Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1020 Fending Off Mr Adelmar’s Troublesome Admirer
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Chapter 1020 Fending Off Mr Adelmar's Troublesome Admirer

At that moment, Doris mentally scolded herself for uttering those words. She couldn't believe she hadblurted out such sensitive information without considering the consequences. It was as if her mouthhad a mind of its own.

Though the truth was that Mr. Adelmar was indeed at home looking after the children, there was noneed for Doris to divulge that information so abruptly. But now that the words were out, she had tostand her ground, no matter how uncomfortable it felt.

"Yes, you heard correctly," Doris responded, her voice steady despite the swirling thoughts in her head."Mr. Adelmar is taking care of his children...twins, a boy, and a girl."

The woman's brows furrowed in surprise, clearly caught off guard by this revelation.

"And who are you to Mr. Adelmar?" she inquired, her tone growing increasingly hostile.

"We share the same roof," Doris replied with a faint smile, choosing not to disclose further details. "Noneed to delve into the specifics."

"So," the woman's expression turned icy, "Mr. Adelmar has a wife and children?"

Doris was taken aback by the woman's abrupt shift in demeanor, but she quickly realized the twistedlogic behind her thoughts. It became clear that Mr. Adelmar required the woman's signature on thedocument, but she had developed romantic feelings for him.

It became clear to Doris that the woman had ulterior motives for inviting Mr. Adelmar to this place. Nowonder he had expressed his aversion to the meeting. The pieces were falling into place, and Doriscouldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief.

Just imagine, an older woman like her setting her sights on Mr. Adelmar? It was almost laughable.

"You don't need to ask about his wife and children," Doris replied, her smile serene. "Please just signthe document."

"But I can't help feeling upset," the woman retorted, her face turning red with indignation. "If I hadknown he had a wife and children, I wouldn't have wasted my emotions!"

"No one forced you into this situation," Doris remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of reproach. "Justtake a good look at yourself. How can someone like Mr. Adelmar be within your grasp? Don't let a bit ofpower go to your head and complicate matters. It won't reflect well on you!"

The woman fell silent, her expression shifting from anger to contemplation. Was it so outlandish for her,a divorced woman, to develop feelings for Waylon?

She had done her due diligence, meticulously researching Waylon's relationship status. All signspointed to him being an eligible bachelor, a man who had yet to settle down. Could the information shehad gathered be inaccurate?

"Sign the damn document!" Doris pushed the papers forward with a forceful shove. "I don't have time towaste on your nonsense. I have to rush back home to feed my child!"

The woman was taken aback by Doris's assertiveness. She was momentarily speechless, unable toformulate a suitable response.

Doris continued, her tone filled with impatience, "Please, just sign it already. I've said all I needed tosay. Are you still not getting it?"

Fueled by her accustomed air of entitlement, the woman retorted, "Who do you think you are to lectureme? I haven't done anything to your man!"

Doris, who was typically docile, was not one to be trifled with when push came to shove. She firmlygrabbed hold of the woman's wrist, pulling her forcefully towards the table.

"Do you think you can mess with me?" Doris seethed with anger. "Aren't you afraid that I could exposeyou and tarnish your precious reputation?"

The woman, now a little fearful, pleaded, "Don't you dare! I'll sign it, and I'll pretend I never knew yourman!"

"We never knew each other in the first place!" Doris released her grip and opened the document.

The woman hastily retrieved a pen and her seal from her bag and swiftly wrote her name in thedesignated space. "If only you had known this earlier, what a waste!" Doris collected the document andmade her departure.

In less than an hour, she returned to Macsen Villa and handed the document to Waylon. "Is it signedalready?" Waylon still seemed somewhat skeptical.

In less than an hour, she returned to Macsen Villa and handed the document to Waylon. "Is it signedalready?" Waylon still seemed somewhat skeptical.

"It's signed," Doris blushed slightly. "But I didn't give her an easy time. I don't know if she'll give youtrouble in the future."

"Once the procedure is completed, it'll be fine. If she wants to make trouble for me, she doesn't havethe ability!"

Waylon opened the document and confirmed that it was indeed signed. "Does this mean the task iscompleted?" Doris felt quite pleased, realizing that the job hadn't been as troublesome as she hadexpected.

In essence, she had helped Waylon fend off unwanted advances.

"Yes," Waylon nodded. "I didn't misjudge you; you're very capable in this role."

He picked up another document from the table and said, "Sign a part-time agreement, and then you'llbe done."

A part-time agreement?novelbin

Doris raised an eyebrow in skepticism as she picked up the document prepared by Waylon and quicklyread through it.

As it turned out, it required her to work as a pastry chef at Nightfall Cafe and occasionally accompanyWaylon to similar social events. She was also responsible for maintaining confidentiality.

In return, she would receive free room and board at Macsen Villa, along with additional bonuses ofvarying amounts.

Of course, she would also have the benefit of a free nanny to help take care of her children.

Doris's heart bloomed with joy. Where else could she find such a wonderful opportunity?

Without hesitation, she picked up the pen and signed her name.

Then, with a cheerful skip in her step, she hurried off to see her children.

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