All Her Secrets

Chapter 732
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Chapter 732

Chapter 732 You're the First One

The competition was extremely intense, with the first half dominated by impressive teams. However, in the second half, therewas a complete turnaround.

For instance, Fergus’s team had been quick in solving complex problems in the first half, far surpassing the neighboring team.But their speed noticeably slowed down in the second half, and the opposing teams caught them up. Seeing themselves in adisadvantaged position, Fergus’s team was visibly disturbed, their mistakes increasing.

As for Marshall’s team, they had not been favored from the start because their speed was simply too slow. The opposing teamshad completed two- thirds of the tasks while they had only completed one-third. However, at the last moment, with the help of thesubstitute, their teamwork was extremely coordinated, allowing them to reverse the speed and be the first to finish the game. Aslong as their completion rate did not fall behind the opposing teams and achieved a lower error rate, they would win.

At the hospital, Fergus had just woken up when he received a call from his student. He had thought it was a call with good newsand answered the phone with a bright smile. “How did it go? Did we win?” he asked.

“We did,” the student replied.Fergus couldn’t help but frown. “You silly, why do you sound so frustrated if we won? Shouldn’t you be happy?”“Professor Lynch, it’s not our team that won; Professor Hartley's team did.novelbin

“What?” Fergus found it hard to believe. He asked, trembling slightly, How is that possible? Catherine didn’t even compete. Howcould Marshall's team win?”

“The substitute in Marshall's team is as formidable as Catherine. They were initially behind the opposing teams but later caughtup and won,” the student replied.

Upon hearing this, Fergus felt a ringing in his head and a sharp pain in his heart.“Professor Lynch, are you there?” the student asked, concerned.

Fergus sat in the chair, dazed, clutching his chest. His face was filled with pain, and he was unable to speak. After a while, hefinally came to his senses and picked up the phone from the floor. He needed to find out what had happened.

As Fergus stepped out of the lounge, he ran into Paxton.Paxton said, “Professor Lynch, perfect timing. | thought you were still sleeping!”Fergus looked at Paxton with a puzzled expression. “What’s up?”

Paxton replied, “I have good news for you. Miss Swann has woken up. She just came out of the operating room and is now inher room. You're in a hurry to see her, right?”

Fergus originally intended to rush back to the hotel to check on the competition’s situation, but he hadn’t expected Paxton to askhim this question.

Fergus had to nod in agreement. “Yeah, | was so worried about Catherine that | couldn't sleep well. | woke up after a short rest,and | will see her now!”

Paxton suggested, “Let's go then!”

Fergus gave a faint smile and followed behind Paxton as they made their way to the hospital room.

The room was crowded with people, and Catherine lay weakly on the hospital bed, looking pale.

When Catherine looked up and saw Fergus standing nearby, she greeted him, “Professor Lynch!”

Everyone’s attention shifted to Fergus, who approached Catherine with a smile on his face. “Are you feeling better, Catherine?”“Yes! Thank you for developing the antidote for me, Professor Lynch.” Catherine’s eyes were filled with sincerity.

Before, Fergus had always felt that Catherine was extremely arrogant and aloof, not even giving him a second glance. It wasrare for her to speak to him in this manner. “You are Marshall’s best student. | have to do my best to save you, bothprofessionally and personally. No need to thank me, as long as you get better!”

Seeing Catherine awake, Fergus couldn't wait to verify the antidote’s effectiveness. “Now that you're awake, it means myantidote worked. I'll have a nurse draw a blood sample for testing to develop a complete solution to neutralize the neurotoxin inyour body as soon as possible.”

Catherine nodded faintly in agreement.

After calling for a nurse to draw blood, Fergus soon received the blood sample, and he seemed excited. He made an effort tocontain his emotions, not wanting to appear too happy. ” Catherine, Marshall is particularly concerned about you. | can’t let himdown. Rest well. I’m going to the laboratory!” he said.

“Sure! Thank you, Professor Lynch!”

Catherine watched as Fergus left. As soon as he left the hospital room, her previously calm eyes immediately turned icy.Sitting beside Catherine the whole time, Branden stroked her pale face and tenderly said, “Let me handle this, okay?”

Catherine glanced at him, and Branden understood what she meant with just one look. In his entire lifetime, only Catherine couldmake him swallow his pride.

“Okay, I'll leave it to you. But you mustpromise me that you will never hurtyourself again. or else | will dosomething crazy.” Branden loweredhis head, his cold peo jonesseda instygathasife’s arm hand. Hecouldn't tell anyone how nervous hefelt when Catherine collapsed in hisarms. His brain completely shutdown, leaving his mind blank. No onecould understand his feelings at thatmoment. He felt as if his bloodinstantly ran cold. He didn’t wantCatherine to take any more risks. Hewished it had happened to him, notCatherine. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Catherine knew well that Brandenwas an extraordinary man. It seemedthat he was able Rees

s thevfirst une é had seen himso humble, and she felt a pang ofheartache. She gently stroked hishair, which felt very tough and a bitprickly, but she still liked it very much.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“| see. It won’t happen again,” Catherine promised.

Branden slowly raised his head, and his previously low spirits vanished, replaced by a playful and ambiguous expression as helooked at her. “Have you heard that you shouldn’t touch a man’s head, or it'll bring bad luck?”

Catherine was taken aback,seemingly not expecting him to saysuch words. Beforash@ oul? 08)

ekapswerlBrahten continued, “But ifyou're willing to support me, you cantouch it as much as you want!” Withthat, he leaned his head toward her.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Seeing his nonchalant appearance, Catherine chuckled. “Branden, has anyone told you that you are thick- skinned?”“Humph...” Branden chuckled as he hugged her. “No, you're the first one!”

“And the only one,” he murmured in his heart.

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