All Her Secrets

Chapter 409
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Chapter 409

Chapter 409 The Final Exams

Before everyone knew it, the final exams were upon them, and this time, the school was placing asignificant emphasis on these year-end assessments.

Next semester, their cohort was scheduled to graduate. Loyalty Academy always had a head start onother schools, having completed the curriculum that other schools would cover in the latter half of thesemester.

In the upcoming semester, they would focus entirely on revision, preparing themselves as best aspossible for their quest to secure spots at prestigious universities.

Class 8 was renowned as one of the top- performing classes in the school. Class 4 next door wasalways eager to surpass Class 8.

Recently, Class 8 had gained significant momentum and had become the target of jealousy for severalother classes.

The teachers from nearby classes couldn’t help but mention Class 8 frequently, causing anxiety andinsecurity among other students. Liana watched Catherine napping with her head on the desk and felta sense of triumph.

The first day of the final exams was just around the corner, and Liana couldn’t accept that after all herhard work, she was still lagging behind Catherine, who didn’t even seem to know where her bookswere kept.

Liana needed to outperform her academically, as she couldn’t yet challenge Catherine in any otherway.

For this reason, Liana was dedicating herself to her studies, avoiding any trouble with Catherine, whichwas a rare occurrence anyway.

David and his friends began to notice Liana’s unusual behavior. They realized that asking Bryan forinformation was pointless, so they turned to Ronin, who always had the inside scoop.

“Ronin, do you think something’s wrong with Liana? Why is she suddenly studying so hard and notcausing troubles?” they inquired.

After observing Liana’s actions over time, they had a fairly good idea of her character. Naturally, hershameless behavior alienated many people.

Now, they found her new dedication to her studies strange. Worried that she might be up to something,they decided to seek Ronin’s opinion.

Ronin glanced in Liana’s direction and noticed her newfound commitment to studying. He smirked andthought to himself, ” Seems like a miracle has occurred.”

Ronin’s quick mind allowed him to guess what Liana was up to. She was likely trying to win Catherine’sfavor through her academic achievements. However, it would be a rather futile attempt.

Who did Liana think she was? How ridiculous!

These simple study topics were something Catherine could ace without even thinking, let aloneteaching.

After understanding Liana’s motives, Ronin chose not to reveal them immediately. He turned to theothers and said, “Let her be. If she’s planning any mischief, she’ll have to deal with me.”

This reassurance put everyone’s mind at ease. With Ronin keeping an eye on her, they didn’t have toworry about Liana causing any trouble.

Meanwhile, to Catherine’s surprise, her upcoming final exams became a significant event within thesmall apartment. Audrey had requested two days off from Kim to come home and assist Catherine inher preparations.

She found Catherine engrossed in a mobile game and knew that, as the elder sister, she had to dosomething.

“Kathy, your exams start tomorrow, and you’re not studying?” Audrey inquired. Catherine had justfinished a game on her phone and looked at Audrey with a serious expression.

“Will my performance on these exams make a big difference?” she questioned. Audrey wasmomentarily taken aback. Were students nowadays this unconcerned about their grades?

After some thought, she offered a perfect response, once again adopting her elder-sister authority.

“It may not affect me, but it can significantly impact your future. You mustn’t give up on going to a gooduniversity, okay?”

Catherine furrowed her brows slightly, wondering if she had to go to university. She had attended highschool previously, driven by Audrey’s aspirations and a desire to experience high school life.

“I have to go to university?” Catherine questioned.

“Are you saying you don’t want to?” Audrey looked surprised. Without waiting for Catherine’s response,she began listing a hundred disadvantages of not attending university.

“Kathy, I support you in everything else, whether it’s your grades or anything else. But university issomething you must not give up on, understand?”

Catherine gazed at her earnestly and asked, “Do I have to?”

Audrey nodded without hesitation, “A life without a university education is incomplete. So yes, youmust.”

“A life without a university education is incomplete?”

Well, if she put it that way, she had never attended university. At the age of seven, she took theuniversity entrance exam, and shortly after that, her mentor sent her to the research lab. She barelyspent any time in a university setting.

Listening to Audrey’s comprehensive arguments, Catherine began to look forward to her university life.Audrey was deeply concerned that Catherine might not want to attend university and persisted in tryingto persuade her.

Catherine, feeling increasingly agitated, finally interrupted Audrey’s lengthy lecture, “Alright, I promiseyou. Is this enough?

“I’ll go to university, okay?”

Audrey, satisfied with Catherine’s commitment, relaxed her initially wrinkled face and beamed at hersister.

“Great, as long as you promise to excel in university!”

Audrey was worried that due to the excessive pressure from her constant reminders, Catherine wouldstop attending university altogether. Now, she was even hesitant to push her to study for the upcomingfinal exams.

Catherine, realizing Audrey’s intentions were pure, resumed playing her game.

Meanwhile, Audrey occupied herself by reading a script. She had not taken any acting gigs orparticipated in any TV shows for the past few days.

She had already successfully passed the first audition for “Cloudy World,” and the director seemedpleased with her performance. They had given her a new script for the next round of auditions.

To secure this rare opportunity for Audrey, Kim canceled all of her engagements to give her time tofocus on her preparations.

According to the information he’d gathered, she had a good chance of receiving the script for thesupporting character. This was her golden opportunity to break into the big screen, and she couldn’tafford to miss it.

The two sisters continued with their respective routines, not interfering with each other, creating apeaceful and harmonious atmosphere.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For AllBooks Updates…

The next morning, Catherine was jolted awake by Audrey’s alarm. She usually woke up naturally, buttoday, Audrey had shown an unusual interest in her studies, worried she might miss her final exams.So, she had set an alarm for her.

Catherine found this wake-up call rather infuriating. Dragged down by fatigue, Catherine was just aboutto leave her room when she collided with Audrey, who was rushing towards her with disheveled hair.

Fortunately, Catherine was not easily scared, and she remained calm, even though she frownedslightly as she took a step back.

“Good morning, Kathy. Go have a shower. I’ll prepare breakfast for you.”

Catherine initially thought she could decline, but before she could speak, Audrey had rushed off andentered the kitchen.

Audrey was a passionate person, and Catherine decided not to stop her. When Catherine emergedfrom the bathroom, a subtle aroma already filled the air around the dining table.

Soon, Audrey’s head peeked out from the kitchen, and she smiled warmly at her sister. “Kathy, yourbreakfast is on the table. If you’re in a hurry, go ahead and eat.”

Catherine Swann walked to the table and glanced at the spread. There were partly-made fries, milk,and two slightly overcooked sunny-side-up eggs.

Even the arrangement of the fries and eggs formed A+, revealing Audrey’s genuine effort and care.Catherine sat down and ate her breakfast in silence.

By the time Audrey came out of the kitchen, Catherine had finished her meal.

“You already finished everything? I’ll get your backpack. Do you want me to take you to school?”

“No need,” Catherine replied directly.

When Catherine opened the door, she saw her neighbor from across the hall, Branden, waiting outsideto give her a ride to university. Audrey noticed this and decided not to insist.novelbin

She waved in Catherine’s direction, her face beaming with a smile, making a supportive gesture.

“Kathy, good luck with your exams!”

Catherine watched the innocent and cute expression on Audrey’s face, pursed her lips, and steppedinto the elevator.

As she did, the smile on Audrey’s face slowly faded. When she was a student, she had always enviedher classmates, who received support and encouragement from their parents. She also wished for that,but being part of the Swanns meant she was denied this opportunity.

Now, she wanted to provide Catherine with all the love and support she never received herself so thatCatherine could feel the warmth of a family.

She wanted everyone, including Catherine herself, to know that she was the one who was loved.

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