All Her Secrets

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44

It was not only the mathematics teacher, but nobody believed Catherine could come top in the class.

After all, Sincere High School was the most famous high school in the city, and Class 8 was the best inthe school. A top university would admit half of the students who graduated from such a class

In fact, to admit more students from a class like this, there was even news that top universities foughtat the school’s gate One could see how great the students of Class 8 were.

The mathematics teacher didn’t believe a student like Catherine, who was probably illiterate, could betop in the class.

Being top in Class 8 would mean being the top of the year. That was for sure.

In the face of Catherine’s taunts, the mathematics teacher smiled mockingly “Since you dare to makesuch a promise, I’ll see how you do. If you come top in the class on the test next week, I’ll apologize toyou in front of the entire school.”

As she was finished, Catherine added, “And admit you’re the pig!”

She had heard everything the mathematics teacher had just said.

With that, the expression on the mathematics teacher’s face turned so ugly and twisted.

Before she could speak, Bryan spoke up in a hurry to back Catherine up, “Miss, I think Catherine has apoint If she manages to come top in the class, it would mean that you were wrong Shouldn’t you takeback what you called her then?”

The mathematics teacher was so angry, but there was nothing she could say about that.

However, she wasn’t worried at all. In her eyes, someone like Catherine couldn’t come up top in theclass.

She shot Catherine an angry and fierce glare. “Sure, that’s a deal then. If you don’t class, you’ll leaveClass 8 immediately and be banned from my class for life!”

Catherine nodded casually at the mathematics teacher. She looked so casual that it was as if thismatter was unimportant to her.

Her attitude stung the mathematics teacher so hard that she threw her books on the desk hard. “You’llstudy by yourselves today!”

With that, she turned and left the classroom. The homeroom teacher couldn’t do anything about it tooAfter encouraging the class to study harder, she left too.

Bryan settled himself back in his seat when the teachers were all gone.

Catherine had sat down long ago. She had a foot on the bar of the desk and a hand around the back ofthe chair she was sitting on, looking intimidating.

Everyone was wearing the school uniform except Catherine. It was her first day at school, and shehadn’t gotten her uniform yet. This made her stand out from her classmates.

However, this also made her the most eye-catching student in her class.

After sitting down, Bryan leaned closer to Catherine.

He flipped his book open, then flipped Catherine’s book open.

Catherine had just gotten her book today, and it was the first time she had opened it. As Catherine wasleaning on her desk to sleep, all of her books were on Bryan’s desk in a stack.

Bryan pushed the new and old books in front of Catherine. “Come on. Look here!”

Catherine looked at him somewhat in surprise. Her delicate eyes were full of questions, “Why?!”

“I’ll act as your tutor. We still have a few days until the test next week. I’ll do my best to help you out sothat you can at least know something. It’ll be easier for me to help you then.”

Bryan looked at Catherine seriously.

He had become a fan of Catherine’s ever since he saw her fight.

He admired Catherine’s look and presence when she fought. He wanted to become friends with her.

For them to be friends, he had to help her out.

He had it all figured out. He would first help Catherine to learn something and then try to see if he couldalso help her out of this after the test.

Even though it was really hard, he would try his best.

Catherine glanced lightly at him, looking cold. Then, she pushed the two books on her desk away andsaid coldly, “I’m busy!”novelbin

After that, Catherine leaned back against the desk and got back to sleep.

Seeing her like this, Bryan hesitated for a while and dared not speak.

He felt that bothering Catherine in her sleep was a sin that could not be forgiven. He didn’t know wherehe had gotten such an impression.

Even though Catherine had fallen asleep peacefully, the whispers in the class had gotten louder.

As she stared in Catherine’s direction angrily, Liana’s cold eyes flashed with a trace of mockery.

She didn’t expect Catherine to give up on herself even before Liana acted.

It was true that the jinx was still a jinx, no matter where she was. She only brought trouble to thosearound her. Liana only had to wait for the show to begin.

Liana put the exercise in her hands away deliberately and sighed. “What should we do? Now that theteacher is not here, I don’t have anyone to ask about this question I can’t solve. Poor me! What willhappen to me in the test next week?”

With that, Liana’s deskmate leaned over, took a look at her exercise, and frowned. “Liana, you are onlyhaving trouble with the final and hardest question. I, on the other hand, can’t even. solve the ones onthe first page. I was hoping for the teacher to teach me about it in class. Who knew that things wouldbecome like they are now?”

Others around them soon echoed her complaints. The students grumbled one after another.

“That’s right. I’m having trouble with it too. Say, would the teacher be so mad that she would leave us tostudy on ourselves from now on!”

“What should we do? I was already bad at mathematics before! I’m done for. It is all the new student’sfault. Why does she have to drag us down to her level?”

“She has gone too far!”

It went on and on.

The complaints grew louder and louder until even Bryan couldn’t take it anymore.

He stood up and glared at those that kept grumbling around him.

When they met Bryan’s cold gaze, the students knew Bryan was angry and lowered their voicesgradually.

Even though they didn’t dare to discuss it anymore, they were still unhappy about it.

At first, they were only mad at Catherine, not Bryan.

Someone even started complaining, “God knows what the new student has done to Bryan to make himprotect her like this. Is he blind?”

The expression on Bryan’s face turned even uglier. He was about to lose his temper.

Just then, David leaned over and whispered to him, “Bryan, you can’t afford to offend everyone.”

Bryan glared at him, only to see David pointing at something behind him in horror.

Bryan turned to look behind him and found that Catherine had gotten up again.

This time, Catherine’s eyes were still out of focus. It was as if she was still in a daze.

Catherine looked less cold and fierce, which made her look particularly cute in Bryan’s eyes.

In fact, Bryan didn’t dare to look at Catherine now and felt his cheek redden slightly.

In a daze, Catherine grabbed the exercise on the desk and took a glance at the questions on it.

The seemingly complicated questions were even easier than the sum of one plus one in Catherine’seyes.

She threw the exercise at Bryan and called out to him coldly, “Bryan!”

Bryan responded reflexively in a loud voice as though he was in a trance, “I’m here!”

Stunned by Bryan’s reaction, David couldn’t help but think that he was indeed under a spell to listen toeverything Catherine said.

Bryan had responded without thinking. Even Bryan was somewhat surprised at himself.

However, he didn’t have time to think about this now. Bryan turned to look at Catherine and askedrespectfully, “Is there anything you need me for?”

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