All Her Secrets

Chapter 353
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Chapter 353

Chapter 353 Revealing the Chief ‘s Beauty

Hearing the strange sound from Rodge Milton, Scott Theo, who was next to him, approached curiously.

“Rodge, what’s wrong?” Scott asked. Rodge couldn’t speak and kept his head down. Suddenly, a coldvoice came from above his head.

“Why? Is my appearance frightening?” asked Catherine. Catherine squinted her eyes as she assessedRodge. She knew that Rodge was surprised because he had seen her face just now.

She had come to the lab today and had no intention of hiding her face. If someone saw her, so be it. Itwas not a big deal. However, Rodge’s reaction seemed a bit exaggerated.

Rodge scratched his head in embarrassment and said, “No, no, Chief, your appearance isn’t frighteningat all! I didn’t expect…”

Scott, who was standing on the side, was getting anxious. “Come on, Rodge, what didn’t you expect?Can you please finish your sentence at once? You’re making me nervous!” said Scott.

“I didn’t expect you to be so beautiful!” Rodge finally managed to say. “Some more, I’ve heard rumorsthat anyone who sees your face won’t live to see the next day. So, I was scared!”

Catherine silently rolled her eyes at the ceiling. How could her lab have such adorable people?

It was nothing more than a baseless superstition as for the rumor that anyone who saw her face woulddie before the next day.

“Do lessen your fanciful notion in the future!” she spoke with clear disdain. Rodge knew he was beinglooked down upon, but he didn’t mind or feel embarrassed.

Although it might be a novelty, there was some truth to it. After all, no one had seen the chief’s face, andnobody knew what she looked like.

Thus, in a way, the rumors had some foundation. People who had seen the true face of the chief weresilenced, which was why nobody had seen her. So, Rodge’s misunderstanding was somewhatunderstandable.

Arbotte Laboratory originally had only three members, with the most important one being the currentchief, Catherine. The other two were geniuses in the fields of physics and biology. Later, these twobecame the leaders of their respective teams within the lab, guiding a group of talented individuals tocontinue their research and expand the laboratory’s influence.

Rodge and Scott were newcomers. They had only seen their respective team leaders but not Catherine.

Scott was very curious and constantly trying to get a better look at Catherine’s face. Rodge already knewwhat the chief looked like, but he was curious as well.

Driven by curiosity, Scott finally mustered the courage to speak up.” Chief, would you mind taking offyour hat? The lighting in here isn’t good for you to read the reports.”

Catherine didn’t hesitate and removed her hat. Her long and jet-black hair cascaded gracefully, revealingher stunning face to the two of them.

Scott was left in awe. He finally understood why Rodge had been so surprised.

“Boss, you’re so beautiful!” Scott swallowed hard and couldn’t take his admiring eyes off her. Then hesaid, somewhat dumbfounded, “Boss, you must be no ordinary person, right? You’re as beautiful as afairy and as powerful as a deity. You must be a goddess!”

That was the only explanation he could come up with. Rodge, on the other hand, couldn’t help butcomment sarcastically, “Brat, are you really the youngest science champion in Halleywick Province?

You’re not pulling our legs, are you?”novelbin

Halleywick was known for its highly competitive SAT scores, and the top science champion was a highlysought- after candidate by major universities. They were the cream of the crop among geniuses.

Scott confidently responded as he faced with Rodge’s question, “Absolutely not!

Seeing that Scott didn’t catch his sarcasm, Rodge didn’t bother arguing further. Meanwhile, Catherinehad already watched all the demonstration videos of the experiments and provided her analysis.

“Rodge, suspend the second phase of the experiment. There’s a problem with this phase,” saidCatherine. Rodge widened his eyes and found it hard to believe her response. “Chief, are you sure?”asked Rodge.

As soon as he questioned her, Rodge realized his mistake and quickly apologized, “Chief, I’m sorry. Ishouldn’t have questioned you.”

The chief was indeed highly capable. Their previous experiments had been successful and had shockedthe world. However, Rodge still couldn’t understand what the problem was with their current experiment.

Their experiment this time involved the latest stealth fighter jet, which was not only compact but also hada massive payload capacity. Although it was still in the first testing phase, once it was introduced, itwould become the latest and most formidable weapon. It would even be capable of evading radar andsatellite monitoring and thereby shaking the world.

In the first phase of the experiment, their team had conducted numerous trials, and they hadn’t identifiedany issues.

They had reported their progress to the team leader and intended to proceed with the second phase ofthe experiment. Unexpectedly, the chief had ordered them to halt it.

Catherine knew their concerns. She got up, walked over to the lab bench, and reenacted the experimentusing 3D reconstruction technology.

“You see these values here. Although the errors seem negligible, they could lead to fatal consequences ifthey accumulate,” said Catherine.

Her casual remark was like a frag exploding in the hearts of Rodge and Scott. Their prideful experimenthad a potentially deadly flaw, and they were fortunate that their chief had spotted it in time.

Otherwise, the consequences could have been disastrous. Scott quickly grasped the issue andapplauded. “You truly deserve to be our chief! You’re amazing. We’ve been researching for so long anddidn’t notice such a critical mistake!”

Rodge’s admiration for Catherine went from astonishment to deep respect. This physics prodigy, whowas highly regarded in the scientific community, now held her in the highest regard.

“Thank you for your guidance, Chief. I’ll gather the team to make the necessary corrections.”

They weren’t afraid of making mistakes. What they feared was not having the ability to detect thosemistakes. Catherine had that ability, and her one glance had revealed the problem.

“Chief, the last batch of experimental weapons is ready to be deployed. Several countries haveapproached us for negotiations, with Alton offering the highest price.”

Alton was known as a leading power weapon, and entrusting the equipment to them might lead to thebest outcome. Catherine didn’t give a straightforward answer, and instead, she casually asked, “Whatabout Zerwick?”

Rodge replied, “Zerwick has also negotiated with us, but their offer is slightly lower than Alton’s.”

“Give it to Zerwick,” replied Catherine.

Catherine’s casual remark changed the landscape of cutting-edge weaponry. With business mattersconcluded, Rodge shifted his focus to Catherine’s arrangements and asked, “Chief, you’ll be staying inOceanvile for a few more days. Do you need us to arrange accommodations for you?”

Catherine replied, “I’ll be here for a few more days. If there are any issues with the experiments, contactme immediately.”

Rodge, usually composed and impassive, was now as happy as a lark. He hadn’t expected such a greatopportunity and was determined to make the most of these few days to learn from the chief.

Scott, on the other hand, was more interested in the possibility of meeting Catherine. “Chief, can I comevisit you when you have free time?” asked Scott.

Being younger and exceptionally intelligent, he had followed a different path from others, and histhoughts were refreshingly innocent and straightforward.

Catherine nodded slightly and left the room gracefully.

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