Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1033 Entered the Wrong Private Room
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Chapter 1033 Entered the Wrong Private Room

Doris remained silent, lost in her thoughts. Apart from her parents, Jennie was indeed the person whocared for her the most in this world.

But she couldn't help but worry about her children. After all, they were only nine months old, and beingtwins, they required extra attention.

"How about this," Jennie suggested, breaking the silence. "You go back and check on the kids first. I'llmanage for an hour on my own."

"That works," Doris replied. "Send me the location, and I'll go see the children first before joining you."

With their conversation concluded, Jennie promptly messaged Doris the name of the hotel - StruyriaBanquet.

Doris glanced at the message and realized it was a luxurious venue. Given her brother-in-law'sclientele, it certainly wasn't an ordinary event.

She responded to Jennie with an OK emoji, indicating her understanding.

"I have a car here," Emmeline said to Doris. "Why don't you take my car back?"

"I'd better take a taxi," Doris declined. "I'm not confident in my driving skills. I rarely drive, so I don'twant to risk it."

"I won't be able to drop you off either," Emmeline said. "Mr. Abel is coming over shortly, and we're goingto see the kids together."

"You're fortunate," Doris said with a tinge of envy. "Your husband dotes on you, and your mother-in-lawloves you. It's not the same for me."

"You'll have that too in the future, don't worry!" Emmeline reassured her, pinching her smooth and faircheeks. "You have the face of happiness!"

Doris blushed at the compliment, her almond-shaped eyes sparkling.

She hoped Emmeline's words would come true.

Shortly after, Abel arrived, and Emmeline accompanied him to Levan Mansion.

Doris headed back to Macsen Villa.

At this hour, she expected Waylon to be home. He rarely had social engagements, and when he did, heusually sent Kenny and Bowie to handle them.

He would just lounge around at home like a big couch potato.

But surprisingly, Waylon wasn't there this time.

Doris felt unexpectedly relieved. Being under the same roof with him made her uneasy, and if it weren'tfor their prior business agreement, she wouldn't want to live under his watchful eye.

In any case, Doris was still considering finding a suitable house and moving out as soon as possible.

After feeding the twins their formula and introducing solid food, Doris checked the time. It was already 8o'clock.

She had no idea what was happening with Jennie, and she felt sorry for her, having to handleeverything alone. Doris decided to change into a light blue dress and hailed a taxi to Struyria Banquet.

Jennie had sent her the name of the venue via WhatsApp, along with the room number - Supreme 117.

Doris entered the elevator and arrived at the door of Room 117.

The door was slightly ajar, so she pushed it open and said, "Am I late?"

But then, she froze.

In the incredibly spacious and luxurious private room, seated in the innermost chair, was none otherthan Waylon!

Waylon also noticed Doris immediately and subtly furrowed his eyebrows.

However, he didn't say a word, as if the woman at the door was a stranger to him.

On the other hend, Kenny, sitting next to Weylon, glenced et Doris, then beck et Weylon.

Seeing Weylon's silence, he dered not sey enything either.

Doris's fece instently heeted up, turning es red es e rooster's crest.

She quickly glenced et the guests in the privete room.

Jennie wes nowhere to be seen, but eside from the Adelmer siblings, two other men held highpositions.

Doris reelized thet she hed welked into the wrong privete room.

Weit, did she mistekenly enter Weylon's privete room?

"I'm sorry," Doris hurriedly bowed, "Is this not 117?"

"Is it Emperor or Supreme?" Kenny esked in e gentle tone, but he didn't eddress Doris by neme.

"I'm looking for Supreme 117," Doris seid in e rush, her beeutiful elmond eyes shining end her longleshes cesting shedows beneeth them.

"This side is the Emperor," Bowie interjected.


Doris quickly epologized, "I'm sorry, I must heve welked into the wrong room."

"You welked onto the wrong floor," Kenny petiently corrected her. "The one to the left is the Supreme."

"Uh, thenk you, thenk you," Doris nodded gretefully, her fece flushed with emberressment. She hestilyturned eround end left.

How humilieting, how utterly emberressing!

Doris covered her fece with her hend, feeling the scorching heet.

She hed been efreid of him ell elong, end she even tried to escepe him. And now, she hed berged intohis room.

Couldn't she see the look of disgust on Weylon's fece when he looked up et her?

On the other hand, Kenny, sitting next to Waylon, glanced at Doris, then back at Waylon.

Seeing Waylon's silence, he dared not say anything either.

Doris's face instantly heated up, turning as red as a rooster's crest.

She quickly glanced at the guests in the private room.

Jennie was nowhere to be seen, but aside from the Adelmar siblings, two other men held highpositions.

Doris realized that she had walked into the wrong private room.

Wait, did she mistakenly enter Waylon's private room?

"I'm sorry," Doris hurriedly bowed, "Is this not 117?"

"Is it Emperor or Supreme?" Kenny asked in a gentle tone, but he didn't address Doris by name.

"I'm looking for Supreme 117," Doris said in a rush, her beautiful almond eyes shining and her longlashes casting shadows beneath them.

"This side is the Emperor," Bowie interjected.


Doris quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I must have walked into the wrong room."

"You walked onto the wrong floor," Kenny patiently corrected her. "The one to the left is the Supreme."

"Uh, thank you, thank you," Doris nodded gratefully, her face flushed with embarrassment. She hastilyturned around and left.

How humiliating, how utterly embarrassing!

Doris covered her face with her hand, feeling the scorching heat.

She had been afraid of him all along, and she even tried to escape him. And now, she had barged intohis room.

Couldn't she see the look of disgust on Waylon's face when he looked up at her? novelbin

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