All Her Secrets

Chapter 553 I Trained Her
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Chapter 553 I Trained Her

The next morning, Paxton arrived with his men at the entrance of the apartment next to Styre University.Francis and Carlo stood at the door, enduring the wind blowing for the entire morning. Finally, they couldn’t take it anymore.

Carlo, always the talkative one, was the first to speak. “Paxton, what's going on? We've been standing here for almost five hours.Can’t we go in yet?”

From seven in the morning until now, almost noon, Paxton showed no intention of opening the door.The wind in Loxton was biting in the morning, and the scorching sun near noon made people dizzy. It was truly torture.

Paxton glanced at Carlo irritably and then looked down at the watch on his wrist. He said in a low voice, “Don’t be impatient. It'llbe another half an hour.novelbin

“It'll be noon in half an hour,” Carlo retorted, annoyed.

“So what? Are you tired? Do you want me to throw you into the mines in Ravenloth?” Paxton’s tone was cold, and it scaredCarlo.

Cory was currently working in the mines in Ravenloth. He now looked like a plump of charcoal. The conditions there were harsh,and Carlo surely didn’t want to go.

Last time, the king of Ravenloth gave Catherine a gold mine. To expedite the excavation of the gold inside, Branden arranged forCory to work there. The reason there was a gold mine in that place was that it was rarely visited by people, and the conditionswere extremely harsh.

Threatened by Paxton, Carlo instantly became obedient, not daring to say anything more.Seeing that Carlo had shut up, Paxton stopped threatening him.

In fact, Paxton was holding back his anger. He was sent to stand in punishment by Branden the previous night, and he didn’teven have the time to complain. What right did Carlo have to make complaints?

If it wasn’t for Carlo and Francis not handling things well, they wouldn’t be standing there in punishment now.

The notice Branden sent Paxton the previous night required Paxton to arrive at seven in the morning, but he still hadn’t beennotified to enter. Paxton knew very well what was going on. Now he could only wait obediently, hoping that Branden would lethim in soon.

Inside the room, the summer sunlight shone on the tender skin of the person on the bed. Catherine woke up in a wave of heat,her sleepy eyes squinting as she looked ahead.

“What time is it?” Her voice sounded hoarse but cute, lacking the usual coldness.

Branden couldn’t help but smile when he heard the voice. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into hisembrace.

“It's almost noon. Do you want to rest a little longer or get up for lunch?” he asked.

Catherine, still half-asleep, shook her head and furrowed her brows. She wasn’t hungry. Although she didn’t get out of bed in themorning, Branden brought breakfast to her and fed her before letting her go back to sleep. It had only been four hours sincebreakfast, so she wasn’t hungry.

“I'll get up, but | don’t want to have lunch yet,” she replied.Branden hugged her affectionately and softly responded, “Alright.”

Catherine got up and walked to the window, stretching lazily in the sun. Since she had gotten up, she didn’t want to stay in bed.She caught a glimpse of three familiar figures below the window and paused for a moment, turning to look at Branden behindher.

“Paxton and his two brothers are downstairs. Shouldn't we let them in?” she asked.

Catherine knew that it must be Branden who had asked them to come there. Branden didn’t say much. He just nodded atCatherine and took out his phone to unlock the door.


The sound caught the attention of the three people standing outside the door. Just after being reprimanded by Paxton, Carlodidn’t dare to act out and obediently stood there waiting for instructions. It was Paxton who confidently pushed open the door andled his two brothers into the house.

In the living room, Catherine was playing with her phone on the sofa, looking bored. Branden was busy in the kitchen.

When Francis and Carlo entered, they were dumbfounded to see their boss wearing an apron and cutting fruit. At that moment,they even began to wonder if the man in the kitchen was Branden Duncan or not.

Carlo was the most shocked, his mouth agape.

Paxton, on the other hand, remained composed. After all, he had seen even more submissive behavior than this. What was thereto be surprised about?

After Branden finished cutting the fruit, he brought it over and sat down next to Catherine. He handed her the prepared fruit witha fork, taking care of her every need.

“We'll have lunch later. Have some fruit first,” Branden said, attentively.

As Catherine looked at the beautifully arranged and perfectly cut fruit, she couldn’t help but feel tempted. She took a bite andfound it quite tasty.

Seeing her start eating the fruit, Branden gave a faint smile. However, his gentleness only stayed with Catherine. When his gazeturned toward the three Duncans, it instantly turned cold and ruthless.

Carlo was so scared by Branden’s gaze that he almost fell to the ground. “Why is there such a difference in Boss's attitudetoward Catherine and us?” he wondered.

Paxton quickly placed the safe he was holding on the table. “Boss, this is the safe you asked for.”

Seeing Paxton getting down to business, Carlo and Francis immediately regained their composure.

Francis was the first to report on the mission. “Boss, besides the people from Rexinheim, there is another mysterious forcesearching for this safe. They are quite powerful.”

Hearing Francis’s words, Carlo quickly added, “And there was a woman on the mission. Her combat skills were quite good.”Catherine, who was playing games on her cell phone, put down her phone and looked at Carlo.

Sensing Catherine’s gaze, Carlo thought he had said something wrong and quickly explained, “Miss Swann, although hercombat skills are good, she definitely can’t compare to you.”

Carlo’s words brought a faint smile toCatherine's indifferent face. Just asCarlo thought he had flattered her, heheard Catherine whisper, “You'reright. | trained her. Of course shecan't compare to me.” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

“You're right, Miss Swann. With herlimited combat skills, how can shecompare to you...” Carlo stoppedhalfway through his sentence, hiseyes almost popping out. His mouthtwitched as he asked, “You trainedher? Visit NovelDrama.Org to readthe latest chapter of this novel

She works for you?”

Catherine did not deny it. She gestured toward Branden.

Branden picked up the safe that Paxton had just placed on the table, handing it to Catherine.Catherine took it without hesitation and then made a request. “Give me a laptop.”

Paxton quickly went to the study and brought out a laptop, handing it to Catherine.

As Catherine held the laptop andpounded away at the keyboard, theother three people still hadn'trecovered from their shock. It was atthis moment they realized that theywere fighting amongst themselves.Visit NovelDrama.Org to read thelatest chapter of this novel

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