All Her Secrets

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Kim Morris was still rambling on the other end of the phone. He was trying everything to make Audreyconvince Catherine into attending the reality show.

His words started to have an effect on Audrey. Now that her focus was on her career, she understoodwhat Kim was trying to tell her.

It was a rare opportunity for her to participate in this reality show. She would probably never haveanother chance at fame if she missed this.

She raised her head and looked at Catherine. Catherine was still eating the barbecue at a leisurelypace.

She exuded an air of elegance even when she ate something as homely as barbecue.

Audrey looked at the face that semi-resembled her own. She still couldn’t make up her mind to askCatherine about the reality show.

In her eyes, Catherine was an aloof yet sensitive person. She didn’t like to interact with the outsideworld. One could even say that she’s somewhat introverted.

Most importantly, she was still in school. Although the show would be shot on weekends, it might stillaffect her studies.

In an effort to make Kim stop nagging, Audrey tried to stall him by saying, “Kimmy, don’t worry. I will trymy best to convince Catherine tonight. I’ll let you know if there’s good news!”

Without giving Kim a chance to reply, Audrey hung up the phone. Pretending nothing had happened,she returned to her seat and resumed eating the barbecue. She didn’t know that Catherine had heardher conversation loud and clear.

A few minutes passed. After a long hesitation, Audrey finally decided to speak. She pretended to askCatherine casually, “Kathy, you saw me during the shoot today, didn’t you? Do you like how it feels tobe on TV?”

Catherine shook her head without hesitation. Her blank expression didn’t change in the slightest.

Audrey gave up. She had known that Catherine wouldn’t like it. Given her personality, there was noway that she would like it.

Audrey gave a cheerful smile, looking relieved. “That makes sense. Not everyone enjoys being in frontof a camera.”

She noticed Catherine scrutinizing her and laughed awkwardly. She tried to pretend that everythingwas fine. “It’s ok, I just thought that this was a good time to make conversation. Don’t worry about it,let’s enjoy the food!”

Catherine looked at Audrey who was smiling awkwardly. For a split second, Catherine had the feelingthat she didn’t understand her.

According to Kim, Audrey could ride the popularity of the show and elevate her status in theentertainment industry. If that was true, then Audrey should have asked her about it at the first possibleopportunity.

A long time had passed since Audrey learned this. Yet she took no action besides tentatively askingCatherine about it that one time.

Why would she rather endure being bullied by others, even to the extent of going swimming on herperiod, than to ask her to participate?

Catherine really couldn’t understand her!

They finished the barbecue without Audrey raising the matter again.

The two walked out of the barbecue restaurant. Unexpectedly, they ran into Triston and Branden whenthey stepped outside the doors.novelbin

Triston looked at the Swann sisters, his face filled with smugness. He looked at Branden with a raisedbrow and said happily, “What did I tell you? If you want to have a meal, the newest and most popularbarbecue restaurant is the place to go. There’s even a chance of running into beauties. Mr. Duncan,are these ladies fit your liking?”

Audrey was rather happy to run into familiar faces. She was especially happy that one of them wasBranden. Now she had the chance to open some opportunities for Catherine. This was great.

“Mr. Lambert, what a surprise to run into you two right after finishing our meal here. Are both of youplanning to dine here as well?”

Triston was about to nod but was interrupted by Branden behind him. Branden’s thin lips spat out acold, one-worded answer, “No!”

Triston turned around in shock. He only realized what Branden was trying to do after seeing his seriousexpression.

The ladies had finished eating, which meant that they were leaving the place. If they go inside now,they would have to bid the ladies farewell.

He quickly agreed with Branden, “We’ve eaten. We were planning to find a place to have a drink andgive our bodies some time to digest the food. Would you like to join us?”

Audrey looked at Catherine, whose face was void of expression. Since Catherine didn’t show that shedisliked the idea, Audrey made the decision for them.

“Never mind the drinks. How about we take a walk together to help digest the food we just ate?

After living with her for a while, Audrey had a rough understanding of Catherine’s preferences.

Although she appeared aloof, she was an amiable and easy-going person.

Triston stole a glance at Branden to see his reaction. Upon seeing that the person in charge didn’t mindthe proposal, Triston could only nod in agreement despite his empty stomach.

“Alright, let us go for a walk!”

Coincidentally, there was a park beside the barbecue restaurant. The four decided to take their walkthere.

Triston and Audrey hit up a conversation quickly. On the other hand, Branden followed

Catherine at her pace.

Catherine walked very slowly, so the distance between the two pairs gradually increased.

Branden’s eyes were glued on Catherine. An almost imperceptible frown was present on herexquisitely beautiful face.

It looked like she had something on her mind, which made her look less distant and closer to life. Itmade her feel more real.

Branden opened his mouth slowly. With a rare tenderness in his voice, he asked, “Something troublingyou?”

His voice blew past her ear like a refreshing breeze. She lifted her eyes and looked toward him. Therewas a hint of confusion in her eyes.

She had to admit that Branden was something else.

He was the sort of person that was gifted with the characteristics of nobility. Every move he made wasso eye-catching. It felt like he was someone from a higher dimension.

Despite that, he now exuded an aura of security that Catherine felt she could trust.

Noticing the change in her eyes, Brandon continued to comfort her, “Kathy, there are many things in lifethat you don’t need to accomplish alone. Others can help you if you tell them about your troubles. Theycan give you advice too.”

Catherine looked at him with her head tilted to one side. It was the first time she had heard somethinglike this.

From a young age, everyone told her that she could only depend on and trust herself.

After contemplating for a moment, she thought there might be some truth to what he said, so shedecided to take his advice.

She told him about Audrey’s situation.

He understood what she meant. She was a brilliant and outstanding individual, but she had

never experienced kinship.

Genisus were destined to be lonely. Catherine had lived in the countryside since she was young. Itlooked like the sisterly care that Audrey showed her was something beyond her realm of knowledge. Itcame as somewhat of a shock and she didn’t know how to react.

There was a smile on Branden’s impressively handsome face. He looked at her with great interest. Heasked in a low and husky voice, “Have you considered the possibility that she is trying to protect you?”

“Protect me?” repeated Catherine. Her voice was filled with shock and confusion.

“Yes.” Branden nodded with a smile. “Perhaps she isn’t very bright in your eyes. However, sincerity isthe only thing that matters in a relationship. She understands that you don’t like to interact withstrangers. If you participate in the reality show, chances are your life will be affected by it. That’s whyshe stopped bringing it up. She’s trying to protect you!”

In order to protect her, Audrey would rather suffer and be the target of ridicule than to fight for a chanceto make herself famous?

Is that really what was happening?

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