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Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 39

39. A Sizzling Dinner


Corrado was thrilled to see me and was showing me the entire apartment. The delicious smell of foodwas making me lick my lips, or was that his scent? I wasn‘t sure... either way this place smelt divine.

Kiara and Alejandro had left after lunch and although I‘d miss them, I was glad I at least got to seethem for a short while, Kiara‘s parting words were to take care of myself, and the baby, along with anot–so–subtle comment to talk to Leo and try harder... In what way... well I knew what she wanted andhoped for.

Think before acting Zu.

Marcel had asked if I wished to stay at the mansion, but I had politely declined, deciding to return to theapartment beneath Leo‘s.

The short conversation I had with him now replayed in my mind.


“Thank you for everything.” I said looking at Marcel, we had just walked Al and Kia to the pack borders.

“I‘m afraid I didn‘t do enough, but I can assure you Emmet will be punished for what he tried to do. Iknow my son, and I know he has a level head on his shoulders most of the time.” We walked alongsideeach other as we made our way back.

“I know...” I said, placing my hand on my stomach.

Leo would protect this pup... “I am happy that I‘m going to be a grandfather again.” He smiled, and Ismiled back

“Yes, I just fear that this one might just be a little monster brewing, with parents like us.”

I wanted to say like Leo... but I know I was psycho too.

Marcel let out a chuckle. “Well kids aren‘t always like their parents; Leo is nothing like me or his motherfor that matter ...” His smile faded to a softer, tender one, and I knew he was remembering her. “Petrawas a very caring woman, with a good heart, strong yet gentle at the same time...” 3 A frown creasedhis brow, and he sighed.

“Are you ok?” I asked hesitantly.

“Of course... just my time with her and the memories are so vague... fleeting even, because I don‘tremember much... She died when Leo was still rather young...” (END)

The memory of Leo‘s dream had returned to me, and I wondered how much Marcel knew, or didn‘tknow

Didn‘t he have a right to know?

“And this is Daddy‘s room!” Corrado‘s excited voice brought me out of my reverie. “Corrado.” Leo‘svoice came with a subtle warning. I skimmed the room, there was no sign of a woman living there... Iguess Nikki really did move out… I glanced at the bed and couldn‘t deny that a pang of jealousy andpain rushed through me at the thought of them both in that bed. I might be pregnant with his pup... but Ihad never slept with him.

Not that I wanted to.

Although, I don‘t think I would be able to sleep if he was in my bed. 1

Urgh, focus Azura.

Now I really sounded like a hormonal pregnant woman.

“Ok Azura, let‘s go have dinner, Daddy worked very hard!” He took my hand, tugging me to the table,and I followed.

I could feel Leo‘s eyes on me. I had literally gone through everything before selecting this skirt, and itwould be lying if I didn‘t admit that I had chosen this skirt on purpose. I knew that Leo had a thing formy legs, and it was pretty satisfying knowing I had that hold on him. I really didn‘t know what I wanted,or what the future held, but it was kind of fun to see him struggle to control himself. I also wouldn‘t denythe fact that I enjoyed his attention. I looked at him as he placed a platter of grilled chicken on the table,along with a bowl of chips. There was a platter of rice and some nuggets too. Goddess, the food lookedso damn good.

“Daddy cooked.” Corrado declared, and I smiled. “Your Daddy is pretty good at a lot of things, right?” Iasked, ruffling his hair. “Oh yes. Daddy is good at everything.” 3

He nodded and I made the mistake to look at Leo, who was placing a wooden tray containing foursauces on the table. Why was seeing him in this setting so crazily hot...

I know Raven found Liam cooking hot, but I never got it, I just felt like, yay I am going to get food infront of me... but then Leo.

His eyes snapped up to mine and my heart skipped a beat.

I’m sure I had the block up... right? 1

I almost heard the purr of approval from my wolf under his intense gaze. A man looking at me with purehunger.

Eat me, please. 2 No, don‘t. Go away bad thoughts! “I never knew you were a good host.” I teased,pushing the thoughts of him shirtless out of my head. Corrado patted the seat next to him and I slid intothe chair. “I‘m not.” Leo replied coldly, sitting down.

“Well... this meal speaks otherwise, or am I just lucky?” I had to take a picture… “‘Yes. Daddy onlycooked for Azura and me.” Corrado agreed as I quickly took my phone out. “That is very nice of yourDaddy.” I said snapping a picture of the table. I almost got Leo in it, and I wasn‘t going to complain if Idid. But then he sat back, tilting his head as if he knew what was running through my mind. ‘Don‘tworry, I didn‘t want you in the picture.‘ I said, putting my phone aside. He raised an eyebrow

‘I didn‘t say anything.‘

“I know that look.” I said out loud.

“Do you now?” He countered.

I would have said more, but I could see the huge smile on the little gorgeous chipmunk‘s face next tome.

“What would you like to eat Corrado?” I asked instead.

“Chips and nuggets!”

“Chips and nuggets it is!” I placed both things on his plate before adding two nuggets and a handful ofchips to my plate, before helping myself to the rice and two pieces of chicken.

Yes, I can eat, and I will eat a lot! I only ate less when I had to cook.

Leo began adding food to his plate last, that same arrogant look on his face. “So Corrado, I heard youwanted to eat with me?” I smiled down at him, taking a bite of my food.

He nodded, swallowing his mouthful.

I‘d be damned... this chicken and rice were to die for. Damn the guys got skills and not only in thebedroom. “I did, but it was Daddy‘s idea.” Corrado continued, with a suspiciously innocent look on hisface. “He wanted to eat with you too.” S “I didn‘t.” Leo added, frowning at me.

Oh, I couldn‘t let such a good chance to tease him pass me by...

“Aww, are you sure Weo?” I cooed teasingly.

A flicker of something crossed his eyes as Corrado and I giggled.

“Weo! Daddy‘s name sounds funny!”

“When I was little, I couldn‘t say the R and L sometimes, unlike you. So Leo would have been Weo, youwould be Cowado.” I smiled, remembering I was pretty old when my speech became fluent. There wereeven a few people who found the way I talked irritating, but no two children were alike. I rememberwhen I finally got a grasp on the letters, I didn‘t want to use them out of stubbornness. Besides, Liamfell for everything as long as I spoke like that.

“It‘s cuter than how you speak now.” Leo remarked, snapping me from my thoughts.

“‘Want me to call you Wittle Weo?” I asked with a devilish smirk.

“No thanks unless you want me to call you Lola.” 3

Lola? “Lola is a pretty name, and so is Weo!” Corrado added. “Who is Lola?” I asked suspiciously,narrowing my eyes and watching him eat a forkful of chicken and rice.

I was so damn jealous of that fork right now...

“Figure it out.” He smirked.

“I plan to.” I replied, annoyed with that dumb smirk on Wittle Willied Weo‘s face. 2 Ok he was far fromlittle but still...

I moved my leg, tensing when it brushed against Leo‘s knee. Our eyes met, and the intense pullbetween us only seemed to heighten... I slowly moved it again, only to knock it against his other leg.

I was sure his legs weren‘t this close seconds ago...

I raised an eyebrow, moving my legs away as I picked up a drink bottle and poured myself a glass.

“What do you want to drink?” I asked Corrado.

“I will have the apple juice; you should ask Daddy too.” 1 Ok I think this boy was up to something. EvenLeo was frowning at him, but I wasn‘t going to break a kid‘s heart. 1

“Tell me, Wittle Weo, what drink would you like?” I asked sweetly, earning a glare from him. “I can helpmyself.” He replied, icily biting the metal cap off a bottle of J20, and taking a swig. “Daddy, we have tobe nice to Azura, she’s our guest.” “Yes, Wittle Weo, you got to be nice to your guests.” I repeated.‘Keep calling me that and I fucking swear I will remind you how far from little I am.‘ His growl camethrough the link, sending pleasure to my core. 4

My entire body wanted exactly that... and maybe a part of my mind too... ‘Well, I don‘t remember.Guess there was nothing to remember... ‘I replied haughtily as we continued eating The image of hisdick was still clear in my mind... Oh fuck...

My entire body was a mess of nerves, and that dangerous desire that was pooling between my legswas growing. Damn it Azura, focus.

I did my best to focus on Corrado after that, and when dinner was over, both Leo and I got up at thesame time to clear the table.

Leo was about to say something, but I cut in.

“I‘ll do it, you cooked.” I said when our hands brushed, and his gaze raked over me.

“Fine, you can put that sexy ass to use.” 1

We both froze, and I could almost see the annoyance on his face at himself for letting that commentslip. 1

‘Nice to know you think it‘s sexy.‘ I remarked, brushing past him, my bare shoulder brushing his arm.

“Don‘t push it.‘

This wasn‘t meant to be going like this... And how the hell were we flirting when there was a kidwatching us with such intensity that you couldn‘t miss him.

“I‘ll help!” Corrado offered as he stood up, about to take the drinks to the fridge.

“Let me wipe your hands first.” Leo said, taking a hand wipe and crouching beside his son.

I watched them, feeling my chest tighten at the faint smile on Leo‘s face, the adoration on Corrado‘s,and the way Leo wiped his face too. He was a good Dad... I looked away quickly, washing the dishes.

My own dad was perfect, the best dad anyone could wish for, and I wanted my baby to have that...

Once the table was wiped, Leo took out a platter of dessert shots. “Daddy didn‘t make these.” Corradoannounced, “I chose them from the shop all by myself, Winnie let me.”

“Yeah, I can tell.” Leo remarked, as we looked at all the colourful desserts.

“They look yummy,” I said as Corrado ran to get spoons.

“What drink do you want? Hot chocolate, coffee, or anything?” Leo asked our eyes meeting. “Milk” Isaid smirking, as something else milky white came to mind... “Is your mind always in the gutter?” “Ididn‘t say anything.” I retorted, my gaze dipping to the front of those jeans that hugged his perfect legs.He stepped closer, about to reach for me when Corrado‘s little figure stopped, observing us intently.

“You didn‘t need to; your eyes speak loud enough.” He replied, turning to Corrado. “You got thespoons?”

“Yes, I did...” He said, pretending to yawn. “I‘m so tired too.” 3 “Oh yeah?” Leo asked sceptically. “Youwanted Azura here, and now you‘re ready for bed?” “Yes! I want Azura to put me to bed, please? Andthen you can put Daddy to bed too!” 20

I couldn‘t help but burst out laughing at that. &

“Corrado...” Leo warned him.

“But Daddy, we had a plan.” He whispered, motioning for Leo to crouch down. Leo sat down, lifting himonto his lap. 4 “There was no plan, that was just you being you. Now, which one do you want?” Leoasked, placing him down on the seat beside him.

“I want this one.”

While Corrado helped himself to what looked like a strawberry mousse, Leo walked over to the kitchento make himself a drink.

Leo switched the coffee machine on before grabbing two glasses and a bottle of milk from the fridge.

“Thanks.” I said crossing my legs as I helped myself to a custard and cake shot with lots of sprinkles onit.

He poured two glasses of milk. Was it just me or was seeing a tatted hunk with his biceps on showdoing something so casual, and still looking so damn sexy, a huge turn–on? His eyes met mine as heslid the glass closer. “Thanks, for the meal too, it was really tasty. I‘m pretty impressed.” I said, eating asecond spoonful of custard.

“I would say anytime, but I really don‘t want you to make this into a habit.” He replied arrogantly, as hewalked over to finish making his hot drink.

“Make it a habit!” Corrado added happily.

“Yeah and just think, when you‘re feeding me, it‘s not only me you‘re actually feeding.” I added when hereturned and took a seat next to Corrado.

“Yes, Daddy Azura can’t cook, she needs you to cook!”

Leo was now frowning.

“I don‘t cook daily Corrado, but yeah you actually can‘t cook, so what are you eating?”

“What do you mean?”

“Meaning are you getting the nutrition you need?” Was he really going to grill me on that? ‘The babytakes what it needs from the mother, so you don‘t need to worry, your baby will be fine.‘ I said throughthe link. ‘Yeah, but you need to keep yourself fed and strong too or have you forgotten that part?‘ ‘I’mfine, Winona has been giving me food, and I make really good sandwiches.‘ ‘Yeah, I‘ve heard of yoursandwich–making skills.’ He replied mockingly. I frowned. ‘Don‘t mock me, I might just make asandwich out of you.‘I threatened; then blocked him out simply enjoying the dessert.

“Can Azura mind link Daddy now? Does that mean you joined our pack?” Corrado asked innocently. 2

This kid sure was smart...

I looked at Leo deciding it was best if he answered this one. “It‘s a little complicated kiddo. Now, howabout you finish your dessert?”

He looked at us curiously before nodding.

“Ok, Daddy.” Leo didn‘t have any dessert, simply drinking his coffee. We fell into a comfortable silence,and I looked at them both wondering what the story behind Corrado‘s birth was? Where was hismama?

“I‘ll go brush my teeth and put my pyjamas on now, I‘m so sleepy! Azura, I will call you when I‘m ready.”Corrado declared, finishing off his milkshake and supporting a cute milky moustache.

That part, emphasising how tired he was, made it clear he wasn‘t tired. “Ok! Call me.” I gave him thethumbs up, before he gave Leo a big hug and then ran off. “He never wants to sleep usually.” Leoremarked. “He‘s a good kid.” I replied quietly as he disappeared into his bedroom.

Leo nodded.

“He is, although I don‘t really get to spend as much time with him as I want.” “I guess he gets that,considering you are practically running this pack.”

“Yeah.” Leo said, placing his cup down. “Was he ok that Nikki‘s gone?” I asked, feeling a sliver of guiltrush through me.

Leo looked at me and shook his head slightly.

“Yeah, he didn‘t really care, they weren‘t really close, which I guess is for the better.” “I can‘t believethat, he‘s really social and lovable.” “Towards you, and that‘s why he thinks I should keep you.” Leoreplied frowning, emphasising the ‘keep‘. I smirked, leaning forward. “Not jealous are you, that he hastaken a liking to me so soon?” I teased “Not at all.” He replied, our eyes met, and I couldn‘t stop myself

from asking the question that burned in my mind. “Where is his Mama?” His eyes flashed, before helooked away.

Shit I shouldn‘t have asked.

“I‘m sorry, if you don‘t want to talk about.” “It‘s not that... I’ve just never told anyone the truth aboutthat.” He spoke very quietly.

“Want to share? You already know my secrets.” I said, sitting forward.

His gaze dipped to my cleavage, and he leaned forward, taking hold of my chin. My breath hitched athis touch, and he ran his thumb across my bottom lip, sending sparks rushing through me. The urge tobite down on his thumb was intense. “Maybe I will... but right now... someone‘s watching us with a littletoo much attention.” He whispered huskily. My eyes widened and I jerked away, only to see the shadowof the little minion down the hall. “I‘ll go to put him to bed.” I said, standing up, “Then I want to know thatstory.” “Fine.” He said leaning back. This time when I walked away, I didn‘t mind taking it a little slower,giving him a good view of my behind in this mini skirt... A little extra sway in my hips wouldn‘t harmanyone.novelbin

I couldn‘t wait to know what the story behind Corrado‘s mama was, and I hoped it helped meunderstand Leo a little more… 3

I smiled when I saw Corrado scrambling into bed and almost laughed.

Oh, he was such a mini–me.

“Oh hello Azura, I was just going to call you.” He lied innocently. 4 “Oh, I‘m sure you were. Now, howabout a bedtime story...” 1

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