All Her Secrets

Chapter 439 Heartless
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Chapter 439 Heartless

Catherine’s cold and stern attitude was unbearable for the Duncan trio. Francis stood frozen in place,staring at Catherine with a puzzled expression.

Carlo was not as composed as Francis. Unable to tolerate Catherine’s indifference, he erupted inanger.

“Francis, let’s just withdraw from the competition and ignore this heartless woman.”

After expressing his thoughts, he felt that it was still not enough. When he thought about Catherine’sattitude, a nameless fit of anger surged within him.

“You’re a heartless creature! If it wasn’t for our boss trying to please you, would he have suffered somuch? Now that he is in trouble, we just want to save him. We don’t even need your help. We just wantyou to let us go, but you refuse. You hold a grudge against him and want him dead, don’t you?”

“Humph…” Catherine sneered. The look in her eyes was as sharp as a honed blade shooting towardCarlo.

“You know me well. You’re right. I want to torment him!”

For Carlo, Branden was not only his boss but also his hero, someone he admired.

Hearing his idol being insulted, Carlo was on the verge of exploding with rage. He knew that he couldn’tdefeat Catherine, but he still wanted to give it a try, even if it meant risking his life.

Suddenly, Catherine’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She immediately stopped her sneer, put on aserious face, and ordered Jon beside her, “Send them back to training. If they train passively, throwthem into the water dungeon and keep torturing them until they’re willing to train!”

After saying that, she turned around to leave, not even sparing a glance at the three of them.

Carlo wanted to catch up, but he was pulled back by Cory.

Although Cory was also angry, he was more level-headed than Carlo. He saw the bigger picture. Aslong as Catherine didn’t agree, the three of them would never be able to withdraw from the competition.

They had to follow the rules and listen to Catherine’s commands.

If Catherine didn’t agree, no one would be able to leave. Carlo forcefully shook off Cory’s hand andlooked at him with a serious and angry expression.

“Why are you stopping me? Do you also agree with that lunatic’s decision? She wants to kill our boss.You’re not going to do something about it? Can you bear to watch him being tortured by her like this?”novelbin

In the face of Carlo’s furious accusations, Cory sighed helplessly. ” Carlo, do you know what our bossdid to her back then…”

Before he could finish, Carlo interrupted him directly.

“I know our boss mistreated her back then, but we were on opposite sides at that time. We didn’t knowwho she was. If our boss had lost, she wouldn’t have shown mercy to him, either.”

Carlo’s words made sense. Catherine was the type of person who sought revenge for the slightestgrievance. She would never let anyone who offended her get away with it. Most importantly, she hadn’tdone anything to Branden yet. It was Branden who was punishing himself. If he was willing to do this,he could only blame himself.

Francis decided not to sit idly by. ” Don’t forget who owns Scorpion Island. I’ll contact our immediatesuperior right now. Our boss is the one in trouble this time. I refuse to believe that we can’t get out ofhere!”

The three of them unanimously agreed to let Francis make the arrangements and not rush out of theisland forcefully for now.

However, after Francis contacted their immediate superior, he was informed that Branden had givenorders for the entire island to follow Catherine’s instructions. As long as she didn’t agree, no one couldleave here.

Everyone on the island was an elite, so it was impossible for the three of them to confront the entireisland.

Francis decided to inform Paxton immediately and let him figure out a solution.

Upon receiving the news, Paxton hurried to find Catherine. He also thought that she had gone too farthis time. In his opinion, it was fine for her not to accept Branden’s apology. It was her personaldecision. However, she shouldn’t prevent others from saving him!

“You three focus on training. Leave this matter to me. I swear on my life that I will not let anythinghappen to our boss!”

After saying that, Paxton hung up the phone. He didn’t have much time to waste. Besides dealing withhis training, his ultimate goal was to find Dr. Miracle to treat Branden.

Paxton hurriedly left the hospital to find Catherine. On the training ground, Catherine sat casually onthe stairs, holding her phone to her ear, listening to the incessant chatter on the other end of the line.

“Catherine, I heard you’ve been on Scorpion Island recently?”


Catherine didn’t deny it. Casier was Sean’s territory. She had suddenly disappeared for so many days.Sean would definitely notice it. It wouldn’t be difficult for him to find out her whereabouts from Ronin.

Sean was also on their side, so there was no need to hide it from him.

“Catherine, you’re really something. By the way, is someone sick on Scorpion Island? The wholeinternet just received a bounty posted on Scorpion Island, and the bonus offered is amazing. They saythey’re looking for Dr. Miracle. Do you know anything about it?”

Finding Dr. Miracle?

Catherine squinted her eyes and casually looked around. She accidentally caught sight of a familiarfigure approaching her, and she responded to the person on the phone, “I have something to deal with.Let’s talk later!”

Then, she hung up the phone.

Paxton hurriedly came to Catherine. ” Miss Swann, I came to ask if you could release Carlo and theothers. I need their help right now!”

Paxton was anxious and overwhelmed. The news of Branden’s illness was too confidential. If theenemy found out, there would be very severe consequences. Paxton couldn’t openly announce it, sohe had to release the information under someone else’s identity.

However, this method was too slow and would inevitably delay the treatment. He needed help, andthose three brothers were the best choice.

“Miss Swann, please, I’m begging you. I work for my boss. If you still hold a grudge from the past, youshould direct it at me. I have no complaints, no matter how you punish me. I only ask you to let mesolve the most pressing matter, okay?”

After a few seconds of silence, Catherine finally spoke. She looked at Paxton with cold eyes, showingno emotion in her gaze.


This cold word sent a shiver down Paxton’s spine, extinguishing his hope.

Paxton felt hopeless. He knew he wouldn’t get any answers from Catherine. He chose to leave,believing that with the power of the Duncans, they would be able to save Branden.

“You will regret it!” He stared at Catherine with cold eyes filled with hatred.

Catherine remained indifferent. There were too many people who hated her, and she simply didn’t care.“Whatever!”

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