All Her Secrets

Chapter 447 Don’t You Trust Him?
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Chapter 447 Don’t You Trust Him?

Catherine did go to sleep. When she woke up, it was already past ten in the morning. Catherineleisurely finished washing up and headed towards the surveillance room.

Inside the surveillance room, Paxton was still engrossed in staring at the monitor screens, not evennoticing Catherine’s entrance.

It was only when Catherine pulled out a chair and sat down that he heard the sound of the chair slidingon the floor. He quickly turned around. Upon seeing that it was Catherine, he let out a sigh of relief.

“Miss Swann!” Paxton exclaimed.

Catherine nodded slightly and glanced at him, noticing that his eyes were bloodshot. Frowning,Catherine asked, “You’ve been here all night?”

“Yes!” Paxton admitted, nodding.

The battle was more interesting than watching a movie. More importantly, he was worried aboutBranden’s physical condition, so he stayed up all night without resting.

For Paxton, not resting for a night wouldn’t be a problem. He was still full of energy. But staring at thescreen without blinking for too long had made his eyes sore and swollen.

“How many people have been eliminated?” Catherine asked.

Paxton waved his hand, excitedly answering, “None!”

This surprised Catherine a little. None of them had been eliminated! Paxton was so excited that hewanted to pull her over and make her watch the monitor herself.

“Miss Swann, look. They’ve formed a team, and Boss is the team leader. Under his leadership, theyhave been fighting a guerrilla war and haven’t lost a single teammate!”

Catherine raised her gaze to the monitor screen and immediately spotted the most handsome faceamong them.

Branden’s face was smeared with camouflage, but it couldn’t hide his handsomeness and charisma.He was a born leader, and even in his injured state, he effortlessly became the one leading the team.

With only an hour left until the end of the competition, the instructors, led by Jon, were also fueled by akilling frenzy.

Both sides wanted to deliver a fatal blow to the other, and Jon was a little annoyed. With so many ofthem against only eight opponents, even if they didn’t wipe out the entire enemy team, they had to takedown a few to show their strength.

But now, not a single one had been eliminated, which greatly hurt the pride of the instructors.Therefore, in the last hour, the instructors had to gather all their strength and take down at least a fewof the enemy teams, no matter what.

As for Branden’s team, they had been battling continuously for a day, and their strength was nearlydepleted.novelbin

Almost everyone was injured. They couldn’t withstand the opponents’ full- force counterattack. The onlyconsolation for them was that this brutal training was about to end in an hour. As long as they survivedthis hour, they would win.

Everyone held on with their last bit of strength. They had trained so hard for so many days. There wasno reason to give up at the final moment.

Some teammates suggested adopting guerrilla tactics to disperse the enemy’s strength and ensure atleast one person survived. However, Branden immediately rejected this suggestion and orderedeveryone to stick together.

“We’ll pass this together! Trust me and follow my lead!”

This simple sentence was like a rope thrown to a group of drowning people, giving everyonemotivation.

Among them, there were several who should have been eliminated earlier. If they hadn’t stuck togetherwith Branden, constantly breaking through encirclements and escaping traps under his command, theywould have already been kicked out.

They firmly believed in Branden’s decision, knowing that following him would lead to a way out. SinceCatherine took her seat, she had been watching every move of the team of eight on the screen.

Branden was very clever, and even she had to admire his intelligence. The traps and ambushes he setup were impossible to discern until the very last moment.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the team of eight remained without any casualties. With onlyten minutes left, Jon decided to go all in and make a big move.

Paxton heard the roaring sound of the jet in the sky, his eyes widening in shock. He stood up abruptlyand exclaimed, “Is Jon crazy? How dare he use a fighter jet? This is completely insane!”

Catherine remained unfazed, making Paxton a little confused.

“Miss Swann, Jon is deploying a fighter jet. They’re going to bomb the jungle. Aren’t you going to stophim?”

Catherine crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, looking at Paxton with indifference.

“Stop him? Why should I?”

Paxton was on the verge of going crazy. Not only did he encounter one lunatic, but now he had comeacross two.

“Miss Swann, the jungle isn’t that vast. And they just had a confrontation. Jon and his team canaccurately pinpoint the location of the eight-member squad. With this bombing, the entire squad will bewiped out. Shouldn’t you stop it?”

Facing Paxton’s argument, Catherine only made one comment.

“Jon has the right to do that!”

During a battle between two forces, there was no room for such discussions. The instructors had theright to mobilize all resources on the island for the fight.

From opposing perspectives, Jon had no reason or obligation to think for the other side and give up histeam’s victory.

Paxton understood Catherine’s point. Now that the two teams were at war, Jon’s actions were notwrong.

Catherine knew that Jon was acting out of anger, but his actions were reasonable, and no one had theright to stop him. As third-party observers, all they could do was silently watch everything unfold.

“But…” Paxton wanted to make one last attempt. Catherine gave him a cold stare and asked in a coldvoice, “Don’t you trust your boss?”

With a simple sentence, Paxton was stumped.

Branden had always been his faith, and there was nothing impossible for him. No matter how difficultthe task, Branden could easily accomplish it.

The fighter jet flew overhead, its roaring deafening. Jon provided precise coordinates, leaving theenemy with nowhere to hide.

The fighter jet took its position, and the pilot above sent a signal to Jon, indicating they had reached thedesignated location. He was requesting final instructions.

At the moment of issuing the command, Jon hesitated.

This was a desperate move, but they were now on opposing teams, each with a simple goal andmission, which was to win!

“Begin the bombing!”

With Jon’s command, the bombing commenced.

Within ten minutes, the jungle turned into a sea of fire.

Paxton couldn’t even bear to look at the screen.

It was too cruel. Under such bombing, the eight-member team should have been completely wiped out.

Paxton’s heart sank, and he stared blankly at the blackened monitor screen, which was devoid of anysigns of life.

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