All Her Secrets

Chapter 558 The New Teaching Assistant
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Chapter 558 The New Teaching Assistant

Ronin had gotten Catherine’s class schedule before he got his own. He knew better than Catherine what classes she had thatday.

Catherine left the dorm room early. There were more than 10 minutes before class, allowing Catherine to finish her breakfast inpeace.

“Catherine, are you really planning to spend four years studying here?”

He had initially thought that Catherine was just there to experience college life, but now it seemed like she was getting more andmore into the college student mindset. He was starting to have trouble understanding what she meant.

For Catherine, spending her days in the base doing research and projects was not different from going to college. For now, shewas Satisfied with her current life and had no plans to change it.

“Let's take it one step at a time. Who knows what the future holds?”Ronin agreed with her decision. For him, he would agree with anything she said.novelbin

Catherine stuffed the last piece of pastry into her mouth, wiped her hands with a tissue, and stood up to head toward theclassroom.

“Class is about to start. Hurry up.”

Catherine’s concern was greatly appreciated by Ronin. He nodded obediently, quickly tidied up, and assured Catherine, “Don’tworry, Catherine. | won't be late.”

The first class was taught by the most famous professor in the university, Marshall Hartley. The EIE department students wereeagerly waiting for Professor Hartley's class.

When Catherine entered the classroom, it was already full of people. Her presence immediately caught everyone’s attention. Herarrogant yet beautiful face was truly eye-catching. Coupled with the great presence she possessed, even if she tried to be low-key, it was difficult not to attract people’s attention.

Amelia had been in the classroom for a while and hadn’t seen Catherine. She didn’t expect Catherine to leave the dorm roomearlier than her but arrive later. She quickly raised her hand and greeted Catherine.

“Catherine, over here!”

Upon hearing the voice, Catherine walked straight toward Amelia and sat down next to her. As soon as Catherine sat down,Amelia couldn’t wait to approach her, chattering away.

“Catherine, didn’t you leave the dorm earlier than me? How did you end up coming later?”Out of politeness, Catherine responded with a few words, “I went to have breakfast.”Amelia looked envious and said, ”

Catherine, it’s good to wake up early. | didn’t have breakfast, and now I’m so hungry. Could you please wake me up in themorning?”

Catherine glanced at her and said, “It seems that you wake up earlier than me.

“Well...” Amelia scratched the back of her head awkwardly and said, “From now on, I'll finish cleaning up as soon as possible.”Even though Amelia woke up early that morning, she didn’t eat breakfast because she was dragging her feet.

Catherine reached into her pocket, took out a handful of chocolates, and placed them on the desk.


These chocolates were specially prepared for her by Branden to replenish her energy when she had low blood sugar. Theytasted good.

Amelia didn’t hesitate to take them and put one in her mouth. At first, Amelia didn’t pay much attention to it. After chewing a fewbites, she realized that the chocolate was really delicious.

“Catherine, where did you buy it? It tastes so good. | want to buy some too.”Catherine shrugged indifferently. “I don’t know. A friend of mine gave it to me.”

Upon hearing that, Amelia took out her phone and searched for it herself. After all, nowadays, it was easy to search for a specificproduct, thanks to the powerful image recognition function of all kinds of apps.

When the search was complete and the results appeared, Amelia was dumbfounded. She carefully read the details of theproduct, including the weight on the packaging. She was almost choked by her saliva in shock.

The chocolate she had just eaten cost a three-digit number, and Catherine had given her around eight chocolates.In other words, the chocolates Catherine had just given her cost over four digits.

Amelia thought of the moment when she said that she also wanted to buy some, feeling embarrassed. However, Catherine didn’tmock her, which proved that Catherine treated her as her good friend.

After hesitating for a moment, Amelia quietly pushed the remaining chocolates toward Catherine.“Catherine, | can’t accept them. They're too expensive.”

Catherine had never checked the price of this kind of chocolate before. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Amelia.“Expensive?”

“Yes.” Amelia nodded. “It’s from Itasca, very expensive. No wonder it tastes so good.”

Catherine pursed her lips and smiled lightly, saying calmly, “There are many high-quality imitations on the market now. Just takethem.”

“High-quality imitations?” Amelia was somewhat conflicted. “Could high- quality imitations taste this good?” she asked inwardly.Soon, the bell for class rang.

Seeing that Catherine had no intention of taking back the chocolates, Amelia carefully put them away and placed them in herpocket.

Clack, clack, clack...The sound of high heels tapping on the floor could be heard from outside, followed by a graceful figure entering the classroom.

“Hello, everyone. | am your teachingassistant, Jada Facer. Today is thefirst class at Styre University, and I’msorry to inform you all that ProfessorHartley is busy with an experimentand won't be able to make it to thisclass for the time being.” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Catherine didn’t pay much attention at first, but when she heard the name Jada, she looked up. As she raised her head, Jadaseemed to have noticed her presence as well. Jada looked her way.

Their eyes met, and Jada wasmomentarily stunned. She didn’texpect to see Catherine there. Hereyebrows furrowed, and she saidwith displeasure, “We are about tostart the class, so unrelated peopleshould leave immediately.” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

While speaking, she kept her gaze fixed on Catherine. At first, the other students didn’t notice it. But as Jada continued to delaythe start of the class, it caught their attention.

The temporary president of the EIE Classmates Union, Sophia Miller, immediately counted the number of students and stood upto report to Jada.

“All the students from the EIE class are present today. No one is absent.”

Catherine remained calm, sitting silently without being affected in the slightest. She wanted to know what Jada was going to dothere.

Amelia had a feeling that Jada’s gazewas particularly unfriendly. Shecouldn't help but ask, “Jada, do youthink Catherine is not a student in ourclass? She's the top studentpersonally recruited by ProfessorHartley from Casier. ProfessorHartley even had a public disputewith a professor from the prestigiousUniversity of Penny just to recruit her.If she’s not in our class, nobody hereis." Visit NovelDrama.Org to read thelatest chapter of this novel

As soon as the words fell, Jada’s face instantly darkened.

The student recruited by Marshall turned out to be Catherine, which shocked Jada to the core.

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