All Her Secrets

Chapter 424 You’re My Enemy
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Chapter 424 You’re My Enemy

Catherine, wearing a tight vest and camo pants, stood confidently before Carlo.

Carlo was stunned for a while. Seeing him silent for a long time, Catherine said, “Why are you stillstanding there? Planning to slack off and skip training?

Hearing the word “training,” Carlo immediately snapped out of it and stood up straight. “Instructor, I wasnot trying to slack off. I just… I mean…” Carlo couldn’t bring himself to say the rest of his words andcould only steal glances at Catherine.

Catherine gave him a cold look. “Get back to training!”

Although Carlo now knew that Catherine was the instructor, he dared not show any disrespect due toher authority. Catherine had given the command, and he had to comply obediently. “I’m going backnow!”

Catherine watched Carlo hurriedly escape, smirking. “These guys are quite interesting,” she murmured.

After returning from the instructor’s residence, Carlo joined Francis and Cory. As soon as he sat down,Cory, who was usually not much of a talker, asked a question.

“How was it?”

After a few seconds of silence, Carlo gave a thumbs-up to Cory.

“Cory, you’re amazing. The instructor is really Miss Swann!”novelbin

Compared to Carlo’s extreme surprise, Cory remained calm. After all, he was the first one to figure itout.

On the other hand, Francis, who was completely confused, looked at the two with a puzzledexpression. “What do you guys mean? Miss Swann is the instructor? Which Miss Swann?”

Seeing Francis’s confusion, Carlo got excited and eagerly explained. ”

Francis, let me tell you something. We just found out that Catherine is Mr. Anon. I even confirmed itmyself!”

Francis was stunned for a moment. ” You mean that girl, Catherine, who looks like a teenager, is ourinstructor?”

“Yes, that’s right. I personally confirmed it,” Carlo confidently replied. Francis was speechless. He neverexpected that such a young girl would be so impressive. No wonder she could disappear without atrace right under his nose.

While the two were still in shock, Cory had already found Jon. “Instructor, can I use satellitecommunication?”

When Cory arrived, there were some special instructions from higher-ups. As long as it didn’t interferewith training and the requests weren’t excessive, Jon wouldn’t interfere with them.

At a villa in Alton.

Paxton had been anxious for almost 48 hours. The people he sent out found nothing; he could evensense Branden’s patience was reaching its limit. If Catherine didn’t show up soon, he was suresomething terrible would happen.


Upon hearing the sound, Paxton turned around, and his eyes widened unconsciously. “Is there anynews about Miss Swann?”

His subordinate shook his head. “It’s Cory. He wants you to answer the phone!”

“Cory?” Paxton frowned slightly. If it were Carlo, Paxton wouldn’t answer the call. But Cory wasdifferent. He was currently training on Scorpion Island, so it must be something important if he called!

Paxton didn’t expect that this phone call from Cory would bring him a huge surprise. The problem thathad been bothering Paxton for so many days was finally solved.

In the evening, a helicopter suddenly arrived on Scorpion Island. Several mysterious figures got off thehelicopter. Jon personally received them, while the other instructors didn’t even have a chance to seethem.

Branden exuded an unparalleled aristocratic aura. He stood in front of Jon as if he were a natural ruler.

Jon respectfully bowed to him. “Mr. Duncan, welcome!”

Branden was in a hurry to find Catherine and had no intention of talking to Jon. He asked eagerly,”Where is Mr. Anon?”

“In the dormitory!”

As soon as Jon finished speaking, Branden disappeared. Jon couldn’t help but whisper in admiration,“Mr. Anon is really powerful!”

Catherine had just changed her clothes and was ready to go to the training ground. As soon as sheopened the dormitory door, she saw a tall man standing at the door.

She wasn’t surprised by Branden’s appearance. Since she didn’t hide it from Carlo, she had nointention of hiding it from Branden either. She hadn’t figured out her revenge plan yet, and her enemyhad shown up, which was just convenient for her to deal with him.

Although Catherine was wearing a disguise, Branden recognized her at a glance. He was about toapproach her, but Catherine instinctively stepped back.

When Branden noticed her subconscious action, his heart sank. His brows furrowed once again. Hedidn’t dare to approach and just stood there, staring intently in her direction.

“Can I come in?” he tentatively asked, his statement carrying an unusual sense of humility and plea. Hecould tell that Catherine’s attitude towards him had changed.

Catherine didn’t say anything. She simply turned around and walked into the house. After a moment ofhesitation, Branden followed her inside.

Once Catherine was inside, she removed her coat before Branden, revealing her true appearance andlooking him straight in the eye.

Compared to Branden’s caution and prudence, Catherine’s attitude seemed much more eerie. She satarrogantly in the chair, crossing her long legs, her demeanor casual yet exuding a sinister fierceness.

Branden sat across from her, gazing at her with adoration in his eyes. The girl, who was capable ofturning the whole Alton upside down, was now sitting before him. He was satisfied.

“Even death row inmates have the right to a trial before execution. So, I just want to know the reason,”he said. “Why did you suddenly reject me?”

Catherine assessed Branden in front of her, realizing that he was even more capable than she was.She couldn’t be sure whether his pitiful and sympathetic tone was genuine or just an act. With her armscrossed and a cold expression on her face, she explained everything in a monotone voice.

“Three years ago, in the primitive forests of northern Myanville, the chief of Red Star captured a high-ranking member of the Hacker Alliance. Do you remember? Your excellency, the chief.”

Her indifferent tone made her seem like a mere bystander. Branden couldn’t help but trembleuncontrollably, and his expression froze as soon as he heard Catherine’s description. His pupils dilatedinvoluntarily. He hadn’t thought of it before because he hadn’t even considered that possibility,considering it was an event that happened three years ago. But now, as Catherine mentioned it, hefinally understood everything.

Three years ago, in an accident, he almost killed Catherine. Branden’s shocked reaction let Catherineknow that he had remembered everything. She didn’t need to be polite any longer.

“Thank you. After that incident, it was the first time in my life that I had spent such a long time lying in ahospital bed!

Her words were like a sharp sword, piercing straight into Branden’s heart, leaving him in pain. Heseemed unable to speak or even breathe. This girl, whom he viewed as his beloved one, had oncebeen cruelly hurt by him.

Now Branden understood why Catherine suddenly became angry and ignored him. Even if she pointeda gun at him directly and shot him, it would be expected.

Branden slowly stood up and walked silently towards the door.

Watching his receding figure, Catherine remained silent. She was the type of person who never letgrievances go easily, especially when she had hatred in her heart for three years.

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