All Her Secrets

Chapter 697
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Chapter 697

Chapter 697 The Cartridge Case

The news of Ciaran being taken away was blocked by the university. But one person down in the laboratory raised a storm ofconjecture. Let alone Ciaran was the most popular one in the lab.

People inquired privately, and gossip always found its way to people. The news was leaked, more or less. However, theuniversity had already ordered that discussions on this matter be strictly prohibited. No one dared to mention this accident inpublic. To avoid this situation, the school collaborated with the Procuratorate to conduct a detailed investigation into the familysituation of the laboratory members and students enrolled. Not only did they investigate the backgrounds of the members,students themselves, and their parents, but they even investigated their grandparents to eradicate the occurrence of thissituation.

When Catherine arrived at the laboratory, most of the members of their group were present. Seeing Catherine walking towardsher seat calmly, a nosy senior immediately approached. Afraid of punishment, he could only ask Catherine about the situation ina low voice, “Catherine, could they have the wrong person? How could Ciaran be a snitch?”

Catherine turned her head to look at him and spoke calmly, “Let’s leave this to the professor and focus on experiments.” Withthat, Catherine sat down in her cube without looking back and started working.

Others would scold anyone in the lab who said so, but not Catherine. They all know Catherine very well, and nothing was moreimportant to her than experiments. Even when things happened to her, she remained calm and focused entirely on her work. Sheonly answered the question because they were in the same group. What more could they ask for? The senior, who got nothingfrom Catherine, could only sigh helplessly and leave.

Catherine was about to start the experiment. She took out her phone to turn it off when Zobber called. Catherine turned off hercomputer and left the lab to answer the phone.

“Catherine, thank god you answered the phone. | thought you had shut down your phone in the lab,” said Zobber on the phone.“Almost,” answered Catherine.

“What?” Zobber was confused. But then she realized what Catherine meant.

She said, “That means we have a strong connection. | called just in time!”

Hearing the silence on the phone, Zobber dared not hesitate and quickly stated the purpose of the call. ” Catherine, | havesomething to tell you. Let’s meet somewhere!”

Catherine took a look at her watch and answered, “Meet me at Styre University in half an hour.”“No problem!” Zobber agreed.

After half an hour, they met at the student center in Styre University. This was the busiest place in this area on weekdays, butnow it was class time, so it seemed a bit lonely. Catherine found the coffee shop mentioned by Zobber and walked in.

“Catherine, here!” Zobber kept waving at Catherine from the second floor. Catherine nodded and walked up the stairs. Shepulled a chair and sat across Zobber.

“Catherine, the Hacker Alliance recently took on a mission to find someone,” said Zobber.

Hearing what Zobber said, Catherine lifted her eyes and squinted at her. Catherine never intervened in their missions as long asthe other party played under the rules of the Hacker Alliance.

Catherine’s stare gave Zobber goosebumps and made her tremble with coldness. “Catherine, this situation is complicated. Theother party offered a high enough price and followed our rules, so we naturally had no reason to push them away, right?However, it was difficult to find the person with so few clues they provided.

Since Catherine rejected the exorbitantly-priced task placed by the Duncans, there had been many voices within the Alliance. Ifshe did not take on the order now, the discussion would become uncontrollable, and it would not benefit anyone.

Zobber took out a photo and placed it in front of Catherine. “The picture is the only clue they provided.”

This photo was highly blurry. Obviously, it was taken secretly from a distance. The photo was taken from the side, and thewoman’s face was covered with a veil, revealing only a pair of eyes.

“Do you know where the photo was taken?” asked Catherine.

“| found out about the location, but this is a photo taken ten years ago, and it’s difficult to find her,” answered Zobber. They hadno choice but to come to Catherine.

Catherine ordered, “Carefully investigate. If you fail, give the customer a double refund.”

This was the rule of the Hacker Alliance. The customer would receive a double refund if the request was not fulfilled. However,this never happened even since the Hacker Alliance was established.


Catherine finished speakingexpressionlessly, ready to get up andleave. If she was free, she might takethe order and help find the wo inthe ena But sha hadnt Seerayailablerécently, and the laboratoryproject was already quite promising.She planned to continue until theexperiment was successfully done. Inaddition, with Shane's eyes on herside, she had to pay constantattention. She had no plans to assigntasks to herself at the moment, letalone leave Loxton. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Seeing Catherine was about to leave, Zobber quickly stopped her, saying, ” Catherine, wait a minute, | haven't finished speakingyet.”

Catherine turned to look at Zobber and said, “Speak up!”

Zobber took out a cartridge case from her pocket and handed it to Catherine. ” The person who posted the task also gave this tome. That was the person who saved us when we encountered an ambush in the central region.”

Catherine naturally recognized thatspecial bullet. A few years ago, shesent Zobber and the others tocomplete a mission in the war-tcentral S355 Unexadctedty ‘theblyér suddénly backed out, causingthem to be ambushed. Catherine wasunable to participate in this missionfor some unexpected reasons. Torescue Zobber and the others,Catherine used her power to connectwith the leader of the local armedorganization, asking them to find away to save them. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

But they could not rescue them in the military's name. So, the leader hired a group of mercenaries to help Zobber and the others.Zobber specially made this bullet. Catherine asked her to hand it over to the mercenaries, considered a favor owed.

After that, she rushed to the central region and taught the buyers a lesson, ensuring they were scared to death every time theyheard of Hacker Alliance.

She didn't expect to see this cartridgecase here today. Catherine wasoriginally going tovetuss patO 1inamediately changed her mind. Shepicked up the photo from the tableand stuffed it into her pocket. “I'll takeon the task. You can go back now.”The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Hearing this, Zobber breathed a sigh of relief and cheered loudly, “Hooray!”

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