cash envelopes, giving one to Doris andthe other two to Una and Nessa.

“A two billion first meeting gift for my daughter-in-law and one billion each for my grandson andgranddaughter. Is this enough? I can add more!”

A gift of four billion just like that?!novelbin

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