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Chapter 124

Chapter 124. A Visit


“How much longer Daddy?” Corrado asks as he stares out of the car window. I glance back at him,where he’s strapped in behind Azura’s seat. He has his arms crossed as he stares out at the passingscenery.

“Not long now. We will be there soon.” I reply.

Phoenix is buckled up in her car seat behind me and to be fair, she’s been sleeping through the entirejourney, although both Azura and I had figured she’d be up and wanting milk.

She’s six weeks old now, and it’s the first time we’re venturing out of the pack. We are on our way tostay for a couple of days at the Blood Moon Pack, as much as I find it weird as fuck to go there. IfAzura was able to leave it all and come live with me, then I could at least visit for a couple nights. Iglance over at her. She looks as gorgeous as ever, or even more… Every damn day that goes by I falla little fucking more for her.

Her black silky hair is open, her eyes are closed, and her breasts rise and fall with every breath shetakes. She’s wearing a cropped knit top that also comes off her shoulder with torn jeans, which showoff the pair of fishnets underneath. I’m sure she’s doing it on fucking purpose. Those things make mewant to fuck her right here…

Although we do find time for ourselves, it’s not the same when there’s a child who constantly wants her.

I glance back at the road. The faint music on the radio fills the car, and just being here with these threefeels great. Something as mundane as this journey is relaxing.

Things are back to normal, or as normal as they will be after certain changes. Nikki left, and I’m gladshe did. I know bits of what happened between Azura and her and I’m glad she finally realised herplace and moved on. But this is Nikki. Wherever she goes, feel sorry for those who will have to put upwith her if things don’t go her way. She had applied at one of the academies and had been accepted. Imade sure the governing body of the school knew of her past via Alejandro, who is after all the onewho started the schools up.

Speaking of, he’s going to be down at the Blood Moon too. The twins would be at the academy, and I’mnot sure about Alessandra or Dante, considering the latter is always travelling. There are a few things Iwant to discuss, anyway; this would be a good chance for that.

There are some things I wondered about regarding Emmet and Eric, they always acted like they hatedone another, yet behind it all they got on rather well. Going through their phone records I found out theywere pretty tight. It just shows how wrong you can be about someone.

Then there’s the wolves who had been a part of Judah’s gang, however we found out none of themwere from packs from England, it would always remain a mystery after all, as time goes by ournumbers are growing,

There are so many packs all across the world, and not every one of them is listed in our databases. Iaim to find out though, to try to have knowledge of them all. I’ll get there… some day.

As for Dad and Winona? The conversation never came up again, and they still don’t seem to knowwhere they stand, but I think they need to figure that out themselves.

Winona, as always, is hands-on with the kids and doesn’t let anything come in the way of that. Just thismorning when we were leaving, the moment Dad showed up to say goodbye to us, she became busymaking sure all the kid’s stuff was packed.

Jax and Kareena… Kareena has barely seen us since the marking, I can see it has helped her, but shedid go into heat, and that had been fucking hard for Jax, but I also think it has shaken him to realise thebond is making him crave her. To keep the baby safe, we sedated her with her permission, and shestayed unconscious until her heat passed. She had the baby two weeks ago, which she named ShaneDunn. He is the spitting image of Shane, from his hair to his eyes.

An hour later and Azura is awake now. We finally reach the huge walls that surround the Blood MoonPack, and the gates open, welcoming us. I glance around as we drive through. It’s not a bad place, theroads are cobbled and there are a lot of trees lining the paths. It’s not as modern as the Sangue pack,but it looks pretty good.

“Take the left here.” Azura says, “just straight down and you’ll see the walls to Mama and Dad’s place.”

Well, here we go.

After meeting the family, Liam, Elijah,

Alejandro and I take a walk around the pack. I didn’t have much interest in any of it until I came acrossa certain bakery… One I had seen from Azura’s memories… This is the bakery that belongs to thewoman who always insulted her…

“I’ll catch up with you lot, I’m just going to grab something from here. I heard they’re pretty good.” I say.

Elijah nods, and Liam watches me for a moment with a calculating expression, which tells me heprobably knows I’m not going for fucking pastries.

“We’ll come too.” Alejandro suggests.

“No need.” I reply.

“Yeah, we’ll wait outside. It’s kind of a small shop.” Liam says and for once, I’m fucking grateful to him.

“Yeah, we ain’t fucking kids that we need to go hand in fucking hand to a damn bakery.” I statemockingly, making the Westwoods snicker.


I enter the shop; the bell tinkles, and the smell of the baked food fills my nose. I see the elderly womanbehind the counter placing freshly baked items under the display counter. She instantly looks up,sensing my aura, and lowers her head quickly.

“Ah! Alpha King Alejandro! What an honour!” She exclaims. I cock a brow.


“I’m not the Alpha King.” I say.

She smiles and nods vigorously. “My mistake Alpha! I just… I do apologise, what can I get you today?”She asks.

“June. I presume?”

She looks surprised before she nods.

“Yes, that is me? You know me?” She asks, all flustered and proud.

“I do, I’ve heard a lot about you and your… pecan pies,” I say.

“Oh? Ah yes, they are rather popular…”

I nod slowly. “Yeah… My mate liked them, too. Shame she wasn’t able to get them whenever shewanted.” I say coldly.

The woman pales, and she looks confused. ” M-mate?”

“My name’s Alpha Leo Rossi of the Sangue Pack. My mate is Azura Westwood. Ring a bell?” I ask icily.

Her heart thumps and the entire bakery falls dead silent. I guess most of these old cronies are of thesame mindset.

“I…” She’s visibly shaking.

“Will you pack me a few pecan pies or will you refuse to serve me since they’re for Azura?” I ask as shepicks up a brown paper bag.

“N-no, not at all. I apologise for my b- behaviour.” She stutters, placing several into the bag withtrembling hands as she clutches the tongs.

“No, you aren’t, it’s because an Alpha is in front of you… One of the things I hate the most in this worldare those who pick on those they know won’t speak up in their defence…” I snarl in a murderouswhisper.

“Remember this; the next time you say anything bad about my mate, that she’s no longer just the sisterof your Alpha, but the woman of the Sangue Pack Alpha, and there are no rules that will stop me frompassing judgement upon all those who have hurt her.”

Her heart thumps violently, and I think that’s fucking enough. I toss a note on the counter, taking thebag from her before I turn and leave the bakery. The bell tinkles after me, and Alejandro raises aneyebrow.

“What did you get?”

“Nothing for you.” I state, walking past him and leading the way. I may not be able to change themindset of many people… but I can at least show the fucking world that I will always have her back.

It’s a while later, we have all just had dinner and we’re all in the lounge. Azura is sitting beside Liamwhilst Kiara is sitting beside Raven, Corrado is playing with Katara whilst Alessandra is sitting next toScarlett, frowning away. She’s definitely Al Jr.

Alejandro’s on the other side of the sofa I’m sitting on, carrying Phoenix. She’s staring back at him andkeeps giving him happy smiles. I’m getting annoyed as fuck. Those smiles are for me.

“I wonder if she’s getting confused between Alejandro and Leo.” Kiara says.

“I doubt that. We don’t look anything alike.” I deny, although I do think she’s drunk on milk and isprobably confused as fuck cause I’m the only one who gets those smiles.

“Not when it comes to actual facial features you don’t, but sometimes kids get confused with how aperson dresses, or in this case, the tattoos.” Raven suggests.

No fucking thanks.

Alejandro smirks. “She’s cute as fuck, and either way, she likes me.” He says, kissing her beforeScarlett gets up and steals her away from him.

“Let me have some time with her now.” She says, taking her seat between Elijah and Alessandra again.

Liam chuckles, watching his mother. “I think the silence has been getting to you.”

“It is. When the boys go to school, it is a lot quieter around here.” Scarlett agrees as Elijah smirkswatching her.

“Although I don’t mind the quiet time, you have plenty of grandkids to keep you occupied.”

“Yes, these three are still little, but they won’t be for long.” Scarlett says, glancing at Corrado, Kataraand then at Phoenix.

I’m grateful how they welcomed Corrado into the family, not once treating him any differently from theother kids.

Liam may not like me entirely… but he has been nothing but good to Corrado, and I’ll admit he’s prettyneat with kids. Besides entertaining them pretty well, he had set up thenovelbin

PlayStation for Corrado, and also had some toys for him set up in the lounge when we had arrived.

‘Are you trying to burn holes into my brother’s head?’ Azura’s teasing voice comes through the linkfrom where she’s curled into him.

‘For keeping you from me, yes, maybe.’ I reply. ‘Come here.’

Her eyes widen slightly at my command, and she glances up at Liam, before pouting at me. But themoment her eyes skim over me, her heart skips a beat before our eyes meet, I know she’s mine. Ismirk coldly, trying not to feel fucking arrogant at the fact she wants me. She slowly looks up at Liam,giving him a smile before she stands up.

Liam glances at me but says nothing, a faint smile on his face as Azura comes over, about to sit downbeside me, but I pull her into my lap. She gasps, locking her arms around my neck and kisses me. Ikiss her back, the sparks of pleasure rushing through me, and I can’t fucking wait to fuck her senselesstonight.

Phoenix begins to cry, and I can hear her sucking on her hand again as Azura slowly moves back.“This child.” She says, getting up and going over to get our little girl.

“So I hear you purchased a few properties around the fucking country under the name of mLeoHerrmann.” Alejandro says, raising an eyebrow.

I raise my own right back at him. “You only know that shit because one of those was owned by Arden.”I reply. The guy is a fucking gossip.

“Yeah, so what are they for?”

“Not that it’s your business.” I’ve actually brought other properties that are not under Leo Herrmann…that this lot will never know of. “But I’m considering a few more schools, and before you say I learnedfrom the fucking best, na, it’s cause I feel you can’t just have one round of heads running every fuckingschool in the country for our kids. I’m planning to have schools that start from nursery, and they will beday schools, not boarding.”

I take a glance around before continuing.

Secondly, unlike your schools, I’ve decided to implement other activities such as sports and otherextracurricular activities which will help with interaction against other schools and against one anotherin friendly competition. It will help bring more normalcy into the lives of the youngsters, especially sincethose who attend human mainstream school don’t get to play football, basketball or even participate inmartial arts tournaments in the same way as they could, due to the risk of blowing their cover.”

I’m met with silence as they all watch me, I cock a brow. “If you didn’t want to know, you shouldn’t haveasked.”

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