Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1074 I Am Here for Mr Adam and Mr Adrien
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Chapter 1074 I Am Here for Mr Adam and Mr Adrien

"Ethan, are you free now? How about Grace?"

"Anything happened?" Ethan was worried about his sister all the time; he just didn’t have the powerand ability to protect her in the past.

"Father said he wants to treat us to lunch; do you mind joining us?" Emmeline said.

"I am looking forward to it. It’s been a while since I had a nice talk with our father too."

"Alright, remember to bring Grace along; I am getting Abel with me. We will meet at the Nimbus Hotel."

"Sure, see you later." Ethan said.

"Bye." Emmeline nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Ethan let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't actually surprised that their fatherwanted to treat them to lunch. When Maxwell asked him to check on Emmeline yesterday, he suddenlyunderstood his father's difficulties. Maxwell wants to take care of his children, but he has to be aware ofAlondra all the time. Louise Corporation encountered a crisis decades ago; it was Alondra who steppedforward and used her dowry to solve the trouble. Nevertheless, he has always been inferior to Alondrasince then.

Emmeline contacted Abel, and he agreed to come. "I will book an appointment with Nimbus Hotel now."

"Don't worry about me; I will meet you there. I can drive to the hotel myself. Emmeline said. novelbin

Abel refused, saying, "Let me pick you up, so I can feel more at ease."

Emmeline didn't refuse his overbearing, as she knew that the last car accident had cast a shadow onhim.

Everyone arrived at the Nimbus Hotel in an hour, and they gathered around Maxwell. Maxwell actedrespectfully when meeting Abel, even though he was the father-in-law. Ever since society knew thatAbel was his son-in-law, Louise Corporation has been doing better. The corporation had no problemdealing with banks either; they never defaulted on Louise Corporation’s funds. Thanks to Abel,everything went smoothly for Louise Corporation.

During the meal, Maxwell specifically brought up memories of the siblings when they were young.Emmeline couldn’t hold back her tears. Abel hugged her into his arms and tried to coax her severaltimes before she calmed down. She choked up and said, "I just miss my mother so much."

Abel was heartbroken when Emmeline cried. Kids who grow up with their mothers are very lucky; theyare loved wholeheartedly. Ever since Emmeline lost her mother, she has been treated like nothing.Years later, when she fell in love with Abel, he was the one who treasured her like no one else. Abel feltdistressed by Emmeline's experience, and he vowed in his heart, I will treasure her forever and ever.

Maxwell said, "It’s all my fault. I hope to get your forgiveness now."

Ethan said in his low voice, "Why do you bring this up? It’s all in the past; let’s stop and sharesomething happier."

Maxwell said, "I am grateful that Emma found the one for her, and she gave birth to four grandchildrenfor our family. It all looks like a dream to me."

Emmeline’s eyes were still red. "Stop it. Let’s change the topic."

Maxwell smiled awkwardly and said, "Oops, that’s right. Let’s dig in and enjoy the food. Cheers!"

The lunch ended happily, and everyone left. As soon as Emmeline came to the hall, someone calledher from far away, "Ms. Louise."

Emmeline raised her eyes; there was a young lady holding a bouquet of flowers in her arms. Shewalked over from the desk, and her forehead was wrapped in gauze. Emmeline did not recognize herat first glance; it was Jonathan’s daughter, Ysabel.

"Ms. Louise, thankfully, you are here." Ysabel acted familiarly.

"Do you need me for anything?" Emmeline looked at her suspiciously.

Ysabel had a car accident that day, and Emmeline did not expect to meet her here. It seems like shedid not have any major injuries.

Ysabel smiled and said, "I am here for Mr. Adam and Mr. Adrien."

Emmeline said, "You should be able to get the answer from the service desk, not me. How would Iknow where they are?"

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