All Her Secrets

Chapter 428 Something Happened to Branden
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Chapter 428 Something Happened to Branden

Branden boarded the private plane and headed to Snake Island. Paxton sat with him on the plane andfelt uneasy, so he handed the serum the lab newly developed to Branden.

“Sir, this is the serum. Inject it for your safety.”

Branden glanced at Paxton as a warning, and the latter put the serum away gingerly. Branden thenpulled open the airplane door.

Without a moment of hesitation, Branden jumped off the plane. Paxton was dumbfounded. They did notarrive at their destination yet.

Why did Branden jump off suddenly?

The plan was to send Branden to Snake Island, and Branden finished the survival challenge there. ButBranden chose to increase the difficulty by jumping to the nearby sea area and swimming to the shore.

The sea area around Snake Island was a famous dead zone. The complex geography caused the seato swell roughly, and the most dangerous thing was the man-eater shark.

If starting from that sea area, Branden would probably be eaten by a shark before he got to the island.Paxton could not understand what Branden wanted. Whether to beg for Catherine’s forgiveness orsimply torture himself.

Paxton could not stop Branden from swimming to Snake Island and stayed till the challenge wascompleted, but he needed to know Branden’s condition at all times.

Everything was as usual on the training ground. There was nothing different after Branden joined them.After all, Catherine did not agree with Branden to join her camp officially.

It still depended on whether Branden could be back alive from Snake Island. Catherine started theother half of the training. The trainees were highly focused, and no one dared to do anything wrong.

They knew Catherine’s cruel methods and did not have the guts to risk it. As time passed, Catherine’straining methods became even more harsh.

Three people were eliminated in the afternoon only.

Yet, no one complained, not because they feared Catherine. They knew the training goal was to pickout the best elites from them. If one was not capable enough, they were expected to be out.

Most importantly, they had witnessed their improvement in just one week. That was what Catherinebrought them. They were much more powerful now.

Catherine was arranging the following training for the trainees when she heard Jon’s voice from thewireless headset.

“Mr. Anon, could you come to the medical room right now?”

Catherine was confused. Why would Jon suddenly ask her to be in the medical room?

Catherine wanted to refuse, but Paxton’s nervous voice sounded in her ear. “Sir, this is Paxton.Something happened to Branden. Come here now, please.”

Catherine was hesitant for a second after the talk ended in the headset.novelbin

Then, she began to rush toward the medical room.

When she arrived, it was already a mess inside the room.

Seven or eight medical officers surrounded the bed and pressed Branden’s body, preparing to give himan injection. Paxton noticed Catherine and hurriedly approached her.

“Miss Swann, please, talk to Branden. He doesn’t listen to anyone else other than you.”

Catherine’s brows knitted tightly, and she asked, trying to suppress her rage, ” Tell me. What the hellhappened?”

Paxton dared not hide anything from her and told her everything Branden experienced, from departingto staying on Snake Island.

“Miss Swann, there are many snake bites on Branden. After he fought hard to return, he refused to becured immediately but said he had to report to you. Please, ask him to receive treatment.”

Before Catherine replied to Paxton, Branden, on the bed, caught a glimpse of her.

He exerted all his strength to push away the medical officers around him, struggled down the bed, andstaggered to Catherine.

When he stood in front of Catherine, he made his body stiff and straight.

“Sir, I’ve finished the mission on surviving Snake Island.”

Branden almost could not make it. He opened his eyes with difficulty, revealing how bloodshot theywere. Catherine could see all kinds of injuries on his body.

The relatively small wounds almost stopped bleeding.

But the large ones still oozed out blood because he refused to cooperate. The medical room was filledwith the heavy smell of blood and disgusted people.

Even so, Branden still tried hard to say, “Sir, would you please give me a chance?”

A chance?

What chance?

Did he mean a chance for him to join her camp or a chance to forgive him?

Only Branden knew which meaning it was. After learning the truth, Branden never asked Catherine forher forgiveness.

He only tortured himself, maltreating himself in ways that were way crueler than what he had done toher that month.

His behavior seemed to tell Catherine that he would repay the pain he had inflicted on Su Mian tenfoldand a hundredfold on himself.

Catherine stood still on the spot, motionless. She fixed his eyes on him. Branden’s eyes were red, butCatherine’s were only numb.

Catherine measured him with her eyes from head to toe. She asked in composure, “You desire to joinmy camp?”

Her words were simple but like a shot of adrenaline, cheering Branden up, who had been about to passout.

He used the last of his strength to smile slightly. “Yes!” His words were firm, unlike the voice that hisweak and wounded body could utter.

Catherine looked away from him. She raised her eyes and looked past Branden. She snapped, “Whatare you waiting for? Come and save him.”

Paxton was the first to react and signaled the doctors and nurses to treat Branden. Branden still did notaccept to have the injection. Under his strong aura, no one dared to force him.

Branden did not speak nor move. He just stood there and stared fixedly at Catherine.

Catherine took the injector from the nearby nurse and asked, “Intravenous injection?”

The nurse nodded as an answer to Catherine’s question.

Catherine took Branden’s hand, rolled his sleeve, and injected him.

Branden had been as fierce as a tyrannosaurus, and no one dared approach him. Now, he was well-behaved like a kitten, letting Catherine do anything to him.

Catherine pointed the bed behind Branden with her chin and ordered Branden, “Lie down on the bed.”

Branden immediately staggered to the bed and lay down obediently, showing no hint of objection.

The medical officers and nurses could not believe their eyes. Why bother making a fuss if they hadknown Branden would listen to Catherine? They could have asked Catherine to be there earlier.

After getting Branden to lie down, Catherine was in no hurry to leave. She stayed there and watchedhim have the operation and stitch his wounds. When all treatments were done, she stood up. Beforeshe left, she turned back to take a look at Branden.

“You have two days. You don’t have to come to my camp if you cannot recover.

Branden’s eyes lit up, and he was elated.

He looked like a mess right now but was still handsome.

There was a small smile playing on his lips.

His voice was so tender when he opened his mouth to answer Catherine. “Of course.”

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