All Her Secrets

Chapter 380
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Chapter 380

Chapter 380 Old Apprentice

After she finished the call with Branden, Catherine’s nap came to an end. After taking the cushion fromSeven’s hand and placing it on the nearby chair, she ordered, “Go back and recharge!”

Seven nodded its silly big head toward Catherine.

“Thank you, Boss. I will now go back and have my meal!”

Catherine stared at the silly backside of Seven and got lost in thought inexplicably.

“What was I thinking? Why did I code such a silly program?” thought she. She stood up and stretchedlazily when the doorbell echoed through the room suddenly.

She opened the door with her phone. Then, an older man with gray hair walked in from outside the fenceand came before her.

The older man respectfully looked at Catherine with a genial smile and softly spoke. “Mrs. Swann, it’stime to eat!”

Catherine nodded and walked into the room. The older man carried a food box as he followed behindCatherine.

His name was Randolph Dunn. He was a specialist in wheat technology research and was commonlyaddressed as Dr. Dunn by the public.

Unlike other doctors who spent all year in the laboratory, Randolph spent all year shuttling betweenfields, dressing in a simple farmer costume of a white undershirt every day.

If one did not know his background, it was indeed difficult to associate him with those top scientists.Although he had gray hair, he was not that old and was only in his early sixties.

Inside the house, the furnishings were plain and simple. In the empty hall, there was only one table.Randolph was putting all the food from the lunch box on the table and arranging it nicely.

“Mrs. Swann, you can eat now.”

Upon hearing this, Catherine walked to the dining table and sat down. Randolph also followed suit, sittingdown. It was rare to have the opportunity to have a meal with his teacher, and he couldn’t be happier.

“Mrs. Swann, this fish is a new breed that we have developed in our pond. It is delicious and only hasone bone in its entire body, so it is hassle-free to eat. Please give it a try!”

Their own laboratory developed the ingredients of the three dishes and one soup. They were many timesmore delicious than those outside food products.

The chili pepper in the salad was a new variety carefully cultivated by Catherine. It was spicy andfragrant, very appetizing. Many people had begged him for some peppers, but he refused all.

After all, these were all the hard work of his teacher. He couldn’t bring himself to eat them, so how couldhe bear to give them away?

Catherine didn’t start eating immediately. Her gaze landed on Randolph nonchalantly as she casuallysaid, “Dr. Dunn, as I mentioned before, you can call me Catherine. There’s no need to address me asMrs. Swann.”

The old man chuckled foolishly and said, “I know. You did say that, but I feel more comfortable callingyou Mrs. Swann. Let’s eat. The dishes are getting cold!”

Catherine’s talent in her field of expertise was beyond compare, and she had learned from the top leaderin the industry. It was just that the old master had passed away, and Catherine was his only student.novelbin

“Over the years, Catherine had shared her knowledge with me without reservation. I respectfully calledher Mrs. Swann, which was only reasonable.

“This is my showing of respect toward her, which will never change!” thought Randolph. Catherine sawthat Randolph couldn’t be persuaded and decided not to dwell on it further.

“Call me whatever you like. It’s just a form of addressing, after all,” said she inwardly. Seeing thatCatherine didn’t eat much, Dr. Dunn frowned slightly. “Mrs. Swann, do these dishes not suit your tastetoday?”

These dishes were specially prepared by the chefs here. As Catherine had a special status, Dr. Dunnbrought them specifically for her to eat alone.

It was not exactly that the dishes didn’t suit Catherine’s taste, but that Catherine had been eating thefood made by Branden lately.

Branden felt that overeating spicy food was not good for her stomach, so he gradually reduced theamount of chili used each time. Over time, Catherine became accustomed to it.

Dr. Dunn was arranging meals for her according to her previous preferences, making her somewhatunaccustomed to them.

“No, it’s fine. I am already full. Please continue!” said Catherine. Randolph was somewhat traditional,with a particular insistence and stubbornness toward specific ideas. As Catherine put down her fork,Randolph followed suit and put down his fork as well.

“Mrs. Swann, how did you feel about inspecting the wheat fields today?”

“Seven!” Catherine shouted in the direction behind her. Seven immediately responded, “Boss, I’m here.What do you want me to do?”

Catherine gave it an order. “Go to the second floor and fetch the report!”

A few minutes later, Seven brought the report that Catherine had requested and cleverly placed it in frontof Randolph.

Randolph had a strong fondness for the robot invented by Catherine. When he was frustrated withunsuccessful research, he would chat with Seven.

This robot surpassed those disappointing gadgets on the market by a great margin, not to mention howmuch more sophisticated it was.

“Thank you, Seven!” He reached out and gently patted the little black dot on Seven’s head. This was therobot’s sensing area, capable of receiving specific messages.

Two flushes appeared on Seven’s face, and it sweetly said to Dr. Dunn, “You’re welcome. Dr. Dunn!”

Randolph always felt that Catherine managed to bring to life the missing aspect within her body whencreating Seven. The adorable robot was like a charming little girl that everyone loved, attracting attentionfrom all around.

“Dr. Dunn, check out this data analysis report I did on the sampling today. Maybe it’ll be helpful!”

Randolph flipped through the information Seven gave him earlier. The more he looked at it, the moreexcited he got.

It was often said that those closely involved often became bewildered, as they were often blindsided bysuperficial phenomena during their research.

However, Catherine was different. She always managed to hit the nail on the head and pinpoint thecritical issues, identifying any overlooked points.

Seeing these data, Randolph was particularly excited and wished he could immediately turn around anddive into the laboratory to study the data thoroughly before proceeding with the experiment.

However, he still had something to report to Catherine.

“Mrs. Swann, there is news from the higher official that people of Asmein are looking for Dr. Seven, andthey want me to get in touch with Dr. Seven as soon as possible and turn it over!”

Randolph did not inform the organization above about the news of Catherine’s return to the experimentalbase. Catherine had never liked dealing with those people.

“Mrs. Swann was fully committed to the research at the base. I naturally needed to maintain her integrityso that mundane matters did not disturb her,” thought Randolph.

“Asmein?” wondered Catherine.

She heard some news recently that some Asmein spies had been particularly active lately, but she neverexpected that they were coming toward the experimental base.

“Everyone says that Asmein’s spies were world-renowned. Well, I’d like to see how good these spiesare!” said she inwardly. Catherine rejected Randolph’s proposal because she did not want to bedisturbed.

“No need to say more. Just go ahead and deal with it.”

Randolph had always been supportive of Catherine’s proposal.

“Okay, Mrs. Swann. You can rest assured. I will take care of these things!

“May I ask how many days you plan to stay here, Mrs. Swann?”

Catherine pondered for a moment before answering.

“I have to return in three days because the SAT is coming up soon!”

Upon hearing Catherine’s response, Randolph was so surprised that his mouth parted wide.

He heard from that mischievous Ronin that Catherine went to study at a private school. He initiallythought that Catherine just had a task and had to disguise herself for a few days.

“I can’t believe Mrs. Swann still has to take the SAT. What is she up to?” wondered Randolph.

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