All Her Secrets

Chapter 415
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Chapter 415

Chapter 415 The Nighttime Training

The first round had just ended. Then, the speakers above the training ground began to emit thatchilling, devilish voice again.

“Round two begins!”

The cold tone of the announcement caused even the famously tough individuals present to shiverinvoluntarily. The second round was relatively simple. It focused on physical tests.

If one could complete the test within the allotted time, he would pass. Once the rules were revealed, acollective sigh of relief swept through the group.

Despite the tight time constraint, their physical fitness was up to the task, so they believed they wouldall pass.novelbin

Eight individuals had been eliminated in the first round, and nobody wanted to face the same fate.Everyone gave their all to complete the task.

Even those who were initially holding back their strength had to show their true abilities under Anon’srelentless scrutiny.

The second round concluded, and the afternoon training was done for the day. Anon announced thedismissal through the loudspeakers.

As for their food, they had received a large supply package before starting the training. It was meant tosustain them for the next three weeks. If they ran out, they’d be without supplies. Carlo enjoyed acompressed biscuit and leaned comfortably against Cory.

He was so hungry that even dry, throat- scorching biscuits tasted delicious.

“Cory, my legs feel like they’re not mine anymore!”

It wasn’t just Carlo. Everyone in the group had trembling legs. Cory was the same, but he showedgreater restraint. He didn’t display the fatigue as obviously as the others.

While the trainees rested, Catherine also planned to have a break. She returned to her dorm. After shechanged into more comfortable clothing, her phone rang.

It was a video call from Branden. Catherine answered it without hesitation. Then, the handsome face ofBranden appeared on her screen. From the background, it was clear that he was in his office.

Sure enough, the next second, Branden spoke up and confirmed the setting.

“I just finished a meeting. I want to see you.”

Branden’s expression was straightforward and not hesitant. It was a style of interaction that Catherinepreferred.

He didn’t inquire about her dismissing the Shadow Guards. At the same time, she didn’t feel likeexplaining either. It was perfect.

“What about you?” Branden’s soft, husky voice came through the phone. He asked Catherine, “Whatare you up to?”

Catherine wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked exhausted. Then she replied, “I just finished asession with a bunch of rookies. I’m preparing to grab a bite and continue in the evening.”

Seeing the delicate beads of sweat on her forehead, Branden frowned slightly. He couldn’t help butremind her.

He said, “Eat on time and eat well. There is no need to be so proactive.”

He wasn’t sure who had requested Catherine to teach, but he had received her grade report from theschool. Catherine had marked her address as his apartment.

She had scored zero in all seven subjects, not a single point more. It seemed she had gone to schoolearly in the morning for two days during the final exams just to make up the numbers.

On Branden’s end, someone brought him a file that needed his attention. Catherine noticed he wasbusy with work, so she excused herself and claimed it was time for her to eat. Then, she ended thevideo call.

After ending the call, she was about to put her phone aside when it rang again. This time, the call wasfrom Withal. Catherine glanced at the number for a moment and then answered the call. As soon asshe picked up, she heard Withal’s excited voice.

“Catherine, I’ve got information on Red Star. I heard they’re organizing a deal in Alton in two days.Because the cargo is special, the chief of the Red Star will likely attend.”

Catherine thought inwardly, “The chief of the Red Star?”

Catherine’s mind immediately conjured up the terrifying man who had been worse than a devil back inthe day. He was the man who had caused her to stumble for the first time in her life.

If he were standing before her now, she would make him pay for the grudge she had held for so long.Withal noticed that Catherine hadn’t responded for a while and asked, ” Catherine, are you coming?”

Although Catherine was in Alton, she currently couldn’t leave Scorpion Island.

“Withal, I’m working as an instructor on Scorpion Island this month. I can’t leave right now. Keep an eyeon the situation of the Red Star and inform me if you have any updates.”

Withal readily agreed to take on the task once he learned Catherine couldn’t make it.

“Catherine, don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on it for you.”

After Catherine hung up, Withal finally realized what Catherine had said. She was working as aninstructor on Scorpion Island.

He thought inwardly, “Oh, my God. Catherine is an instructor on Scorpion Island.” He realized that hehad stumbled upon a major secret.

Withal had never been to Scorpion Island for training. It was not because he didn’t have thequalifications but because the selection process for Scorpion Island was rigorous and complicated.

He was just too lazy to deal with the intricate procedures and hadn’t participated in the training.Although he hadn’t participated, it didn’t mean he didn’t know about Scorpion Island’s reputation.

Those who could leave Scorpion Island were among the elite of the elite, let alone becoming aninstructor there.

Catherine was truly capable and impressive. At the same time, Catherine hung up the phone, made aquick tidy-up, and prepared to leave. It was getting dark, and she was about to begin the nighttimetraining.

The trainees, who had just sat down to rest, were jolted by the alarm bells ringing on the trainingground.

Everyone gathered on the field. Carlo whispered to Cory, “You guessed it right. Looks like we’re in forextra training tonight.”

Initially, Carlo had wanted to relax and take a break, but Cory had told him that the instructor wasunlikely to give them such a long rest.

Cory’s prediction turned out to be correct. Fortunately, Carlo heeded Cory’s advice and didn’t let hisguard down in the slightest.

The devilish voice echoed once more through the loudspeakers and entangled everyone’s minds.

“Everyone, it’s dinner time. Tonight’s dish is called ‘The Great Escape’. The deadline is tomorrow noon,and the goal is simple. You should stay alive.”

The location was the same as the afternoon. The only requirement was surviving in the dense forestuntil noon the next day.

While the forest didn’t house many dangerous animals, it had its share of unusual insects, traps, andlandmines.

For ordinary people, entering this forest was a life-or-death gamble, but for these elites, it was a lessdaunting task.

Despite the seemingly straightforward mission, a sense of foreboding lingered in the hearts of thetrainees.

“Cory, why do I feel like things aren’t as simple as they seem? Can they really let us off the hook soeasily? Just stay one night?”

Cory glanced at the incessantly talking Carlo with an expression that seemed to say, “You’re notentirely foolish.”

It was apparent that this mission wasn’t as straightforward as it appeared.

Often, the simpler a task seemed, the more dangerous it actually was.

One never knew just how massive the iceberg hidden beneath the surface was.

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