Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1290 The Secret Has Been Exposed
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Chapter 1290 The Secret Has Been Exposed

The screen showed no one offering congratulations, only a blood-red background, and there was noaccompanying background music. It was eerie and unusual.

As soon as this footage appeared, an instant hush fell over the crowd, and everyone’s attention wasfixed on the screen. They thought there might be some technical issue with the video.

Even Oscar furrowed his brow, squinting at the screen on the stage.

Then, against the blood-red backdrop, bold white letters appeared, ‘Emmeline Louise, disciple of theAdelmar Clan, wishes Oscar Ryker a happy birthday.

Once these words appeared, whether people knew the insider information or not, they found thesituation odd and somewhat creepy.

Why use such glaring white letters for birthday wishes? How disrespectful.

And the music that followed only made everyone erupt in shock-it was a mournful tune!

Oscar abruptly stood up, his expression tense. “What is going on? Why is an Adelmar Clan disciplehere? Isn’t Emmeline Abel’s wife? How did she become an Adelmar Clan disciple?”

The video operator, realizing that something was wrong, immediately stopped the playback, but it wastoo late. Oscar was already fuming.

“Yes, it worked!” Michaela and Sonia exchanged glances, a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

Judging by Oscar’s reaction, it seemed that he and the Adelmar Clan had a deep-seated and bitterenmity!

Emmeline was also dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe someone would reveal this secret on such anoccasion. Whoever did it, they clearly wanted to make her look bad and also kick her out of the Rykerfamily!

Abel grabbed Emmeline’s hand and reassured her, “Emma, don’t worry. You’ve got me. But what’sgoing on?”

“I don’t know either!” Emmeline frowned. “Other than Mom and Dad, Adam is the only other personwho knows I’m a disciple of the Adelmar Clan. Who would reveal this now?”

Conversely, Lewis and Rosaline were equally shocked and worried when they saw the text. This is bad’Who’d cause such a major problem to our family?!

Oscar would certainly flip out if he found out Emmeline belonged to the Adelmar Clan.

“Abel, Emma, listen to me!” Adam squeezed through the crowd. “I had nothing to do with this. I swearon my life, I have no knowledge of this!”

Abel remained silent, his face grim. He regarded everyone around him with suspicion, and at thismoment, Adam was the most suspicious.

“Abel, Emma, you have to believe me. It really wasn’t me!” Adam pleaded desperately.

“I never said it was you,” Emmeline replied grimly. “You’re not stupid.”

“Yes, yes. You’re right!” Adam nodded vigorously. “Don’t worry, Emmeline. I will find the person behindthis prank and seek justice for you!”

“Too late,” Abel said in a low voice. “Can’t you see that Grandfather is already frothing at the mouth?”

“I’ll try to talk to him and explain that this is a malicious prank,” Adam said as he made his way towardOscar.

“Abel, Emma, what’s going on?” Adrien and Lizbeth also approached, their faces filled with. concern.

“Emma, how could you be a member of the Adelmar Clan? Don’t you know the history between theAdelmar Clan and Grandfather?” Adrien asked urgently.

“What’s the point of discussing this now?” Abel replied. “The secret is already out!”

“To be honest, I had my suspicions,” Adrien continued. “Emma’s brother is surnamed. Adelmar, and hismedical skills are extraordinary. Besides the Adelmar family, who else could it be? I just didn’t expect itto be true!”

Landen and Julianna were also stunned by the video.novelbin

Emmeline is a disciple of the Adelmar Clan? Is this news good or bad for the Meriwether Mansion?

It’s good, right? If this fact is confirmed, Emmeline would be kicked out of the family by Old Mr. Ryker,and Abel’s marriage with Emmeline would cease instantly as well! After all, the elder would never allowhis granddaughter-in-law to be from an enemy family!

If Abel insists on not separating from Emmeline, then the Ryker Group… Will it potentially fall intoAdam’s hands?

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