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Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 24

24. A Strange Result AZURA.

I didn‘t want to be back here, it was hard being here and feeling this pain. I still didn‘t know how to feelabout him wanting to help, sure it felt great having someone as smart, powerful, and ruthless as Leo onmy side, but I also knew that Judah was twisted, dark, and manipulative. Would Leo be able to fix this?

It was a game of risk.

I stayed in the shower for a while, before I wrapped a towel around myself, then dried my hair with asecond towel. I walked into the bedroom, spotting the tray of food on the bed.

My stomach rumbled and I couldn‘t wait to dig in.

Goddess, I was starved.

I pulled on my panties and walked over to the wardrobe, taking out a white shirt. I looked at it beforeputting it on.

I sighed heavily as I plopped onto the bed, reminiscing on the moment he had held my hair back when Ivomited. 1

And he should, this was his kid too! 1

But he didn‘t know I was pregnant... 2

Well it seems he had some humanity in him.

This baby... I was beginning to realise I may not be able to keep it from him... If he wanted to see hischild, could I really be a bitch and refuse him? I picked up the tray, placing it on the bed and beganeating

Since I was going to be staying here, I needed to get Dante‘s necklace somehow. Without Leo realisingwhy, and I think it was time I told Mama and them who my mate was, and the fact I was here at theSangue Pack.

I played with the pasta. Despite how hungry I was, I suddenly wasn‘t really in the mood to eat. I noticedthe bag on the bed and pulled it closer, emptying its contents.

Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a body sponge, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a pack of tampons, ahairbrush, and moisturiser. Wow, seems like he can be a little considerate, shame for him I used histoothbrush and products already. I shrugged as I picked up the box of tampons and tossed them in theair. I smacked it, letting it fly across the room, it hit the wall and drop to the floor. Now that wassomething I didn‘t need, thanks to the dumb Rossi and his sperm. 3 I began eating again, my gazeflitting to the tablet, musing over my options. I could contact Dante via email. Yeah, I know, old–school,but at least he‘ll get it and hopefully check it soon... Kat even gave me his number, but oh well. I pickedup the tablet and switched it on, the screen went blank for a second before it turned on. 1

Logging into my email, I found Dante‘s address and began typing a message.

‘Hey nephew!

Hope you are enjoying your time in Italy. Eat my share of pizza and pasta and send me pictures,

So, the reason I am messaging you, and I really hope you see this message... I need to borrow acertain amulet of yours, you can probably guess what I‘m talking about and why… I know you wear it...But is there a chance I can borrow it for a bit? 5

Please? I‘ll stop nagging you about calling me aunty?

And don‘t ignore me, I am very sorry for putting the scorpion down your swimming trunks a few yearsago, and for adding super glue to your hair last year, I swear I was just jealous. You know I have to hold

the title of the best hair, right? I mean, aside from Rayhan. 5

Anyway, since I apologised, can I borrow it?‘ 1 Lots and lots of love your simple, poor, innocent,misguided aunty – Sorry, I mean Azura, not aunty.

I love you lots, remember that ok, even your annoying face. Ok, bye.‘ 1

I looked at my messages, thinking I had pranked him a lot over the years, with the help of Sky ofcourse. The guy needed to lighten up a little. Broody Rossis... 4

I placed the tablet aside and ate some more pasta. Through the frosty wall of the bedroom, I noticedthe outside room light up a little, was Leo back down here?

Today had been strange... I sighed as I finished eating, placing the tray to the side and lay down on thebed, pondering over everything that had happened. I sighed heavily once again as I placed my hand onmy belly.

I‘m sorry little one. I hope I‘m not stressing you out.

I felt exhausted and I hoped tomorrow was a better day...


The following day I had been awoken by Leo knocking on the door, leaving breakfast and a few bags ofclothes outside. I had just seen him disappear through another door.

His weird behaviour had surprised me, but I didn‘t ponder over it much before helping myself tobreakfast and then getting ready for the day, although I wasn‘t sure I was going to see anything outsideof this room.

I had checked the tablet several times, but there was no message from Dante yet. It was now past onein the afternoon, when a knock on the door made me look up, and Leo opened it before I even saidenter. “You should knock and wait.” I remarked. Our eyes met, but he was as emotionless as ever.Something had changed though, I wasn‘t sure, but since the last time we had talked, there wassomething off about him. He didn‘t reply to my comment, and instead frowned seriously. 2

“I need you to give me all the information you can on your ex; full name, age, height, anything,including any images you may have of him. I also need certain dates and locations

that might help me. So when you have a moment, come outside.”novelbin

“Ok.” I replied, equally as emotionless. Neither of us looked away, staring at one another for a momentlonger, before Leo looked away, his eyes falling to the discarded tampon box I had thrown last night. Ifelt my cheeks heat up slightly and I frowned.

“I‘m a devil, and devils don‘t bleed.” I stated, although he didn‘t ask me anything, .

I wanted to smack myself..

That sure was dumb, I admit, but yeah, right now I don‘t bleed from down there...

He simply raised an eyebrow, before closing the door after him with a small snap.

Weird. He was behaving fucking weird... and I had just said the weirdest shit to him.

Oh well, what is there to lose? He already rejected me, so I‘ll be as strange as I want to be.

I got up and placed all the dishes in a pile, I‘ll take them outside with me. I picked up the tampon boxand shoved it into the bag, before making the bed and checking my email once more.


I wonder if Leo could access everything. The way he talked unnerved me a little, like he could hack intoanything...

Once the room looked presentable, I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a black satin cami that wastucked into the torn skinny jeans. I pulled on some heeled boots, ready to leave my room.

There had been a few sports bras and briefs in the bags too, whoever had gotten them had definitelyhad an idea of my size, but what annoyed me the most was this stuff was all branded. I didn‘t want toowe him anything.

I ran my fingers through my hair and left the room with the dishes. “Where shall I put these?” I askedwhen my eyes fell on Leo, sitting back in his seat, his long legs sprawled in front of him and a handresting under his chin. in black jeans and a black tee, he looked beyond handsome.

The entire room smelt of him, a scent that I couldn‘t help but find very appealing.

“Put them near the door.” He jerked his head towards the door we had entered through last night.

I did as he said, feeling his eyes on me. 1 I turned and walked over to him. There was no other chair inhere, so he motioned to me to sit on the edge of the desk “I‘m ok standing.” I replied, trying not to lookat the belt he was wearing with a statement buckle.

He didn’t reply, instead turning to the screen next to me. “From your call records, the unknown numbersyou received calls from have all been different, most likely from burner phones. But from what I‘veobserved, he has been rerouting messages sent to your phone, and from your phone, to himself.Meaning from Scarlett‘s,

Liarn‘s, Elljah‘s, all of their numbers. The only ones that seemed to be safe from this is Alejandro’s andhis family‘s numbers.” He explained, seriously looking at the screen. I wanted to ask how on earth hegot into my old phone data, but I decided not to ask him irrelevant questions. There was an odd tension

radiating off of him, and after my ridiculous breakdown last night with him stopping me from rejectinghim, things were already odd…

I cleared my head, paying attention to him.

“So does that mean he‘s wary of Alejandro finding out?” “Most likely. I don‘t think he will release anyimages of Kataleya or Skyla, I think that‘s definitely something he said to scare you with. He probablyknew it would fuck you up. They are Alejandro‘s daughters, that is not an enemy he wants to make.”Leo‘s deep seductive voice murmured. 1

“Judah is sick, he would do anything, I wouldn‘t put it past him.” I replied, a cold shiver running downmy spine. “I don‘t know, we‘ll see.”

He was like an entirely different man right now; mature, serious, and calm.

He took a cigarette out from his pocket, and I watched him light it, my stomach fluttering. 2

His eyebrow shot up questioningly as he caught me staring.

“Want one?”

“No thanks.” I said, turning and staring at the screen. “You said his name was Judah, Judah what?”


“Gallahan... Why does that name sound so fucking familiar...” Leo sat forward, pulled up anotherwindow and began typing something, a string of numbers appeared before several windows poppedup.

Goddess, this was gibberish to me...

“Gallahan… There was a Gallahan family in the Shadow Wolves Pack, but didn‘t they die?” He frownedas I looked at him sharply.

“Meaning?” I really had no idea, nor had I heard of it. “I just know although he didn‘t reside in his pack,he wasn‘t a rogue, just a lone wolf.” “Hmm, well let‘s see if they‘re linked, or if I can identify him.There‘s a chance he may have used a fake identity.” My heart skipped a beat at just the thought that Imay not even know Judah‘s real identity.

“Relax, it‘s just an assumption.” “You‘re being pretty nice today, why?” I asked, unable to stop myself asI watched him suspiciously.

He raised an eyebrow, his eyes cold as he looked me over.

“I plan to make you lower your guard, and then when you least suspect it, I intend to devour you.” Heshot back sarcastically. 13

We both froze, and I realised although he hadn‘t meant it to come out like that, that sentence could betaken two ways. ? And the image that flashed through my mind made my pussy clench in anticipation.“Yeah, and I mean like Red Riding Hood and the wolf.” He muttered, and I smirked, he had thought thevery same thing. “Oh? Sure didn‘t sound like that.” I taunted, glad he was looking at the screen.

His eyes snapped to me, and I wish I hadn‘t jinxed it.

“The fact you thought it meant that‘s where your mind went too. What‘s wrong? Thinking about acertain night?” He taunted slowly, his eyes flickering a steely blue.

“I can say the same about you then, and no I was not thinking about anything, because if I had achance to redo that night, I‘d have bitten your dick off when I had the chance.” I replied, smirkingconfidently at the flash of surprise that flickered in his eyes at my words. 1

“Don‘t poke a wolf if you aren‘t ready for the consequences.” His voice was low and dangerous, makingmy core clench. The temptation to push him further enticed me, but remembering Nikki, I forced myselfto focus on the topic at hand. 2

His computer beeped before I could reply, and there on the screen were several profiles, most of whichcontained images alongside the information. I shifted from where I was now perched against the edgeof the desk, and moved closer to see better, just as Leo leaned closer too.

Jeremiah Gallahan, Lydia Gallahan... I skimmed through. Most of these were from a century ago. Myheart skipped a beat just as Leo clicked on one profile that contained no image.

Judah Gallahan...

An eerie ominous chill surrounded me as memories of his torment returned. “Judah Gallahan… as Ithought.” Leo murmured. “I was right, this family died out years ago.” “No, that says Judah–” “Look atthe date.” Leo cut in, grabbing hold of my chin and turning my face back to the computer. 1

I frowned, about to snap at him when my eyes fell on the date beneath Judah‘s name. My heartthumped as I grabbed hold of Leo‘s wrist. “How is that.”

There written right under Judah‘s name, was a date of death. A date that was over fifty years ago...

My heart thudded as fear encased me, a fear like none before.

What on earth was happening? Who was Judah? And why had he taken the name of someone whowas long dead? 3

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