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Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 37

37. The Path Ahead


Do I keep away from him, let him deal with Judah and leave. Allow him to see his child and somehowlive without him? Or do I selfishly fight for him? Do I try to get through to him. because whether he likesit or not, his nightmares are now mine too...

When he loves... he loves deeply...

Marcel‘s words were true.

I know they were because I‘ve seen the love he has for his son, the love and fear he had when I almostmiscarried...

Even though he hated who I was, he still looked out for me and still cared to an extent, no matter howmuch he denied it.

What should I do?

A sharp wind blew, whipping my hair in front of our faces, and I closed my eyes. The screams from hisnightmare returned to me and my eyes snapped open.

I would always be there for those who needed me.

He reached over, brushing my hair back, tingles skimming the surface of my skin at his touch. Hebrushed the strands back, our eyes meeting, and I tried to focus on my words.

“Well... whether you like it or not, your dreams are now mine. Your nightmares too... So whether you tellme or not, I‘ll find out everything unless you plan to never sleep again. So maybe I can be that person

you can talk to, since there‘s not much you can do about it.” I said, glad my voice came out clear andconfident. His icy eyes flashed. “Then the question is can you handle it? Or will those nightmares driveyou insane?” He asked challengingly. My heart was pounding and when I shifted position, I frozefeeling his hard shaft against my hip.


Do not look down Azura. Do not!

Well it was clear he couldn‘t focus on anything but his dick when he was this close. Seems like thissexy Alpha sure had it bad... Even if it was just sexual.

I smirked as I looked up at him, realising right now I was the one holding power. Reaching up, I flickeda strand of his chocolate locks that flopped onto his forehead.

“I‘m already insane, if you‘ve forgotten.”

I thought I saw a faint smirk on his lips, but I wasn‘t sure if I imagined it.

“I‘d appreciate it if whatever you saw, you kept it to yourself.” He said quietly.

“As long as you promise to tell me everything yourself then.”

His brows furrowed, and I raised my eyebrow.

“What‘s it going to be, little Alpha?”

He narrowed his eyes, gripping my chin in his fingers. “Don‘t antagonise me or...” “Or what?” Ichallenged softly.

My core clenched and I felt him throb against my hip.


My heart was racing, and he was the one to break eye contact first.

“Fine. Just keep your fucking gob shut.”

I rolled my eyes as he suddenly let go and turned his back on me.

“Deal.” I replied, staring at his back. “So later, in the morning, you‘ll tell me?” “Fine... Also… Corradowas hoping to have dinner with you. If you could come by later...”

“Won‘t you bring him to Marcel‘s? I didn‘t know they didn‘t know about him, I mentioned him to Kia….”

He muttered a swear.

“They don‘t need to know my business.” He growled.

“Leo... I know you don‘t like Alejandro... but at least bring Corrado.” I asked, stepping in front of him.

Trying to ignore the obvious hard–on that he was supporting.

“We are not having this conversation.” He growled, his voice was firm and harsh. Maybe I really waspushing it...

“Fine. I’ll come down for dinner tonight. Make sure there‘s plenty of food.”

“Sure.” He said, surprising me.

His gaze flickered down to my stomach for a moment before he turned and walked away.novelbin

I sighed, watching him vanish into the darkness before I headed back inside, realising I had shut thedoor and now it was locked.

Oh great...

I knocked lightly, hoping someone heard, and that not everyone got disturbed.

Anyone but Al... anyone but

The door opened to reveal none other than Alejandro, a cigarette in his hands and a smirk on his lips.

“You owe me fifty.” He remarked. I raised an eyebrow as Marcel appeared behind him. “What for?” Iasked suspiciously.

“Marcel here thought his son was going to take you home... I told him there‘s no fucking chance he‘sgoing to get off his high fucking horse.” I raised an eyebrow, looking between them. “So you two werepeeping out the window like two creeps? No offence Marcel.” He chuckled. “None taken. Actually, thatwas Alejandro, who had heard you leave, I assure you we weren‘t watching.”

“Good, not that anything happened.” I stated, my stomach fluttering.

Yeah... aside from him having me pressed up against the tree... “Yeah, that‘s why you’re carrying hispup.” Alejandro remarked. I narrowed my eyes

“You‘re one to talk, remember Kia with Dante? Leo is far more like you than either of you will everadmit.” I declared, stalking to the stairs.

“So, you admit that he does remind you of me.”

“Eww no.”

“Was that an insult to me or the fucker?”

I didn‘t respond to him, smiling faintly as I ran up the rest of the steps to the bedroom I was sharing withKia. I felt lighter and somehow, I was looking forward to tomorrow.

I entered the room, shutting the door behind me, I removed the heels, and I slipped back into bed. Ireached for my phone, remembering the text from earlier.

I was surprised to see it wasn‘t from Sky but from Song. She was always asleep by twelve latest, Ihoped everything was ok with her.

I unlocked the phone and clicked on the message.

‘Hey girl, how are you holding up? I missed talking to you, so thought I‘d drop a message to let youknow.‘

I tilted my head, and quickly sent a reply.

‘I‘m great, a lot has happened, but I‘ll fill you girls in tomorrow. Thanks for checking in on me. Loveyou.‘

“Ok, I‘ll be looking forward to it.‘

I placed the phone down, my mind drifting to Leo and what happened outside, when I suddenlystiffened and turned back to my phone.

Song always replied with ‘Love you too, Hun.‘ I picked up the phone, an ominous thought creeping intomy mind as I stared at the last message.

She was online...

I pressed call, letting the phone ring as I held it to my ear.

No answer.

: “The number you have called is unavailable...”

I hung up only to see her typing. “Sorry Hun, just got into bed, so tired. I‘ll text you tomorrow. Love you.”I let out a sigh of relief and shook my head.

Fuck, I was getting too paranoid. I placed the phone down feeling exhausted after that super long nightand let sleep overcome me once more.

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