All Her Secrets

Chapter 611
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Chapter 611

Chapter 611 Edson’s Arrival

Aidan caught Paxton’s glare and instinctively shrunk his neck.

“Isn’t it weird how it’s all aimed at Catherine?” Aidan asked. He didn’t notice that Branden’s eyesdarkened suddenly after he spoke.

Branden’s eyes darkened with a gloomy look.

Then he said, “Keep eyes on him. Notify me pronto if anything comes up!

His chilling tone sent shivers down Paxton’s spine. He knew Edson had crossed a line with Branden.

“Sure. I’ll add more men to tail Edson,” Paxton replied.

The best of the Duncans’ Shadow Guards were already keeping tabs on Edson. After all, the Breensweren’t to be underestimated.

After Branden’s instructions, Paxton immediately deployed personnel to the highest level to ensureeverything was foolproof.

Amid their conversation, Aidan suddenly remembered something and blurted it out.

He said, “By the way, remember when Catherine clashed with the Facers? The Breens sent a formalnotice to the Facers and let Mr. Facer back down.”

As Aidan finished, he noticed both men’s focus shift to him, especially Branden, whose gaze made himnervously gulp.

Then he continued, “Don’t misunderstand. I’m not suggesting anything. I just thought maybe Catherinemight know the Breens or have some connection. Shouldn’t we be cautious before we act?”

Paxton felt Aidan had a point. He turned to Branden and awaited further instructions.

Paxton’s implication was to have Branden ask Catherine about it.

This sort of thing could be resolved with just a single sentence.novelbin

However, Branden never meddled in Catherine’s affairs. They maintained a sense of mystery abouteach other and guessed each other’s moves.

The two of them happily played this trick, which exhausted people around them. After a few momentsof silence, Branden’s answer remained unchanged. “Keep watching.”

Catherine stepped out of the lab slowly. As she lifted her gaze, she spotted Ronin, who had beenwaiting at the lab entrance.

The moment Catherine noticed Ronin, he, too, caught sight of her.


Ronin hadn’t seen Catherine for days and missed her very much.

After rushing to Catherine in a few steps, he said, “Catherine, let’s grab a bite, and then I’ll fill you in oneverything!”

For Ronin, Catherine’s well-being came above all else.

No matter the size of the task, it wouldn’t stop him from getting her to eat. Catherine had no objections.It was lunchtime anyway, so they decided to have lunch together.

The two had barely taken a few steps when suddenly, a black sedan blocked their path. Ronin frownedand squinted at the car. The car windows were dark, and he could not see who was inside.

He whispered to Catherine, “Who’s this? He is so arrogant and rolls up in a flashy car to the campus.”

Styre University was known for strict management and top achievements, maintaining strict controlover access and entry.

It maintained tight control and restrictions even on teachers’ vehicles, let alone outsiders entering thelab area.

This person’s car barging into the restricted zone indicated a significant status.

Before Catherine could respond, the car doors automatically opened. A man in a black suit steppedout.

Catherine’s eyes tightened instantly. She squinted ahead and quietly uttered a name, “Edson!”

Edson removed his sunglasses and revealed a handsome face that captivated all.

“Long time no see, Cassie.”

Edson had a strikingly handsome appearance. He was the epitome of the Euphosean ethnicity. He hadwell- defined features and captivating blue eyes, which added a touch of subtle allure to his handsomeface.

Ronin’s sunny expression turned stormy as he saw Edson. He swiftly positioned himself in front ofCatherine and directly faced Edson with a grim gaze.

“What’s your business here? Stay away from Catherine!”

Edson smirked coldly with mockery and disdain in his blue eyes. He replied, “Since when didCatherine’s lackey get the guts to talk to me like this?”

As Edson finished speaking, he casually twisted the ring on his little finger.

After Ronin saw this, his face turned pale with fear.

Sensing it, Catherine pulled Ronin behind her and warned Edson, “Don’t want a fight? Then stopprovoking me!”

After speaking, Catherine grabbed Ronin’s hand and prepared to leave. Suddenly, Edson lungedforward. He reached out to grab Catherine’s shoulder and wanted to hold her.

In the next moment, Catherine executed a beautiful shoulder throw.

Edson was thrown forcefully to the ground, but his movements were remarkably agile. He swiftly rolledand got back on his feet.

Catherine acted fast, and her moves were precise and deadly.

The bodyguards in the car saw the situation turning sour and immediately rushed out. Catherine hadalready subdued Edson at this point.

Catherine shot them a cold glance, and the security guards, who had been about to intervene, stoppedin their tracks.

They eyed Catherine cautiously but dared not approach.

With a firm grip on Edson’s arm, Catherine lifted it higher, which caused Edson to have a painedexpression. He was clearly trying hard to endure the discomfort.

Catherine raised her hand slightly, and her voice carried a cold tone that sent chills down their spines.

“Feel free to move if you don’t want your hand to go.”

Edson didn’t dare challenge Catherine’s words. He knew better than anyone how ruthless she couldbe.

“Cassie, I just wanted to invite you to dinner. Why do you treat me so harshly?

“No need. Dining with you ruins my appetite.”

Catherine didn’t want a confrontation at Styre University with Edson, but it wouldn’t be her fault if Edsonpushed it.

With a forceful push, Catherine sent Edson crashing to the ground. “Get lost!

After that, Edson sat on the ground and still stared at Catherine with a smirk.

The nearby bodyguards were stunned. It was the first time they’d seen Edson get beat up and stillmanage to smile.

Only Edson’s driver, who had been by his side since Edson’s childhood, knew that Edson had neverwon against Catherine.

From childhood till now, Edson had taken numerous beatings. He’d gotten used to it and could stillmanage a smile.

Catherine ignored Edson and directly left with Ronin.

As Catherine departed, Edson gazed after her with a mischievous smile.

He murmured, “Cassie, I’ll be waiting

for your return.”

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