All Her Secrets

Chapter 526 Work the Formula Out
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Chapter 526 Work the Formula Out

There was also a group of her supporters standing beside Jada. Seeing Jada being humiliated, the few

supporters gathered together.

“Jada, who are they? Why are they so rude?”

“That’s right. Their words are too rude. Where are their manners?”

Jada felt much more comfortable when she heard the supporters around her criticizing Catherine and

the others.

She pursed her lips and smiled with great grievance.

“It’s nothing. One of them is my friend. It’s just that those two new friends he made don’t like me very

much, and to stop me from being friends with him, they targeted me.”novelbin

Hearing this, the surrounding people blushed with anger.

“How can there be such people?”

“They’re so shameless!”

“Jada is such an excellent person, still from a rich and powerful family. It’s an honor that Jada is willing

to be friends with them. How dare they dislike her? They really don’t know what’s good for them!”

“Jada, I’ve seen that boy, the one in black.”

This attracted Jada’s attention. She fixed her gaze on the boy who spoke. ” You met him? Are you


The boy thought for a moment and nodded.

“Jada, that’s right. I’ve met him. The boy in black is called Ronin, a freshman in the network

engineering department. My classmate was responsible for receiving him this morning, so I have an


It turned out that Catherine had accompanied her friend to Styre University. No wonder Jada could see

her here.

“Right, how could the idiot Catherine get into a top college like Styre University?” thought Jada.

Jada explained a few words to the boy alone, asking him to pay attention to Ronin in the next few days

so that Ronin’s freshman life would not be too smooth.

If he dared to scold her, he would have to bear the price of doing so.

In the private room, Ronin was still a little resentful. If Catherine hadn’t stopped him just now, he really

wanted to teach the woman at the door a lesson.

“Catherine, who is that woman? What a bummer!”

Catherine propped herself up on the back of the chair with one hand and held her chin with the other.

Hearing Ronin’s words, she slowly looked up at him and then glanced at Branden.

Ronin reacted at once. No wonder that woman kept staring at Branden just now. She was among those

who liked him.

Ronin wanted to flare up, but he couldn’t because of Branden’s overwhelming aura.

Having no other choice, Ronin could only mutter in a low voice on the side to vent his indignation.

“Can’t you keep some distance from other women? It’s simply hateful to cause Catherine so much


The voice was small, but the people present all had excellent hearing, and both Branden and Catherine

heard it.

When Branden looked up, he saw Catherine looking at him, and her playful eyes lingered on him

several times.

When she found Branden looking over, Catherine didn’t show any fear. Instead, she raised her

eyebrows somewhat provocatively.

The next second, she heard the man say calmly, “Got it. I’ll try not to go out alone in the future!”

Ronin was eating soup. Hearing this, he almost choked.

“It seems Branden can be just as shameless as the average person, or more so,” he thought.

After the meal, Ronin wanted to stroll around with Catherine, or they could play games together. In his

opinion, as long as he could be with Catherine, it was a good thing.

However, this idea was decisively rejected by Branden.

The reason was that they had to get up early for the orientation meeting tomorrow, and after the whole

morning of the meeting, they would start their physical training in the afternoon.

This was the rule of Styre University. No time was allowed to be wasted. Catherine had to rest well.

Otherwise, she will be out of energy tomorrow.

The reason was so sufficient and justified that Ronin could not refute it. He could only watch as

Branden sent Catherine back to the dormitory.

Downstairs in the dormitory, Branden reluctantly let go of Catherine’s hand.

“I’m staying here for the next few days. Call me whenever you need anything!”

It was not an easy thing for the Duncan Corporation to return to Loxton.

No one knew how many powerful families there were in the large Loxton, the capital of Eskana.

It was hard for them to have finally waited for the Duncan Corporation to leave earlier, and now that it

was back in town, those people were sure to pay attention to it.

This matter was not something that could be solved in a day or two.

It was already not easy for him to stay here for a few days.

Catherine felt a little distressed. “If you have something to do, go ahead. You don’t have to stay here.

I’m here to go to school. It’s okay.”

Branden naturally knew that Catherine was here for school, or how could he let her come?

He reached out and gently touched Catherine’s head. His eyes were full of affection.

“Not bad. You know to care about me. You don’t have to worry about the company. I don’t keep idle


He spent so much money to hire these elites to come to the company with high salaries, so they had to

work for the company.

If he had to do everything himself, then why should he spend the money?

Seeing that he was so confident, Catherine didn’t bother to worry about this.

She turned and waved at him without looking back before going upstairs.

Catherine pushed open the dormitory door, and the other three were there.

The moment Beatrice saw Catherine, she rolled her eyes at Catherine in disdain.

Isabella and Amelia took the initiative to greet Catherine, and Catherine responded politely as well.

Seeing her idol appear, Amelia hurriedly rushed forward and handed Catherine the formula she had

already written.

“Catherine, this is a formula I saw on a foreign website. It is especially difficult to work out. I spent a

month studying it to no avail. Are you interested in taking a look?”

Catherine took the notebook and glanced at the formula.

In fact, it was not difficult. She had sent a similar one on the forum before. The person who wrote this

question should have made simple modifications on the basis of what she had sent.

Catherine pulled out the chair under the bed, took Amelia’s pen, and began to calculate.

Amelia was shocked and exclaimed in a low voice, “Catherine, you’re so fast!”

Catherine did not respond to her, calculating intently.

Beatrice had been paying attention to the situation on this side. Seeing Amelia’s adoring face, she

became even more upset. She was alone at the side and said coldly, “Let’s not pretend anymore,

okay? Do you really think you’re something? We’re studying in the same school. You’re no better than


What Amelia couldn’t stand most was that others slandered the excellent ones. She turned around and

argued with Beatrice.

“Talk is cheap. If you’re so good, show us! If you can work it out, I will admit you’re better than us.

Otherwise, just shut up.”

Beatrice knew Amelia. She had the highest test scores in Dierlem and won countless awards.

Since Amelia dared to say this, it meant that this question must be very difficult. Beatrice did not want

to embarrass herself.

She pretended to be tough and said, ” Who knows what problem it is? Maybe even the genius can’t

solve it. Why should I do as you said?”

At that moment, Catherine said to Amelia, “I’m done. Here!”

Beatrice immediately turned green when she heard this.

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