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Chapter 1304 The Table Turns

Emmeline chuckled. “That’s all I have for a background, and you’ve practically figured it all out.”

“So, I have to say, I respect no one but you!” Adam said. “I also hand it to Abel for being able to snatchsuch an amazing woman. It’s like even the heavens favor you!”novelbin

“You’re pretty lucky yourself, Adam,” Abel responded with a smile. “The hero of Struyria, a name thatearns admiration with just a mention!”

“Not only that,” Ysabel chimed in. “Adam’s name hung on the front gate can ward off evil. He canstand. shoulder to shoulder with Ares, the God of War!” –

“Excuse you!” Adam guffawed.

“Things sure are different now,” Adrien grinned. “Adam used to be the one everyone hated. Now, he’sthe one everyone respects. How the tables have turned!”

“Let’s not go there again,” said Adam. “I’m reformed now, giving up evil and promoting good, becomingat hero who stands up for justice. I’m planning to donate ten million to a ‘Heroic Deeds Fund’ toencourage citizens to help one another!”

“That’s a great idea!” Abel nodded. “I’ll add another ten million to the fund!”

“Count me in!” Adrien said. “Every little bit helps!”

“Wow!” Ysabel clapped her hands. “To think the three scions of the Ryker family have such highaspirations!”

“Of course!” Adam said with a hint of pride. “Otherwise, how could we have found such amazingwives?”

“I’m counted as one too?” Ysabel blushed. fluttering her eyelashes..

“You bet. But you have to learn from Emma and Liz,” Adam replied.

“Oh my! How wonderful!” Ysabel nearly jumped in excitement. “I’ll follow Emma and Lizbeth’s exampleand strive to be like them!”

“That’s the spirit!” Adam said, pleased. “Let’s raise our glasses to that!”

“But I have a question for Emma,” Ysabel looked at Emmeline with anticipation. “Emma, may I?”

“Go ahead.” Emmeline nodded. “I don’t have any more secrets to hide.”

“You are from the Adelmar Clan, right? Did Erin know?”


Everyone turned grim at the mention of the name.

Erin Anderson was none other than Evelyn Murphy, a woman who had caused a lot of trouble. Whoknew how many people she had harmed?! Bringing her up now was just leaving a bad taste ineveryone’s mouths.

“Please don’t get upset, Emma,” Ysabel hurriedly explained. “I just wanted to remind you.

“Why are you asking about her?” Emmeline frowned. She believed Ysabel had a reason for asking andwouldn’t bring it up without cause.

“I remember when Sonia broke her leg and was in the hospital, Erin reached out to her privately,”Ysabel said. “If Erin knew your true identity, she probably told Sonia because she wanted to collaboratewith her to go after you!”

Emmeline stood up abruptly. “Could it really be Sonia and her mother?”

“I think it’s very possible,” Abel said. “They had the opportunity to sneak the birthday video flash driveinto the gift. Given this, they are prime suspects!”

“That makes sense to me!” Adam added. “When Grandfather called you to the study, Sonia and hermother disappeared for a while. Could they have gone to eavesdrop?”

“That’s a possibility,” Abel said. “The security at the Ryker Mansion is extensive. I’ll have Lucainvestigate.”

“Leave that to me!” Adrien volunteered. “You and Grandad are still in a sensitive position. It’ll be easierif I go instead.”

“Alright,” Abel agreed. “Let’s leave it to Adrien then.”

“If it turns out to be Sonia and her mother, leave the rest to me!” Adam said. “As you all know, I had themost cutting-edge methods of punishment when I was in charge of the Imperial Palace. I guaranteethey won’t be found by anyone!”

“I know you also have several underground chambers. Abel said. “Mr. Ywain from Sunny Avenue wasimprisoned by you for so long, and no one could find him.”

“That’s settled then,” Adam said. “You and your family take this chance to travel abroad. It’s a perfect.chance for a family vacation!”

“We’re planning to visit Staniue,” Abel said. “After that, we’ll head to Osea.

“Staniue?” Adrien asked. “What’s there to see?”

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