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Chapter 1002 Fire Outbreak

Just as Sam was about to message Doris on WhatsApp from the desktop, Doris had already hurriedlyrun down from the second floor.

At that moment, Waylon Adelmar pushed the door open and Doris bumped into his arms.

Waylon was highly skilled and acted on reflex. With a flick of his wrist, he was about to throw theintruder out.

Looking at what was caught in his hand, it turned out to be Doris. Waylon forcefully restrained himself,allowing her to bump into him as much as possible.

Both exclaimed, "Ouch!" Clearly, the collision was solid and painful.

Waylon's handsome face turned cold, his eyebrows furrowed, and he was about to say, "Why do Ialways run into bad luck when I meet you?"

But Doris, with a teary voice, interjected, "Something terrible has happened! There's a fire at my house,and I need to hurry back."

Upon hearing these words, Emmeline and Janie immediately stood up from their chairs.

Waylon was also surprised: Her house is on fire?

"Doris," Emmeline asked, "What's happening?"

"Emma," Doris's eyes turned red as she anxiously explained, "I just received a call from Mrs. Flores.

She forgot to turn off the gas stove, and the pot caught fire in the kitchen."

"Did you call 119?" she asked.

"We called, we called!" Doris exclaimed, "But they haven't arrived yet!"

"Let's go!" Emmeline grabbed the car keys.

"I'll drive," Waylon said, "I know the way!"

Saying that, Waylon turned around and ran to the parking lot to get the car.

The three women followed together.

"Ms. Louise," Sam said, "Please be careful!"

She wanted to go and protect her home, Ms. Louise, but there were still customers in the store, andshe couldn't leave.

After some thought, Sam called Benjamin York.

The three women got into the Maybach driven by Waylon and headed towards Canaryville, whereDoris lived.

In the span of ten minutes, the car entered Canaryville.

The fire truck had already arrived.

However, the neighborhood was an old community with irregular parking, and many cars were parkedon both sides of the street.

The fire truck couldn't pass through easily, and the water hose couldn't reach it.

Waylon parked the car, removed his suit jacket, loosened his tie, and rushed to the stairs.

The elevator was in operation, but Waylon didn't have time to wait. He quickly entered the stairwell.

Doris lived on the sixth floor, and running up the stairs was faster than waiting for the elevator.

With his own agility, he swiftly ascends the six flights of stairs in the blink of an eye.

Arriving at Doris' door, the entrance was tightly shut.

Mrs. Flores was trapped inside and unable to open the door.

Doris said the kitchen was on fire, and he knew the location of her kitchen.

This was the master bedroom and the secondary bedroom where the children slept, both blocked bysmoke and flames. novelbin

Waylon swiftly spun around and launched a flying kick behind him.

"A bang!" A loud noise, and the door panel toppled inward.

Doris, who had just come out of the elevator, witnessed this scene and was instantly shocked.

This man appeared refined and cultured, sophisticated and elegant, yet who would have thought healso concealed such a dominant and powerful side?

This man appeared refined and cultured, sophisticated and elegant, yet who would have thought healso concealed such a dominant and powerful side?

Although this kick broke her door, it was impressive!

As the door panel fell, thick black smoke accompanied by flames billowed out.

"Mr. Adelmar, be careful!" Doris shouted.

Waylon, as if he hadn't heard, covered his mouth and nose, and bent down to crawl inside.

"Brother!" Emmeline followed closely after exiting the elevator, wanting to rush in but Janie pulled herback.

"Emma, it's dangerous!"

"I have to go in," Emmeline replied, "I can't let my brother take the risk alone!"

"Wah! Wah!" The sound of a baby crying came from inside.

Doris exclaimed, "My child!" and recklessly plunged into the thick smoke.

However, she was soon overcome by heavy smoke and fell to the ground.

Seeing the situation deteriorating, Emmeline rushed over and grabbed her arm, pulling her out.

Doris was already suffocating.

In the meantime, firefighters rushed up.

A figure emerged from the doorway, Waylon, wearing a soaking wet bed sheet, holding two cryinginfants in his arms.

Stumbling behind him was Mrs. Flores, also wrapped in a wet blanket.

Seeing that both adults and children were unharmed, Emmeline breathed a sigh of relief and used asilver needle to revive Doris.

"Child," Doris croaked in a hoarse voice, "Where is my child?"

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