All Her Secrets

Chapter 621
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Chapter 621

Chapter 621 Convention

When Edson woke up, he was almost scared to death. He had been tied up on the bed by someone,and the person tying the ropes was obviously very professional. No matter how hard Edson struggled,he couldn’t break free from the restraints.

What was even more terrifying was the group of grotesque figures around him, greedily sticking outtheir tongues.

Seeing this, Edson almost vomited on the spot. At the critical moment, his men arrived in time andrescued him.

Although Edson was saved, he had also suffered a lot of torture. The group of grotesque figures hadstripped him of his clothes. He had many bruises on his body.

Sitting in the car, now safe, Edson couldn’t help but explode with rage. He kicked the back of the frontseat and angrily shouted, “Find out who did this. When we catch the culprit, I’m going to kill him.”

His subordinate sitting in the front seat responded meekly, “Boss, the surveillance in the parking lot hasbeen tampered with, and we can’t find any clues.”

This only fueled Edson’s anger. Unable to accept the fact that they couldn’t find any clues, he shoutedfuriously, “I don’t care how much it costs, find it for me. Do whatever you can to find the clues! Tell themI will reward whoever provides useful information with ten million dollars. That’s a large sum of money,and if they wanna get it, find the culprit for me!”

Edson had already made up his mind.

Once he found the mastermind, he would ruthlessly punish them and make them suffer tenfold for whathe had endured.

Paxton, who had just returned from a mission, sneezed twice the moment he walked through the door.His subordinate immediately said, Paxton, is someone secretly cursing you?” ”

Paxton coldly smiled. “Who knows?”

It wasn’t just a curse. Perhaps that person even wanted to skin him alive.

“Did you get it back?” Paxton asked.

His subordinate immediately presented the items to him. “Yes, here it is!”

Paxton opened the video and couldn’t help but laugh at the exciting footage. ” Well done!” Watching thevideo made Paxton feel somewhat satisfied. “How dare that audacious foreigner challenge Boss?” hemurmured inwardly. “He’s getting on our nerves. This time, it was just a small lesson. If he dares toprovoke us again, we’ll blow that motherfucker’s head!”

“Arrange some people to keep an eye on Edson,” Paxton ordered.

The group responded in unison, “Yes!”

After finishing dinner with Branden, Catherine returned to her dormitory. She had experiments toconduct in the following days, and Branden was busy with company matters, so they didn’t live togetherin the apartment.

When Amelia saw Catherine, she seemed surprised. “Catherine, why are you back today?” She thenfelt something was wrong and asked softly, “Is everything okay?”

Catherine gave her a faint glance and replied, “What could possibly be wrong?

“She then sat down at her desk and turned on her laptop.

Seeing her open the laptop, Amelia knew she was going to work. Nobody dared to disturb Catherinewhen she was conducting experiments.

Just as Catherine was about to start working, her phone started ringing. She glanced at it and saw thatit was Marshall calling. Marshall rarely contacted her, so it must be something important. Therefore,she reached for the phone.

“Hello,” Catherine answered.

As soon as she picked up the phone, Marshall’s voice came from the other end. “Catherine, it’s me,Marshall. You’re not resting yet, are you?”

“No,” Catherine replied indifferently.

“Good. There’s something I want to tell you. Tomorrow, there will be a convention, and the experimentalproject they will be discussing is the one you are working on. I want you to go with me. The peoplecoming are all world-renowned experts, and it’s a rare opportunity. You should go.”

Catherine didn’t really care about the experts; she was always casual about her experiments and didn’tneed to exchange ideas with others. But out of respect for Marshall, she agreed.

“I will attend tomorrow as scheduled, Professor Hartley.”

Upon hearing Catherine’s agreement, Marshall became a little excited. He knew that all his studentswould be willing to go if they were given the chance, but Catherine was an exception. He always felt hecouldn’t figure out her thoughts. If she really refused, he would probably have to give up.

“Okay, get some rest. See you tomorrow.”

The next day, Catherine woke up on time. As she walked downstairs, she bumped into Marshall. Sheraised an eyebrow and looked at him. “Professor Hartley, are you worried that I might run away, or are

you worried that I might be late?”

Marshall smiled awkwardly. “Neither, I just happened to be passing by. I’m afraid you might not find theplace, so I’ll show you the way.”

Catherine walked alongside Marshall as he briefly introduced the situation of today’s convention.

“All the experts who are coming are world-renowned, and because of their special status, theconfidentiality work has been done exceptionally well. I only received the news yesterday,” he said. ”After the school leadership discussion, we decided to bring you along.”

Others might not understand Catherine’s achievements, but Marshall did. He had a vague feeling thatCatherine’s abilities were definitely more than what he had known. She was one hundred percentqualified to attend the convention.

As the representative of Styre University, Catherine, under Marshall’s leadership, arrived at theconvention venue.

Just as Marshall had said, all the top experts in this field had come, and everyone knew each other.Many people greeted Marshall and, at the same time, curiously looked at Catherine.

Many of them were already in their fifties or sixties, and Catherine, being so young, instantly attractedtheir attention.

Someone with a good relationship with Marshall couldn’t help but ask, ” Marshall, who is this younglady?”

Marshall proudly smiled. “My student, with abilities surpassing mine!”

“Abilities surpassing Marshall’s?” they wondered. “How could that be?” Everyone thought Marshall wasjust exaggerating to show his affection for his students. After all, no one believed that such a young girlcould be more capable than Marshall, a heavyweight in the field.

However, there was one exception. When he saw Catherine, he was stunned, as if he hadn’t expectedto see her here.

Catherine also noticed Patrick Phillips and nodded slightly at him. Not knowing Catherine’s currentsituation, Patrick didn’t dare to greet her rashly and just nodded subtly before retreating to the side.

The convention officially began, and as experts in the same field, after complimenting each other, theybegan to share their current research progress and achievements.

Marshall’s progress was the fastest, which sparked jealousy among many. After all, if this projectsucceeded, it would be a world-renowned achievement.novelbin

Who wouldn’t want to leave a brilliant mark in history?

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