All Her Secrets

Chapter 599
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Chapter 599

Chapter 599 Successful Surgery

The surgery lasted a full three hours, and at almost one o’clock in the afternoon, the lights in theoperating room finally went out.

Thomas, wearing surgical attire, emerged from the operating room. He was slightly trembling, showingsigns of fatigue.

Scott immediately went to support his grandfather. Although he often bantered with his grandfather onordinary days, he cared more about the old man than anyone else at crucial moments.

“Grandpa, you should rest for a while!”

“I am still strong. No problem!” Thomas sat down, panting yet with a smiling face.

Audrey was deeply worried. If she hadn’t seen Thomas being too tired just now, she would haveimmediately inquired about the situation.

Now, all she could do was stand patiently on the side, waiting for Thomas to catch his breath beforeproviding them with answers.

Thomas had been a doctor for so many years, so how could he not understand what his patients werefeeling?

After resting for a while, Thomas turned to Audrey and slowly said, ” Don’t worry. Your father’s surgerywas very successful. Not only did we save his life, but we also cleared the blood clots in his brain!”

Upon hearing this, Audrey was so excited that she almost jumped up. She turned around and grabbedCatherine’s hand, eagerly asking, “Did you hear that? Dad is going to be okay!”

Catherine nodded calmly, showing no excessive excitement. She had brought Thomas here only tosave Korbin’s life; what happened afterward was not her concern.

Unnoticed by everyone, Liana, who had been silently standing in the corner, slipped away after hearingthis news.

In the hallway, Liana trembled, unsure of what to do. If Catherine and the others found out that she wasthe cause of her father’s condition, they would not spare her.

She had now realized one thing-she currently lacked the power to defeat Catherine. She could onlywait patiently for an opportunity, a chance to bring Catherine down.

But Catherine would surely come after her if her father woke up and revealed the truth.

Without the ability to fight back, how could she confront Catherine?

After all the effort and grievances she had endured, she couldn’t bear to give up now. No, sheabsolutely could not give up.

If her father could sleep once, then let him sleep a second time. As long as he kept his life, that wouldbe enough.

Korbin was wheeled out of the operating room and transferred to the intensive care unit.

Having just undergone surgery, he wouldn’t wake up so quickly; he needed to be observed for anotherthree days.

For a long time to come, he would need to stay in the intensive care unit, gradually recovering.

Audrey was overjoyed with this outcome, She had never thought that her father would have a chanceto get better, and all of this was closely tied to Catherine.

From Rhys, she had learned how powerful Mr. Theo was and understood that the more skilled a personwas, the harder they were to approach.

Who would bother with them if it weren’t for Catherine’s influence?

Audrey felt sorry for Catherine. She had been treated poorly since childhood, and yet she repaid it withkindness in the end.

“Kathy, you guys go back. The surgery is over now, and I’ll take care of things here. I’ve asked Kim tohelp me reschedule some of my acting commitments. For the next while, I’ll fully focus on caring forDad.”

Catherine hadn’t been raised by her parents since childhood, and after finally returning to the Swanns,she still faced unfair treatment. Audrey believed that she didn’t owe anything to her parents.

Audrey, however, was different. Her parents had raised her, and now, she couldn’t rest easy to entrusther father to Rachael’s care, so naturally, she had to take time out to care for her father.

Catherine had no objections. She had already arranged for caregivers; if Audrey insisted, she couldstay.

She had no obligation to Korbin and wouldn’t sacrifice her time to care for him. Saving Korbin’s life wasthe kindest thing she had ever done in her life.

“Let’s go!” Catherine told Branden, and they all left the hospital together.

With the critical surgery over, the rest could be handled by Rhys and the hospital staff, and Thomas didnot need to stay. He left with Catherine and the others.

Seeing Catherine’s group leaving, Liana felt secretly triumphant.

She had been worried that with Catherine around, she wouldn’t find a suitable opportunity. To hersurprise, Catherine didn’t care about Korbin at all.

Now that they were gone, she could carry out her plans. After leaving the hospital, Catherine hadBranden take her to the Swann Corporation.

Since going to Loxton, she had entrusted the Swann Corporation to a professional manager. Now thatshe was back, it was a good time to check on things.

Initially, she wanted to send Thomas to the Duncans’ old mansion to catch up with Karl. Unexpectedly,Thomas disagreed and insisted on following her.

“Cassie, take me with you. I promise not to disturb your work!”

Seeing his determination, Catherine agreed.

She took Branden’s car keys and personally drove. As soon as she pressed the accelerator, the high-performance car sped away.

Scott, who had never been in such a fast car, turned pale with fright. ” Catherine, can you drive a bitslower?”

“You’re still so green!”novelbin

Upon hearing his grandfather’s teasing, Scott turned around, ready to mock him. Unexpectedly, hisgrandfather remained calm, steadily sitting in the back seat without even blinking. It was as if the high-speed racing car did not affect him.

Seeing his grandson glance over, Thomas calmly said, “When I used to race, your father was still inschool.”

This remark left Scott completely at a loss for words.

If he retorted, it would be the same as insulting his own father. His grandfather was too cunning. Scottcould not say anything and obediently sat in the seat.

Catherine drove the car to its top speed, then stopped by a park.

She pushed open the car door and stepped out, with Thomas following suit.

Just as Scott was about to move, Thomas stopped him with a stern look. “Sit still!”

Rarely did his grandfather look so serious, and Scott was startled, obediently sitting back down.

Catherine leaned against the side of a corridor, waiting for Thomas to walk over slowly.

Supporting himself with a cane, Thomas panted as he reached Catherine’s side.

Just as he stopped, he laughed and pretended to scold Catherine, saying, ” Girl, how can you walk thatfast with your long legs? Don’t bully the old man!

Catherine raised an eyebrow and looked at him. “Mr. Theo, just say what you have to say.”

Seeing her like this, Thomas, with his straightforward nature, didn’t bother concealing anything. Heburst into laughter. “Haha, you’re indeed sharp. Nothing can escape your notice!”

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