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Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 74

Dj Arittle Wit et siinky Fun

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“you‘re my dirty little girl.” 1 growled, rubbing my cock against her pussy. “Then fuck your dirty liutle girlnow.” She moaned breathlessly rubbing her ass against any cock. I pushed her thongs aside andslammed into her with one rough thrust, making her cry out. She gripped the counter tighter, and Igrabbed hold of her hips, No matter how hard I wanted to fuck her, I had to be careful of our baby.“Better keep it down Baby girl, unless you want the entire fucking mansion to hear.” I whispered huskilyas I fucked her. She whimpered an incoherent reply, as she tried to muffle her sexy moans. My eyeswere fixed on lier ass, watching my dick slide in and out of that pussy, the way her skin slapped againstme. Suddenly the kitchen door opened, my eyes flashed as Azura screamed, and although she tried tomove, I refused to let her go.

“Out!” I growled, knowing that I was covering her, and nothing could be seen, but it was pretty suckingobvious what we were doing. A yelp and a slamming door were heard, and Azura turned and stared atme over her shoulder, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Not a sight you see osten. “Oh mygoddess, Leo we– Aah!” She gasped when I began pounding hier again, she clutched the counter, andit didn‘t take long for her to no longer care about who walked in on us as pleasure consumed her oncemore.

We continued fucking, and soon she was on the brink of release, I sped up, finding my own release atthe same time as hers. She let out a loud moan of pleasure as I kissed her neck to muffle my owngroan – pulling her shaky body up against me. Our hearts were racing as we caught our breath, thesmell of sex hung in the air, and that satisfaction after a good fuck made me smirk.

She was fucking perfect... I flicked her ear, kissing her just below it sensually. After a few moments ofcatching our breath back, I reached for the dish towel on the counter and wiped between her legs as Ipulled out. 2.

She whimpered, holding onto my arm with one hand as she reached down, taking the towel from meand wiping herself. I peppered soft kisses along her neck, enjoying the feel of her skin beneath iny lips.

Beyond heavenly... I inhaled her scent deeply, satisfied at the fact that my scent lingered on her. “Whocame in?” She whispered, scanning the floor just in case there was anything on the floor. Although Ithink the smell of sex in here would be enough to tell anyone what we did in here. I shrugged, slippingmy dick back into my pants. “I think it was Winona.” I replied as she went to the sink and dampened acomer of the towel while wiping her legs. “Oh flip, the poor womnan!” She exclaimed, tossing the teatowel in the bin. I smirked, “Don‘t worry she didn‘t see anything. It‘s her fault for coining in.” A devilishsinirk crossed her lips, and she locked her arms around my neck “Minm, maybe she

just got all hot and bothered and needs to find a man because that was absolutely fucking hot “Shewhispered seductively, reaching up and nibbling on the lobe of my ear, sending a ripple of pleasure

through me before she pulled away. “Shall we go clean up?” >>

Sounds like a fucking plan.” I replied, kissing her lips once more. “Shame I ruined the tights...

“Oh I have another pair upstairs and I plan to buy many more.” She replied with a toss of her hair asshe led the way to the door. I followed, appreciating the view, my thumb to my lips as I ad?nired hersexy derriere. Was there anything this girl was lacking? Na, nothing

It was a while later and we were in the lounge, the house was empty which I was fucking grateful for,and I was just going through some old books to try to see if we could figure anything out about whatJudah could be. Alejandro lad set a meeting for the evening, but he had been the one to send thesebooks over. Several of us, including the witches and others were also trying to go through other booksfor answers in the hope that we found out what exactly the bastard was. Azura was lielping with sometasks I had set her, her legs in my lap, and those tights that she replaced the torn ones with, werefucking distracting

I put the second book down, there was nothing so far. Sighing in frustration, I took out a cigarette and litit. She looked at me while biting on the end of her pen. “What‘s wrong?”

“I just hate when I don‘t know shit.” I replied, taking the pen from her and marking a cross on her thighbetween the gaps in her net. She smirked slightly, taking it back and made a circle in the next box andhanded the pen back to me. “We‘ll find the answers, there‘s plenty of us trying to figure this out.” Shesaid, as I made another cross slowly.

Our eyes met, and I heard her heart race as she slowly took the pen and made a sccond circle.

“You just...”

The door opened, only for Dad to stop in his tracks and cover his eyes. “Is it safe to enter?” I gave hima cold glare before taking the pen and making the third X before drawing a line through it. “I win.” “No...

I‘ve already won.” She whispered, making Dad chuckle.

“Ah the love here... you know I‘ve never seen Winona run faster than she did earlier, she didn‘t evenapologise for barreling into me.” He smirked, and I didn‘t miss how Azura‘s cheeks heated up. “That‘swhy I prefer living alone. You could have warned her not to enter.” I responded pointedly.

“Hey, I‘m not complaining besides I didn‘t realise she was back.” Dad replied, raising his hand insurrender. “Anyway, I won‘t disturb you lot for long. I was thinking about holding the passage of theAlpha Litle this coming full moon.”

“That‘s literally a week away... we have a lot of shit going on without having a ceremony to deal with. Ireplied.

I layow but we need to do this, Azura can also take the Luna title and be initiated into the pack too.”

Alpha and Luna. Tlooked into her blue eyes and seeing no hesitation, I nodded. “Fine. Are you coolwith that baby girl?” I smirked seeing how she reacted to me. “Sure... That‘s going to be one eventfulnight...” She murmured and I knew she meant the healing... ‘No pressurc even if we don‘t get that shitsorted. I won‘t die that fast.’ ‘We are going to heal you.‘ She replied firmly before turning to Dad.“Sounds like a plan, if you need me to do anything I‘m happy to help.”

“Thank you Azura, you will make a good Luna.” He said, making her smile before he left the room.

I knew she had doubts about it, how she didn‘t feel she‘ll do a good job, guess she doesn‘t fuckingrealise she was born to do it and she‘ll deliver. Not every Luna is the same and Azura would be thepersect Luna sor me and this pack. “You will be perfect. Just be you. Fuck the rest.” I said quietlyleaning over and kissing her lips softly, she placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me back before Imoved away. “I like the slight stubble, you suit it.”

I guess I was far too busy to keep on top of shaving, and a lot of shit has been going on.

“Good.” I replied as she gave me a wink and returned to her file.

I knew wliat happened between hier and Nikki yesterday, Jax had told me earlier but said not tomention it to Azura. She had handled herself well, but Nikki did deserve a punishment, so 1 had put heron house arrest with someone watching her constantly. I had her phone and her devices confiscatedfrom her. 7

I didn‘t trust lier. Not around Azura or even anywhere near her. If Emmet could betray me, so couldNikki, and she didn‘t keep her hatred for Azura a secret. I was certain she was the one who had spreadthe fact that Judah was Azura‘s ex to the pack, but how did she even fucking find out?

That was a question I didn‘t know the answer to yet. As for the vitamins given to Azura, they wereperfectly fine, but I had still tossed them out and made Dan go and get some more for her. You can‘t betoo careful. Ever. It‘s always better sale

than sorry. I traced circles on her thigh, there was something vital I needed to do before then andbefore this meeting, and that was to make a very important call... It was a short while later whenCorrado returned, and after spending a short while with him, I got the chance to leave and headupstairs to the bedroom, ‘Time to get this shit over with...

I sat on the bed, sinoking a cigarette, as I hit call on a number I had saved not so long ago. After a fewrings, it was answered. “Hello?” Came the deep voice.

I was actually fucking doing this... Exhaling silently, I answered; “Elijah. It‘s Leo.” I

74. Making Amends


A silence followed, and I tookadrag on my cigarette. He knew we were together now, which shouldhave taken the fucking shock factor out of this call. “Are you following so I can fucking continue” .32 Iheard him blow out a short breath. “LLO, this is a surprise...” “It shouldn‘t really be one considering youobviously know I have overcome my issues, somewhat.”

“Your issues?”

1 smirked humorlessly. “We both know I was the one who had the issues, right? I accept that if that‘swhat you want. Let‘s not sugarcoat that shit. Is Scarlett there?” I was sure she was.

“Yes, I‘m here, hello Leo.”

“Hi” I replied, smoking my cigarette.

“I‘m glad the two of you have sorted things out.” She added. “But I‘?n assuining you‘re still angry, and Idon‘t fucking blame you. I hurt her and I know an apology isn‘t going to change that shit, but still... I‘msorry, what I did is not something that can just be swept under the rug.” It wasn‘t easy to apologize, butwhen it came to her – for her, it became fucking easier. ;

“You aren‘t wrong.” Elijah replied quietly. “I know my apology is just a sucking word, but I will prove tobe a better person for her. I‘ll keep her happy, and I‘ll sure as fuck take care of her. She‘s myresponsibility now, and I assure you that she‘s in good hands.” I smirked at those words, rememberinghow good her ass looked in my hand...

“They were silent for a moment, and I knew they were probably conversing through the mind link. Theonly thing I hated about phone calls was that you couldn‘t deduce a person‘s facial expression to figureout what they were thinking.

After another long moment, Elijah spoke. “I‘m glad you two have sorted it out. I was angry, but it‘s notthe first time I‘ve had to see one of my daughters go through something like this... I hope like Alejandro,

you will treat her well.”

“Iyon‘t treat her like Alejandro treats Kiara, I plan to treat her way better.” I replied, and I fucking meantil “Your daughter is about to become Luna on this coming full moon, and I wanted to personally call andinvite all her loved ones to be here for it. You are welcome to come at any time, even if it‘s days prior tothe ceremony.” I ran my fingers through my hair before I continued. “The Sangue Pack extends its handof friendship to the Blood Moon, and I

I promise that the Sangue Pack will be there for the Blood Moon if ever the need arises.”

And I fucking meant it.novelbin

Scarlent let out a small laugh, but I could tell she was emotional. “Well, he‘s sure better with words thanAlejandro.”


T‘ll withiold my judgement until I see how you treat her and how happy she is.” Elijah tesponded, not asimpressed as his counterpart, “We will be there.” “Great, please pass on the message to whomeverelse you think she‘d like here.” “We will.” Elijah answered.

“Is Azura there?” Scarlett asked.

“No, she isn‘t; I didn‘t really inform her I was about to call.” I replicd, thinking this was... weird. Thesewere practically my in–law‘s....

Ones who I used to call the elite...

It‘s crazy how in such a short time around lier las made me realise things, accept them, and 111oveon...

I felt ligliter...

“Well, we appreciate your call Leo, I will look forward to secing you soon.” Scarlett spoke.

“Yeall.” Elijah agreed begrudgingly. “The call was... welcomed.”

“Thien... until we meet... take care.” I‘d see Elijah at the meeting, I was sure Alejandro may have filledhim in a little and i had made it clear to him not to mention Azura. I didn‘t want him associated withAzura and neither did I want her parents to think she lid crap from them. When she wanted, she‘d tellthem, preferably when they came down. Face to face.

“Goodbye, give Azura our love” Scarlett said.

“I will.”

“See you soon.” Elijah added, before we ended the call, and I tossed it onto the bed, cxhaling, “Was itliard?”

My eyes snapped up to see Azura enter the room, I was so fucking consumed in the conversation Ididn‘t even realise her approaching despite the door being open a crack. She was a presence I didn‘tneed to be on edge ground, nor did my wolf tense at her presence. Rather his excitement and hungerbecame clearer.

“Is anything fucking hard for me?” I asked cockily, aside from staying away from you?

She sinirked, “Yeah, not getting turned on so fast.” She teased, locking the door behind herself andwalking over to me. She had a sucking point.. I was already getting turned on by the look in her eyesalone right ne....

Smirking, she pushed me back onto the bed, and I let her climb on top of me. “That‘s not exactly in myfucking control when you‘re always looking fucking hotter than the Sahara.” “Mana isn‘t wrong, you

really are a smooth talker.” She murmured seductively, kissing me softly I kissed her back, brushing herhair that now curtained her face out of the way. “I’m sorry that all this shit is so fucking messy... Whenit‘s all over and done with, I‘ll make it up to you. Not just all this fucking stress... but what I did to youtoo. We‘re going on our honeymoon.” I promised, brushing my knuckles down her cheek

Nie doktereves, envaying my touch. “You‘re already made it up to me, w but I‘ 1901

stus tp at that honeymoon. Although I wouldn‘t mind just being stuck in a roon with you For the entiretrip.” Her eyes futteralen, and I couldn‘t help but adinire how fucking h utitul ze cas every fucking way.“You know. I‘m a little weird, quite a lot crary, super imuusive, and just pretty much a psycho... I‘?n theWestwood Devil. She smiled wryly, and I dNot quik, letting her continue creu though I wanted to refuteher. She was way fuclang more than that. “But suinchow, you make me feel like I‘m the most incredible,beautiful, amcig girl in the world and make me feel like I truly am the only one you want. I love you LeoRossi. Ny increible, sexy, and perfectly smoking hot, bad boy. I truly am madly, deeply, axt insanely inlove with you.” . Hearing those words was indescribable. The emotions it evoked in me.. fuck she wasmore than my all

Her heart was pounding, and I didn‘t need her confirmation to tell one this was the first time she wasprofessing her love there was a vulnerability in her voice, as if it was the first time she was baring herheart and soul to me.

Guess that makes two of us...

This thing between us was at a level that nothing else compared.

I cuppe her face, brushing my thumbs across her cheeks. “Never thought hearing those words couldfucking make me feel crazy like this...” I whispered huskily, tugging her close as my lips grazed hers,making a beautiful sigh fall from her lips. “I love you too baby girl, you‘re Leo Rossi‘s Devil now. My

beautiful wild psycho, and I fucking wouldn‘t change that shit for anything. You aren‘t just my all,Azura... you are the light I

fucking needed, the push to keep me fighting, and the force to keep me grounded. You‘re the one forme.” I murmured the words against her lips, listening to the rhythm of her heartbeat, before we kissedonce more. . A move that always felt like it was the first time... Yet so perfect that it was as if we hadperfected it since the beginning of time. We broke apart, her breathing heavier as she whispered thewords. “I‘m proud of the man vou have become, Leo... I truly am.”

Her approval was all that fucking mattered.

Evening had come and I had just come back from a light jog, needing it to clear my head after theamount of hours I had poured over those old books. Azura had fallen asleep with one of the books inland and I had covered her up before taking a quick shower, since the meeting was in under an hour. Ihad just stepped out of the bathroom and was pulling on some boxcrs when my phone rang. I grabbedit quickly not wanting to disturb her and frowned wien 1 realised it was Dan.

“Yeah?” I asked. If he called it meant he was out of range. “Where are you?”

“At the location for the dinner.”

Ilzew exactly where he meant and nodded. “How‘s it coming along?” I asked just as the phone beepedand Ace was added to the call.

‘11 coruns along üne, security is impeccable, escape routes if needed, surveillance hidden in plain siyit.I think we got it covered.” Dan replied confidently. “011, we have, this dinner‘s going to be pretty...explosive.” Ace added. Well, Schurke Wolf isn‘t someone to mess with and neither are we. Threenights froin now.. “Dan agreed.

“Yeah, it‘s time Web realises that you don‘t mess with us” Ace‘s cold reply came, I could hear the angerin his voice.

I sat down on the bed, propping one leg up and resting my ann on it as Ilened my head back againstthe beadboard. “Heimtückische Wolíchas yet to bend to someone, we never have and we never will.This Dinner will give us what we want, or we will do it the hard way.” I said. I heard the change inAzura‘s heartbeat as she stirred and frowned slightly. “I‘ll speak to you two soon,” I ended the call andplaced my phone down as she sat up sleepily.

Her eyes were keen, despite the sleep in them. “What dinner? What‘s Heim... Wolf?” She asked. I stareather, and the sudden cold realisation that she actually didn‘t know my truth hit me like a fucking freighttrain. And I knew from the questioning look in her eyes that I would have to tell her. How do you fuckingtell the woman you love that you‘re the boss of a Cartel? How would she even react to that..

I guess there was only one fucking way to find out. “Heimtückische W?lfe is the name of myorganisation.” I replied, looking at her with my eyes void of emotion. “The name of my Cartel.

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