All Her Secrets

Chapter 635
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Chapter 635

Chapter 635 The Machine

Branden escorted Catherine to the laboratory door. On their way, Marshall messaged Catherine. Hewas relieved when he was sure Catherine had set off and was almost at the lab.

As the car eased in, Catherine caught sight of Marshall standing by the stairs and smiled. “ProfessorHartley’s got an interesting character.”

Branden was always attentive to Catherine. He glanced out the window after hearing her words.

“Some people are just born for research!” Branden said.

Only ones like Marshall, who could endure, weren’t bothered by fame, and devoted themselves entirelyto their experiments, could scale the heights of science.

Catherine raised an eyebrow in agreement. “That’s right.”

Branden gently ruffled her hair, and his voice softened as he replied, “My girl is too.”

Catherine’s dedicated nature and genius mind destined her for an extraordinary life.

As the car halted, Catherine lightly pushed away Branden’s hand and was ready to exit. She knew ifshe dawdled any longer, Marshall might rush up to tug the car door open himself.

Once Catherine got out, Branden gently grasped her arm and reminded her. ” Let me know whenyou’re done.”


After receiving Catherine’s response, Branden reluctantly let go and watched her depart with Marshall.

Marshall hurried Catherine toward the lab without pause. The moment they stepped inside, without anod to Patrick, Marshall guided her to the front of the lab bench.novelbin

Patrick, who had raised his hand in greeting, let it drop with a resigned smile.

Thankfully, he knew Marshall’s temperament. Otherwise, he might have thought Marshall had an issuewith him.

He had a wry smile before following along to assess the situation. Marshall handed his calculationsover to Catherine and asked her to find the possible glitches.

After Catherine glanced at the data, she didn’t spot any glitches.

However, the outcome was undoubtedly incorrect.

“Power up the machine. Let’s redo this, “Catherine said.

Hearing her command, Marshall immediately activated the machine and started the calculations anew.

Halfway through, Catherine spoke up. Stop!”

Though unsure of Catherine’s intent, Marshall complied and halted the machine. After it stopped,Catherine circled the machine and examined it closely.

Eventually, she concluded. “The machine’s malfunctioning.”

“The machine’s malfunctioning?”

Marshall and Patrick almost simultaneously exclaimed, and their tones were filled with surprise.

Even Marshall found it hard to believe, let alone Patrick.

“How could that be? Catherine, are you sure?” Marshall asked with disbelief.

Catherine nodded confidently. “It’s a fault with the machine.”

With Catherine’s assurance, Marshall and Patrick promptly called the technical room after exchanginga glance.

Marshall personally made the call, and the technician arrived quickly.

After a series of checks, it was confirmed that the machine had an issue. There was a modulemalfunctioned, and it required a month for repairs.

Upon hearing this news, instead of his usual concern for the machine, Marshall hurried to Catherine’sside and looked at her with admiration.

“Catherine, how did you figure out the machine had a problem?” Marshall asked.

Both Marshall and Patrick looked at Catherine with awe.

Catherine presented the data they’d calculated in front of them. “Your calculations were correct, and sowas the approach. The only possible reason for the incorrect results is external interference. Based onthe deviation in the results, it had to be the machine. Professor Hartley, when I asked you to restart themachine earlier, it was to confirm if the problem lay with it.”

Both Marshall and Patrick were slightly bewildered by Catherine’s explanation, but it reaffirmed in theirminds that Catherine was an exceptional genius.

After returning their research report, Catherine said, “The issue is with the machine. Your calculationswere right, and you should eventually arrive at the correct conclusion.”

Seeing them nodding in agreement and looking at her with admiration, Catherine chuckled wryly.

It wasn’t that she was exceedingly capable. It was that these two professors were incredibly meticulousin their work.

As researchers, they were always thorough. When they found discrepancies, they’d repeatedlyrecalibrate, reevaluate, and search for errors within their methods.

If the initial direction was wrong, it naturally led to misconceptions.

Marshall and Patrick held the report and marveled at Catherine’s abilities.

They hadn’t expected, after researching for so long, to miss an issue with the machine.

With the problem’s root cause identified, Marshall felt considerably relieved.

Although the machine was broken and the repair would take a while, they found the root cause. Thatmeant the issue would be resolved eventually so there was no need for him to worry about it.

“Catherine, I heard Professor Sterling was causing you trouble,” Marshall said with concern.

Putting down the documents in her hand, Catherine glanced at him and replied with conviction. “Notanymore.

Her assured tone surprised Marshall. ” How can you be so sure?”

He had contemplated seeking support from his superiors to ensure Catherine’s research remainedundisturbed and protected her from interference.

But Catherine’s words seemed to imply the matter had been resolved.

Catherine responded calmly. “I gave him a beating. He’s still in the hospital and won’t dare come back.”

If he dared to return, the consequences wouldn’t just involve a beating the next time.

She would arrange for a helicopter to drop him on Snake Island, where temperatures consistentlysoared above 104°F. It was a haven for venomous snakes.

With tens of thousands of venomous snakes for company, Atticus would likely be happy.

“A beating?” Marshall was stunned. He looked at Catherine in disbelief. ” Really?”

“Yeah,” Catherine grunted. Then she added with a hint of sarcasm, ” Professor Hartley, perhaps youmay want to visit him in the hospital as a good host?”

Marshall’s eyes lit up, and he clapped with delight.

Then he said, “That’s a great idea! Anyway, in Eskana, we uphold etiquette. When a friend visiting ourcountry faces an accident, it’s only proper to pay a visit. Tell me which hospital he was in. I’ll buy abasket of chrysanthemums…”

Realizing his mistake, Marshall hastily corrected himself with a laugh. He said, “I mean, a basket offruits!”

Watching Marshall’s excited reaction, Catherine found it amusing.

Despite his serious demeanor in the lab, he had a humorous and affable side. Moreover, he wasprotective of his students.

Catherine was his student. Atticus’ attempt to harass and poach her wasn’t something Marshall wouldtolerate.

Knowing Catherine had given Atticus a beating, Marshall ostensibly showed concern for Atticus.However, he was secretly overjoyed about it.

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