All Her Secrets

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61

Soon, everyone else left, leaving only Catherine and Leonel in the spacious chairperson’s office.novelbin

Knowing that it wasn’t the right time earlier with others around, Leonel finally mustered the courage tospeak up. “Miss Swann, do you intend to shake up the Swann Corporation?” he asked.

Catherine casually reclined on the genuine leather sofa. “Something is decaying here. Should we let itfester instead of cutting it off?” she responded without even glancing at Leonel.

She was right, but the Swanns was not ordinary. It was inevitable for prestigious families to have theirshare of hidden secrets.

Moreover, Eskana culture placed a high value on familial connections. People often trusted theirrelatives and friends rather than hiring outside talent for important positions. Over time, this led toissues and problems within companies.

After giving it some thought, Leonel concluded that he should still remind Catherine so she could makethe right decision. “Miss Swann, even when your grandfather was alive, he struggled with such matters.After all, every rose has its thorns. You should proceed with caution,” he advised.

A hint of coldness flickered across Catherine’s indifferent face, displaying her determination and pride.She smirked as she looked at the name of the finance manager on the document, her gaze icy andpiercing.

She had to cut out the rot.

Out with the old, and in with the new.

Catherine had a few responsibilities at the Swann Corporation, overseeing a large team of talentedindividuals. If every decision had to go through the chairperson, what was the purpose of having thesecapable people?

The company would be fine even if there were no decision-makers for two or three months. Themanagement team that Vicente hired would ensure the continuation of the company’s base operations.

However, achieving Catherine’s target of a 30% increase in stock price within three months seemednearly impossible.

That goal could only be realized if Catherine found a project capable of rapidly boosting the SwannCorporation’s stock price and instilling significant hope in the shareholders. Otherwise, it would remaina mere fantasy.

Having waited for the past two days, Leonel couldn’t help but worry when he saw no signs of actionfrom Catherine. He wondered if Catherine’s three-month plan was merely a temporary strategy or if shehad other ideas in mind. Her calm demeanor was making him anxious.

“Miss Swann, I have a few documents here. Would you like to take a look? These are the

contacts of your grandfather’s friends. With their assistance, we might be able to secure somepromising projects,” Leonel proposed.

At that moment, Catherine held her vintage phone and deftly played a game, her fingers moving swiftly.

While Leonel spoke, she encountered an opposing team in the game, a squad of four members. She,on the other hand, was playing solo.

In her hands, she held a VSS sniper rifle, while the sniper on the opposite hill wielded a 98K rifle with along-range scope of at least 6x magnification.

The enemy team had the upper hand, as the sniper on the opposite hill didn’t consider Catherine asignificant threat.

Furthermore, Catherine wore only a level 2 helmet. If her enemies raised their guns, a single grazingshot would eliminate her

Undeterred, Catherine calmly tossed a smoke grenade towards the southeast corner, then turned herattention to the documents Leonel had placed before her, nodding as if she was indifferent.

“Looks good!”

Observing her engrossed in the game, Leonel leaned in to take a look at her phone and realized it wasthe same game his son had been playing lately.

Catherine swiftly opened the built-in scope of the VSS and fired a volley of shots. Utilizing the silencer,she skillfully took down the opposing sniper with three accurate shots.

Capitalizing on her opponents’ distraction, she seized the opportunity and created a diversion bythrowing two smoke grenades.

Seeing that she has thrown smoke grenades, the enemies assumed she was scared and was trying toescape. After all, one against four had little chance of success.

Who could have known that she would make it to the door and, with a hand grenade, kill a team withfour members?

Her enemies were furious and cursed.

“What the hell? Is she cheating? How is this even possible? VSS against the godlike 98K sniper rifle,and the latter lost? Something’s fishy..

“I am sure she is cheating! I’ll report this account. If the report fails, I’m deleting the game tomorrow!”

“Yeah, we have to report this player…”

The four-member team continued to complain about Catherine. She responded with boredom, smirkingat their antics before turning off the game.

Turning her head, she noticed Leonel staring intently at her phone.

Arching an eyebrow, she shot him a questioning look.

Leonel immediately snapped out of it, his embarrassment evident. “I was checking it out since my sonplays this game too. It seems you have great skills,” he explained.

This game had gained worldwide popularity, with daily top-up volumes nearly surpassing those of amobile game Catherine had developed in the past.

Curiosity piqued, Catherine played the game as part of her preparatory work for the game she plannedto develop for the Duncan Corporation.

“I know!”

Catherine responded calmly and began reviewing the papers Leonel had given her. Just as she pickedup one of the documents, the office door suddenly burst open.

Quickly following, Johnathan stormed towards Catherine’s desk, his face filled with anger andarrogance.

Linda and the junior secretaries trailed behind him.

Linda glanced at Catherine and respectfully spoke, “Miss Swann, I apologize for the disturbance. Allowme to escort Mr. Johnathan out!”

Catherine’s expression remained indifferent as she allowed Linda to handle the situation.

Linda reached out to grab Johnathan but was forcefully pushed away by him. Johnathan glared atLinda with disdain and cursed, “Bitch, mind your own business. I’m here to deal with that jinx, not you.Get the fuck out of here.”

Johnathan’s icy gaze lingered on Linda, his face exuding contempt and haughtiness. He couldn’tunderstand why everyone, even his father, feared Linda. What was so terrifying about this woman?This was the Swann Corporation, a company that would one day belong to him. Why would he allowthis woman to interfere in his affairs?

Linda straightened her posture, her face growing gloomy. She reached for her business phone,intending to call the security guards.

Who did this brat think he was?

However, as she reached for her phone, she felt a piercing gaze and looked up.

She met Catherine’s cold eyes and instantly understood what Catherine meant. She put her phonedown and waited to see how she would handle the situation.

Johnathan thought Linda was scared of him. He also thought he was in charge and slapped the deskbefore Catherine. “Who do you think you are? Who told you you could ask the HR department to firemy uncle?” he shouted at her.

Leonel sighed. He still couldn’t understand how the Swanns could rear such a child.

Fortunately, Vicente had the foresight to write a will in advance. He would like to see how Catherinewould deal with this spoiled boy of the Swanns.

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