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Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 90

90. Something long Overdue


“You may begin.” Dad said as he sat at the table to the side, at the front of the room.

We were in the pack conference hall. The room was large, and rows of chairs were set out for thosewho would witness the trial.

Alongside Dad at the table at the front were Raj, and three other elders who were well-known andrespected around the pack. Although this decision would not be made by them alone, but by the Packitself, they were still needed to keep order.

Emmet was seated on a chair right at the centre of the front, his wrists cuffed to the arms of the chair.He was bound too.

The table beside the chair held a tablet that was hooked up to the screen behind him. Anything hewould type, would be shown to the Pack via the screen.

“Emmet Garrons, you will write only the truth and tell nothing but the truth. Answering all questionstruthfully, and adhering to the rules of this Pack, understood?” Dad’s command was absolute, makingEmmet lower his head.

He looked defeated, not like the man that was acting all cocky in that cell. Most likely a temporaryfa?ade for the pack, that was until he lost his shit.

He nodded to Dad’s question, typing ‘Yes’ on the tablet. His right hand was given enough movementspace to type with ease.

Azura was sitting between Jax and Sera, her eyes on Emmet. Eric was beside Jax, and despite howwell he was dealing, I was sure this was still hard for him. The room was full. At least three hundredpeople were in here.

“Let’s start with the initial reason you were put into prison.” I said, turning to him. “You used tophysically beat your mate Jackie Demiko, correct?”

He clenched his jaw before he slowly nodded, his hand going to the tablet. ‘We were happy. I lost mytemper, but she never complained, so it was no one’s business! I loved her!’

A tense ripple went through the room. Those who knew Jackie, and most of the pack did, knew shewas a fucking gem. One who was gone too soon… I pushed aside the pain that crushed my chest andlooked at Emmet once more. “It was wrong, just because the bond kept her bound to you, does notmean she was fucking ok with it. You abused her. Jackie was ready to reject you before her untimelydeath.”

A murmured whisper spread through the hall. Emmet shook his head violently; he didn’t need to writeanything for me to know, he still refused to believe that shit still. “It’s the truth, whether or not youbelieve it. Moving on. You kicked a pregnant woman in the stomach knowing she was carrying a pup,true?” I growled, my eyes flashing.

Emmet struggled before he slowly nodded, quickly typing. ‘She was interfering where she shouldn’thave!

One less elite is doing us all a favour.’ I snarled, my aura raging around me, my heart thumping as Itried to keep calm and not tear the bastard to shreds.

My eyes flicked across the room, trying to assess if any would dare side with him on that one, but none,even those who I knew hated the elite… looked to be in agreement. Either they knew who the womanin question was, or they had compassion towards an unborn pup.

I had bred hatred here… over time many may have agreed with dad but there were still many whoagreed with me, and I encouraged that… I hope with time they’ll realise that we are the same… andthat I was fucking wrong.Azura will be their Luna and they will come to love her.

“You did no fucking favour. You tried to kill a child! Third, the woman in question was none other thanyour future Alpha’s mate.” Another wave of shock filled the room, but this time they were quieter.Waiting for the judgement to pass. “Do you deny it?” I challenged, our eyes meeting.

Once upon a time, we were each other’s support… now we were merely two strangers… Barely seeingeye to eye.

He shook his head, looking away.

“Good. Fourth, I created a weapon that was meant to be used for this pack’s protection if the need everarose. You stole that formula and sold a huge fucking number to an enemy of mine. Correct?”

He looked down at the tablet, typing fast. ‘

Yeah, your enemy through your Cartel, I sold them to another Cartel boss. You ain’t no fucking saintLeo.’

I smirked coldly. There was no reaction from the assembly. “So, you admit that you sold somethingdangerous. Something that, in the wrong fucking hands, can kill us all?”

‘I fucking said yeah. What else do you want?’ He typed, his cold glare boring into me.

“Just clarifying. So thousands of lives are on you.” I said, lighting a cigarette. “You also stole from me,millions of pounds worth of products, as well as sabotaged a certain shipment of mine. Things that I’mnow trying to fucking fix. Correct?”

He simply didn’t respond, his expression clear enough before typing something quickly. ‘Yeah, drugs.’

I smirked. If he thought I’d be fucking bothered, he had another thing coming.

And we’ll finish with the allegation that in doing all the prior mentioned shit, you betrayed this pack, yourmate, your Alpha and your Luna… what punishment is deemed fit for you?”

The woman that sat beside Dad raised her hand. “As someone who has never been able to carry achild… he deserves the punishment of death, let it be a warning to the masses.” She said coldly.

I nodded slowly, taking a drag of my cigarette, and faced the assembly.

“Imprisonment for life.” Eric said quietly, the sorrow in his eyes making a wave of regret wash throughme. Regret that he had to see this shit, Emmet was practically the only blood he had left who knew whohe was.


“Public execution!”

“End him. After everything he’s done, why is he even getting a trial?”

“Because everyone deserves a chance to voice their thoughts. Of any rank and status…” I cut in,making the crowd quieten down. “Emmet, is there even an ounce of remorse within you? Do you regretwhat you have done?” I looked him square in the eye, and he only sneered.

I didn’t want to kill him, not because he didn’t deserve it… but because bloodshed led to morebloodshed… Seeing the way the pack was reacting, it just showed that there was still that animalisticside just beneath the surface, wanting out. Just like all species… everyone held a darkness. I could seetheir anger, that side of them that valued loyalty strongly. But I knew that given the chance, we can allbecome beasts to our rage and hatred… that it was so easy to turn on our own.

He typed something, and I looked at the screen behind him, a screen that held only two words.

‘Fuck you.’

“End him.” One of the other elders said quietly. “I understand that you kept him alive because of Jackie,Alpha Leo, but he tried to kill your child.”novelbin

“The punishment should be the same regardless of whose child it is, right Alpha?” Jax remarked. “AndI’m sure we can all agree the death penalty is really fitting here. This is something I’m all for.”

A round of agreement followed and I looked at Emmet. The people had spoken.

I wanted this all fucking over with. This entire thing was fucking with my head, the memories of Jackieand everything he had done, just screaming at the forefront of my mind.

Dad and Azura were the only ones who hadn’t spoken. I glanced at Dad, almost as if for guidance, andhe smiled faintly, the corners of his eyes wrinkling.

‘You got this.’ He said through the link. I guess no matter how fucking old we got, we still needed thatguidance.

‘Don’t think about not wanting to do something or how you want to be. Do what feels right… you saidyou will let our people decide. Take their vote, handsome. They’ve spoken.’ Azura’s voice camethrough the link. I glanced at her, our eyes meeting. Although I knew what the answer would be, Inodded before I looked away from those gorgeous eyes.

“All for life imprisonment.” I asked clearly. A few raised their hands, but it wasn’t even a quarter… “Andall for the death penalty, raise your hands.”

The majority raised their hand.

The decision was made, and I heard someone say, ‘So be it.’

Emmet let out a guttural sound as he began writhing in his seat. The tablet that had rested on the tablebeside the chair went flying to the floor. I saw Eric place his head in his hand. They may not have beenclose, but he was still his brother.

“Then the punishment will take place in front of a select few,” Dad said with finality.

“Very well…” I said, frowning slightly. Before everyone leaves, I want to address something.” I added,making everyone turn their attention to me. “As you now know, I do have other work outside of thispack… perhaps some of it that many won’t agree with, but I’m not fucking ashamed. I’m fine witheveryone who is against that, or any beliefs and opinions they want. No one should be forced to acceptsomething just because their Alpha believes it. A leader is nothing without his people… and their viewsand opinions will always matter.”

“You have always done nothing but support us. You are our Alpha.” Someone said. A wave ofagreement followed, and

Jax smirked.

“Absolutely, I mean he’s our own Robin Hood.”

A few chuckled, and I took another drag of my cigarette. “In a matter of days, I will become your Alphaand as you all know, I have always held a stance against certain packs… and I’m going to admit I wasfucking bitter, and holding onto something that they already apologised for. I will admit that I was wrong.I know me saying this shit doesn’t change everyone’s opinions overnight, but I hope you can all seewhat took me years to see. That we all make mistakes… but we can’t blame everyone for the mistakesof a few.”

Azura’s heart skipped a beat, and our eyes met as I continued. “Those pack alphas will join us for mineand my Luna’s ceremony, and I hope that everyone welcomes them. Let’s leave the past in the past,and look to the future.”

A clap broke out, but I was far too lost in those gorgeous bright blue eyes, thinking how life fucking tookon a form I never fucking saw coming… and I was happy.

“Those wishing to witness Emmet’s sentence being carried out, may remain. The rest may make theirway to the exit,”

I finished.

“Alpha Marcel, Alpha Leo.” Eric stood up as the room began clearing out. “Can I do it? I mean, can Icarry the sentence out?”

I looked at him sharply, shocked by his decision. Emmet growled, glaring at him, but Eric only looked athim with sympathy. The five stood up whilst Sera and Mishiko, Jin’s mate, began walking towards theexit.

“Are you sure?” Dad asked, as Ace walked over and handed Eric the gun.

“Yes.” He said quietly. “Is he able to visit mother first?”

Emmet scoffed, his eyes blazing with rage, and I frowned. “I don’t think he wants to.” Their motherwasn’t in her right mental state, and didn’t recognise her sons anymore.

Eric shook his head as Emmet glared at him. If he still had his tongue, I knew he’d be fucking swearing.

“One bullet, no pain, actually.” Ace said, winking at Emmet as he slapped Eric’s back and I knew whatbullet that gun contained.

How fitting. So that was why he had asked for one bullet.

The five stood in a line, blocking Emmet and Eric from Azura’s view since she had turned her headaway but refused to leave.

‘Let’s go.” I said to her. She stood up, glancing at Eric sympathetically. I looked back at him. He wassimply staring at the gun as Emmet struggled and shouted, trying to fight the two guards who werekeeping the chair in place.

“Are you sure, Eric?” I asked quietly.

He nodded, giving me a sad smile. “He chose his path, and he committed many crimes.” Eric saidsoftly.

“Yeah. He did.” I took Azura’s hand, striding towards the door. I needed to visit Kareena too. She wasn’tin a good mental state either…

I was halfway to the door when a sudden thought came to me, my heart thudding as I spun around.

“Wait!” I shouted just as the bullet went off and the room was one heartbeat less.”Fuck!”

The five and Eric looked at me, along with the guards who remained and the elders. All wearing anexpression of confusion.

“What’s wrong?” Azura asked, placing her hand on my arm.

I didn’t reply, my heart thundering as I looked at the blood dripping onto the floor from the lifeless body.His head was hanging forward.

I was meant to ask him who from this pack was working with him, if any.

“Leo?” Azura asked sharply, placing a hand on my shoulder, but I was unable to respond, simplystaring at Emmet’s lifeless body while running a hand through my hair.


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