All Her Secrets

Chapter 469 Inhumane
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Chapter 469 Inhumane

When Catherine walked out of the treatment room after the wound stitching was done, a few peoplewaiting outside immediately surrounded her.

Leading the way was Branden, who gently avoided the wound on Catherine’s arm and showed greatconcern on his face.

“Are you alright?”

Catherine didn’t worry too much about such a minor injury and calmly shook her head in response.Standing aside, Triston was more concerned with Audrey, whose eyes were swollen from crying.

“Weren’t you shooting on set today? Why are you hanging out with Catherine now? Did you get hurt?”he asked.

Faced with Triston’s concern, Audrey didn’t know how to answer him and could only keep shaking herhead.

Triston got so mad at her that he was about to have internal injuries. “This girl never speaks her mind inan emergency and always plays dumb with me, which is quite interesting,” he thought.

“Did you hurt your tongue and can’t talk now?”

Audrey didn’t know how to explain this situation to Triston. She didn’t think anyone would believe iteven if she said it. Which father in the world would use or even sacrifice his daughter to achieve hisown goals?

Realizing that he couldn’t get answers from Audrey, Triston stopped asking her and turned his gaze toCatherine.

It seemed that he could only get the answer from Catherine. Before Catherine could respond, a seriesof hurried footsteps could be heard. Paxton rushed over to Branden in a panic, pulled out something,and handed it over to him.

“Sir, everyone has been taken care of. We found this in the pocket of the leading scarred man.”

Branden looked down and saw a small medicine bottle with a blank label and no indication ordescription.

But if it was something that Paxton brought personally, it couldn’t be anything good. Branden was aboutto reach out, but Catherine was one step ahead and snatched it away.

Paxton wanted to back off, but Catherine squinted her eyes at him. Upon seeing her look, Paxtonimmediately stepped back and did not dare to make any more moves.

After grabbing the medicine bottle, Catherine directly opened it in front of everyone.

“Wait…” Branden tried to stop her, but it was already too late. Catherine crushed a small pill from themedicine bottle, then held it under her nose to sniff.

The next moment, a slight smile appeared on her lips, eerie and wicked. On that delicate face, hercharming eyes were as deep as the abyss. Suddenly, the atmosphere around her became tense.

Even Audrey could tell that something was off with Catherine’s mood. Moreover, all of this started withthe medicine bottle held in Catherine’s hand. She curiously stared at Catherine.

“Kathy, what kind of medication is this?”

Catherine couldn’t be bothered to respond initially, but she figured it wouldn’t necessarily be bad forAudrey to know some things, so she replied.

“A hallucinogenic drug that can mess with your mind!”

Paxton added, “With the dosage in this bottle, it’s enough to be lethal!”

“What…” Audrey was shocked, her mouth agape. Even her footsteps became unstable. Her faceturned pale instantly as if all the blood had drained away in the blink of an eye.

On her pale little face, a pair of unbelievably large eyes stared lifelessly ahead while murmuring, “Howcould it…

“How could he…”

Triston observed the state of Audrey and increasingly felt that something was amiss with her.

“Audrey, what’s going on with you? What on earth are you talking about?”

Audrey could not listen to Triston’s words, not even for a moment. Her head was a total mess, and shehad no energy to think about anything else.

She couldn’t accept what she was seeing right now.

It was just too cruel.

She suddenly looked up at Catherine and said firmly, “No, I have to see him in person. I want to askhim why he’s treating me like this.”

After saying that, Audrey stormed out like crazy. Catherine followed her closely. Letting Audrey goalone was like sending a lamb into the jaws of a tiger.

When Triston saw the two suddenly run away, he impulsively started running after them but wasblocked by Paxton’s swift step.

Triston stared at Paxton with a puzzled expression and asked, “Why are you not helping me chaseafter them but blocking my way?”

Paxton was like a dedicated guard, standing in front of Triston and blocking his way.

Triston knew very well that Paxton wouldn’t have acted like this without Branden’s consent. He turnedaround and gave Branden a serious look.

“What’s going on here? The two sisters are running out like this. One is weak, and the other one isinjured. Aren’t you worried at all?”

He didn’t believe that Branden was not worried. Everyone present knew how important Catherine wasto Branden.

Branden remained calm and stood aside, showing no intention of taking any action.

This was an affair concerning the Swanns. Catherine didn’t wish for them to interfere. Therefore,Branden would not go against her wishes.

He glanced at Paxton, who immediately explained the situation to Triston upon receiving the order.After listening to it, Triston was also shocked, staring at Branden in disbelief.

“So you’re saying that old geezer Korbin Swann kidnapped Audrey and was using her as a tool tothreaten Catherine?

“How is this even possible? They’re both the Swanns’ biological daughters! “Triston scoffedsarcastically, unwilling to believe everything he had heard.

Paxton was staring at Triston with a serious look. His eyes said it all.

These were all true stories, not made up. Having grown up listening to the internal struggles of wealthyfamilies, Triston found it hard to believe when he received this news.

He finally got why Audrey got bullied yet hesitated to name the culprit. Finally, he understood whyAudrey reacted so excessively upon learning what was inside that medicine bottle.

Now, everything was understandable.

“Korbin is terrifying! He not only disowns his own family but can even harm his daughter when he getsruthless.

“He’s simply inhumane,” thought Triston.

Once he found out about all of this, he began freaking out even more.

“Since that’s the case, what are we waiting for? Let’s go together! That old geezer is capable of doingsomething like this. If they go now, they’re walking into a lion’s den, right?”

Ever since Paxton discovered Catherine’s multiple identities, he had never dared to underestimate hereven a little bit. Deep down, he was filled with admiration for her.

After hearing what Triston said, he gave Triston a cold glance and asked coldly, “But can you do betterthan Miss Swann?

“Are you more of a brawn or a brain compared to her?”

It was a simple question, but it made Triston so mad that his face darkened.novelbin

He looked up at Paxton with an angry expression and glared. “Hey, kid, your boss hasn’t even spokenyet. What are you trying to boss around for?”

Paxton’s face was full of disdain. “Once my boss speaks, do you think you’ll still have a chance tostand?”

Triston was left at a loss for words. “Fine! You won!” he said inwardly.

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