All Her Secrets

Chapter 442 Step Forward!
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Chapter 442 Step Forward!

Catherine returned to the training ground, where the trainees were diligently conducting physicaltraining.

Even if Catherine, their instructor, wasn’t present, they didn’t dare to slack off.

Carlo and his two brothers had already returned to the training ground. Their gaze remained fixed onCatherine when she appeared.

Catherine approached them with an arrogant stride, her cold eyes giving off an icy aura.

Once their eyes met Catherine’s, fear gripped the hearts of the three men. It felt as if the funeral bellswere tolling, accompanied by a mournful lament.

Catherine glanced at the three men and pointed at them with her hand. “You, you, and you, stepforward!”

Silently, the three men stepped forward, their hearts pounding wildly. Their teammates beside themmourned silently for them. Everyone knew that the instructor had a reputation for being ruthless. If theinstructor suddenly called them out by name, it couldn’t be anything good.

With her hands behind her back, Catherine casually circled around the three men. “You left the campwithout permission, quit training without reporting, disobeyed orders, and challenged your instructor…”

Catherine recited each of the mistakes committed by the three men.

Carlo had initially held a glimmer of hope in his heart, thinking that Catherine wasn’t a mean personand that her cold demeanor was just a facade. He hoped that, perhaps, she would spare them for thesake of Branden. But now it seemed impossible for him to escape punishment, and he could only hopethat she wouldn’t be too harsh.

Catherine remained silent, continuing to circle around them. She had a commanding presence, and thecold aura emanating from her alone was enough to kill them.

After contemplating for a while, Carlo decided it was better to face his fate as soon as possible. Sincethey were bound to face punishment sooner or later, it was better to take the initiative to face it.

“Catherine, it’s our fault. Please punish us. We accept any punishment!” he pleaded.

They had already received news from Paxton that Catherine had brought Dr. Miracle to treat Branden.Paxton had also advised them to focus on training and not argue with Catherine. They had indeedoverestimated themselves!

But then again, who would dare to argue with her? It would be suicidal. If it weren’t for Branden’s“coma,” they wouldn’t have had the courage to confront her. Now that Branden was fine, it was time forthem to accept their punishment.

Catherine’s eyes lit up, revealing a shrewd look.

“It seems that you have no objections to the mistakes you’ve made,” she said.

“Yes!” the three of them replied in unison, their bodies stiff and straight.

“Good.” Catherine nodded and clapped her hands.

Clap, clap, clap…

After a series of loud applause, Jon arrived, driving a pickup truck. With her hands behind her back,Catherine stood in front of everyone, exuding a chilling aura.

“For the remaining time today, let’s learn how to deal with interrogation! As prisoners of war, it isessential for each of you to learn how to preserve your life while keeping the secrets hidden,” she


Everyone present thought that Catherine’s viewpoint was correct. They could sacrifice their lives toprotect secrets, but they shouldn’t sacrifice themselves needlessly. If they had a chance to save theirlives, they should prioritize that.

Catherine’s attitude towards sacrifice was different from that of other instructors, so she instantlygained people’s support.

Just as everyone was waiting for Catherine to announce the cruel training to come, they heard her say,” We won’t have a collective training session this afternoon. These three boys will demonstrate thetraining first, and then we will practice together.

Other people couldn’t hold back their laughter. It was too tragic! The Duncan trio was in for a realpunishment.

After hearing Catherine’s announcement, the faces of the Duncan trio turned completely dark. Theyknew that Catherine’s training was always brutal, and now they not only had to train but also had to doit twice. Who could be unluckier than them?

However, the three of them dared not complain. Complaining only led to even more torture. Catherineglanced at Jon behind her and beckoned him. “Let’s begin!”

Jon directed his men to unload several large barrels from the truck, and with a sympathetic look, hewinked at the three of them.

After all, they shouldn’t have offended Catherine. The three of them were placed inside three largebarrels, and someone poured something from a can onto their heads.

As Carlo smelled the sweet fragrance, he couldn’t help but quietly discuss it with his two brothers.

“Why do I feel like it’s honey?”

Francis glanced at him and said coldly, “Why don’t you give it a lick and find out?”

Carlo took it seriously and actually stuck out his tongue and licked it. He then exclaimed in surprise,“It’s sweet. It really is honey!”


Cory’s face turned completely dark, with a hint of despair in his eyes.

Carlo, who was always naive, still thought that it was sweet, unaware of the tragedy he was about toface.

Francis’s expression grew increasingly grim, and if one looked closely, one could sense a hint ofnervousness in his eyes.

Cory knew Francis all too well. Growing up together with Francis, he knew that whatever scaredFrancis must be truly terrifying.

Three instructors approached with gloves on, carrying three large jars.

As they got closer, Carlo and the other two couldn’t help but gulp nervously. The fear of the unknownwas truly testing their hearts, something that ordinary people would struggle to bear.

The lids of the jars were opened, and thousands of ants were poured out from them. Under thescorching sun, they endured the ants’ biting.

These were not ordinary ants but red ants that lived in the nearby rainforest. Being bitten by these antscaused not only swelling but also unbearable itching and excruciating pain.

This torture was much worse than being beaten or stabbed. Catherine coldly observed the three ofthem, her face devoid of any expression.

The more indifferent and emotionless she appeared, the more people felt fearful of her.

“If you can’t take it, you can choose to surrender,” she said.

Carlo had never been a deserter in his life and would never surrender, no matter what. However, beforehe could say anything, Catherine continued, ” After all, this is just the first level!”

Her words meant that there were even more intense challenges ahead!

Carlo was instantly frightened. He turned his head to look at his two brothers, weakly suggesting,“Should we surrender?”novelbin

However, he was met with fierce glares from Francis and Cory. In their opinion, there was only apossibility of death, not surrender.

They would rather die than surrender, and they would never quit!

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