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Chapter 1254 Won the DR

Janie blushed. “We are taking things slow.”

Emmeline teased her, “Be quick and take him down! Make your charm work, and Ben will fall in lovewith. you harder!”

“I won’t do that. I’d rather take it slow. I am waiting for Benjamin to take the initiative in our relationship.”

“I agree with you. You have to flirt with him from time to time to remind him of your existence.”

Janic nodded and said. “I know what to do.” Benjamin’s characteristics were exactly like whatEmmeline said. He is like a robot that only cares about working nonstop. If I didn’t stay by his side andflirt with him occasionally, he would be clueless about love.

After getting confirmation from Janie, Emmeline sent Abel a message, “Let’s have a date tonight.”

Abel replied in seconds, “I am looking forward to it.”

Emmeline replied, “Do not get the wrong idea. I have invited Janie and Ben.”

Abel replied, “I thought it was a date between us.”

Emmeline replied, “It would be lively with more people around.”

Abel replied, “We could spend our night at home if it’s only the two of us.

Emmeline replied, “Stop teasing me again!”

Abel replied, “I am flirting with my wife. You shouldn’t stop me.”

Emmeline replied, “Just pick me up after getting off work.”

Abel replied, “Roger, babe.”

Janie returned to the Adelmar Group, while Emmeline got back to her work as well. As soon as shearrived on the first floor, a man opened the glass door. He was wearing a gray suit and glasses, andEmmeline had a feeling that she had met him before.

Before she could get a clue who it was, the man spoke. “Ms. Louise, I am here for Doris.”

Emmeline remembered him as soon as he spoke. It was Daniel. Isn’t he the one who is trying to stealDoris from Waylon? The son of an official from Struyria-what is his name again? I remembered thename of his sister. Lily. Abel told me that she was interested in Waylon, which left an impression on me.

Emmeline smiled and said, “Welcome, Mr. Thomas. Doris is upstairs.”

Daniel said, “I will meet her upstairs.”

Emmeline reminded him, “She is working now. It’s not a suitable time for her to meet guests.

Daniel stopped moving and asked, “What time does she get off work?”

Emmeline said, “Soon Two more hours, and she should be done.”

Daniel said, ‘Alright, I will wait for her. Could I get a cup of coffee? Add some sugar for me. Thanks.”novelbin

Emmeline asked, “Would you like to get some dessert? They were made by Doris. They weredelicious.”

“To be honest, I rarely eat dessert. However, I would like to try the dessert made by Doris. Could yourecommend some for me?”

“How about a durian-flavored mochi?”

Daniel nodded, “Sure!” He sat at the table by the window.

Sam recorded the order and thought to herself, Ms. Louise is so smart. She recommended durian-flavored mochi, which was delicious. However, it stinks after eating it.

Emmeline sat down and sent a message to Waylon, “There was someone called Mr. Thomas here tomeet Doris. I stopped him from going upstairs.”

Waylon was upset as soon as he received the message. Does Daniel never learn his lesson? Is it notenough to chase him away?

Waylon acted calmly; he did not want Emmeline to misunderstand anything between him and Doris. Iwasn’t in love with Doris; I just hated seeing Daniel disturb her like a fly. That’s right. There isn’tanything between

Waylon was debating how to reply to Emmeline while his phone rang. It was an unsaved number, andhe recognized it. It belonged to Doris’ sister, Jennie. He picked up the call..

Jennie said enthusiastically, “Mr. Adelmar, thanks to your help, I won the divorce lawsuit! Are youavailable tonight? I would like to treat you to dinner. I would invite Doris as well.”

This phone call came at such a good time. Waylon said, “Congratulations. It is worth celebrating. I amavailable tonight; you may invite Doris now.”

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